期租合同下批注提单是否是默示义务—评The “Arctic Trader”案



  …and Charterers are to load,stow, and trim the cargo at their expense under the supervision of the Captain…



  …and the Charterers shall perform all cargo handling,including but not limited to loading, stowing, trimming, lashing, securing,dunnaging, unlasing, discharging, and tallying, at their risk and expense, underthe supervision of the Master…




  接下来就来看看期租合同下涉及提单批注的上诉法院案件,The “Arctic Trader” [1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.449案。


  在该案中,Trade Star Line Corporation(以下简称“Star Line”)以NYPE格式将Arctic Trader轮期租给Mitsui &Co.Ltd(以下简称“Mitsui”).;Mitsui &Co.Ltd.以NYPE格式将该轮转租给J. Lauritzen A/S。J.Lauritzen A/S(以下简称“Lauritzen”)又将该轮以NYPE格式转租给Columbia Ship Management Ltd;Columbia Ship Management Ltd(以下简称“Columbia”)随后以GENCON格式与Peter Scheider G.m.b.H(以下简称“Scheider”)签订了一份从埃及的Alexandria港装载粗盐到尼日利亚的Lagos港卸的航次任务。


  8. . .The Captain. . .shall be under theorders and directions of the Charterers as regards employment and agency; andCharterers are to load trim and discharge the cargo at their expense under thesupervision and responsibility of the Captain, who is to sign Bills of Ladingfor cargo as presented in conformity with Mate's. . .receipts . . .

  46. The Charterers or their agents areauthorized whenever required to sign Bills of Lading on Master's behalf in accordancewith Mate's Receipt. But Charterers to accept all consequences that mightresult from Charterers and/or their agents signing Bills of Lading not adheringto the remarks in Mate's. . .receipt.


  在装港,Scheider委任Amon Shiping Agency(以下简称“Amon”)为他们的代理,该轮的船长于是授权Amon依据大副收据签发提单。



  Mitsui认为卸货延误,被港口当局扣押是由于船长授权代理签发了清洁提单所导致的,因此其索赔损害赔偿的理由是:(1)船长违反了期租合同的默示条款,当时他没有按照他应该做的那样对大副收据作出批注,并且(2)对受污染货物签发清洁提单的问题导致卸货港出现困难和延误;这扰乱了期租承租人已为船舶指定的运营计划,并因此遭受了损失。Star Line否认有此义务。当事人之间的争议被提交仲裁。





  I have been referred to a number of the well-known cases on implied terms which it is not necessaryfor me to refer to in this judgment. The arbitrator implied the term as amatter of law and to give the contract business efficacy. There is apresumption against implying terms, particularly as here where the parties haveentered into a carefully-drawn written contract containing the detailed termsagreed between them. The test is always one of necessity; in the case of a termimplied by law because the nature of the contract requires it; in the case of business efficacy because without it the contract will not work.







  Next, the relationship between a charter-party and bills of lading which may be issued in respect of goods shipped under it. The bill of lading contract is made between the shipper and the carrier, usually the shipowner but sometimes the charterer, if that intention is clear from the terms of the bill. It records the fact of shipment and it evidences the terms on which the goods are carried. As acontract, it may bind not only the shipowner (or, if a charterer's bill, the charterer or carrier) and the shipper, but the consignee and other third parties to whom it may be endorsed in accordance with commercial practice. Itfollows from this that when goods are shipped on a chartered vessel by a personwho is not the charterer, and a bill of lading is issued to the shipper, thenthat is a separate contract from the charter-party itself. Subject to whatever terms may be agreed in the particular case, the charter-party is and remains the only contract between the shipowner and the charterer. When the charterer himself is the shipper, the bill of lading operates among other things as a negotiable receipt but not usually as a separate contract, although if the charterers indorse the bill to a third party then it duly takes effect as acontract between the shipowner and the indorsee.




  Inevitably, there may be room for debate as to whether the goods shipped are in "apparent good order and condition", or not.This will depend primarily upon the nature of the goods and the way in whichthey are described, and questions involving some degree of expertise may arise. It is common ground in the present case that the master or chief officer must exercise the judgment of a responsible and reasonable ship's officer, but beyond this no expertise isrequired of him; and we would accept this as correct. The arbitrator found as already noted that the master ought to have claused the mate'sreceipt; in other words, he failed to record what was the actual appearance of the goods, or that they could not properly be described as being in apparent good order and condition for goods of that description.


  It is also accepted that the master or chief officer,when he is asked for signed mate's receipts, is under a duty to his employer,the shipowner, to record the apparent condition accurately, so that if he failsto do so he is in breach of that term of his employment. Similarly, since themate's receipt will or may be used as the basis for the bill of lading, whichwill give rise to a separate contract in the hands of third parties, he mayperhaps also owe a similar duty to those third parties. It is established lawthat any representation which is made in the bill of lading can give rise toclaims in tort as well as under the bill of lading by third parties, and so inthis sense also it may be said that he is under an actual or potential duty(depending on whether the mate's receipt is the basis on which the bill oflading is issued, as it usually is) not to make an inaccurate statement in it.


  Unlike bills of lading, which achieve a contractual life of their own, the mate's receipt has effect only in relation to the charter-party and the shipowner's liabilities as bailee of goods in factreceived on board.

  Its function under a time charter-party such as theNYPE form, apart from being a non-negotiable receipt for the goods, is todelimit the authority which the master (cl. 8) or the charterers and theiragents (cl. 46) have to issue bills of lading on behalf of the vessel. Although the master is authorized to sign bills "as presented", and the charterer may be authorized to sign on behalf of the master, in both cases thebills must be in accordance with the mate's (or tally clerks', who are independent third parties) receipts.


  The duty owed to shippers under art. III, r. 3(3) of the Hague Rules is to issue, on demand, a bill of lading which states "(c)the apparent order and condition of the goods". This requires an accuratestatement of fact. (We would reject Mr. Hamblen's somewhat extreme submissionthat the duty can be discharged by making any such statements, whether accurateor not.) It is moreover, in our judgment, an unqualified or"absolute" contractual undertaking, not merely one which the shipowner, or the master, must take reasonable care to perform. However, sincemaking an accurate statement as to the apparent order and condition of goodsmay involve some degree of skill and expertise, though it does not necessarilydo so, then in such cases the distinction between a duty to exercise reasonableskills and care in making an accurate statement, on the one hand, and a contractual duty to base the statement on the exercise of reasonable skill andcare, is of no practical relevance. But one should not, in our judgment, losesight of the fact that the duty is to make an accurate statement in the circumstances of the case.

  Evans勋爵认为如果定期承租人本身就是托运人,那么承租人建议的那种默示条款会对船长施加责任,告诉承租人/托运人他已经知道的东西,即他所装船的货物的表面状况。Evans勋爵认为接受承租人代表律师Goldstone先生的意见,即定期承租人比程租承租人更不可能为自己的账户运送货物。当对另一个出租人或一条线路的运营商有长期租约时,很可能会发生这种情况。因此,承租人代表律师Goldstone提出,默示条款的存在或其他方面应取决于这种不太可能的可能性,而应取决于实际情况,或许总是如此。他承认,在承租人也是托运人的不寻常情况下,承租人的索赔借助Mustill勋爵所谓的“因果关系无可辩驳的论证”([1988] 1 Lloyd's Rep在第421页)可能会得到满足。也就是说,承租人自己对自己货物的表明状况的陈述的正确性或其他方面的了解是造成任何错报的后果的近因。


  It is clear, in our judgment, that when the time charterer instructs the master, pursuant to the employment provisions of cl. 8,to receive certain cargo on board, and the cargo is loaded at the charterer'sexpense, although under the supervision and maybe at the risk of the shipowner,then the cargo is loaded by or on behalf of the charterer for the purposes ofthe charter-party, and a third party shipper should be regarded as the charterer's agent accordingly.

  Evans勋爵认为由此可见,承租人是否也是托运人,默示一条款也有同样的反对意见,即船长或大副将告知承租人他已经知道或被认为知道的内容。Evans勋爵认为在某些情况下,定期承租人可以正确地断言出租人通过船长或大副有义务签发大副收据,并根据提出的要求准确地签署。例如,假设装载的货物处于表面状况良好,并且船长或其代理人经船长授权代表他们签署提单。他们这样做的权力受到大副收据的限制(参见第46条),并且有很好的商业理由可以解释为什么这些提到应该在装运后立即签署和签发。如果船长拒绝签署大副收据,或者在合理的时间之后错误地坚持要求,如必要可参(The Boukadora,[1989] 1Lloyd's Rep.393案)的判决,或在此之前不合理地推迟那么很可能有人认为,出租人因此违反了租船合同的默示条款,并对承租人承担任何后续损失的责任。但这不是现在的情况,Evans勋爵认为,在本案的情况下,这种论点是否能够成功,是否有必要表达任何最终观点。事实上,现在的情况恰恰相反:货物受到污染,当他不应该这样做时,船长被“说服”(仲裁员的话)签署清洁大副收据。

  There might be circumstances where the time-chartercould properly assert that the shipowners, through the master or chief officer,were under a duty to sign and issue a mate's receipt and to do so accurately,on a request being made. Suppose, for example, that the cargo loaded was in apparentgood order and condition, and the charterers or their agents were authorised bythe master to sign bills of lading on his behalf. Their authority to do so islimited by reference to the mate's receipt (cf. cl. 46) and there are goodcommercial reasons why the bills should be signed and issued promptly aftershipment. If the master refused to sign a mate's receipt, or wrongly insistedon clausing it after having a reasonable time, if necessary, to take advice(cf. The Boukadora, [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 393), or delayed unreasonably beforedoing so, then it could well be argued that the shipowners were thereby inbreach of an implied term of the charter-party and liable to the charterers forany consequent loss. But that is not the present case, and it is not necessary,in our view, to express any final view as to whether this argument, in suchcircumstances, would succeed. The present case, in fact, is the converse: thecargo was contaminated, and the master was "persuaded" (thearbitrator's word) to sign clean mate's receipts when he ought not to have doneso.


  If there is such an implied term, it must be to the effect that, if requested to do so and if necessary to enable the charterers ortheir agents to issue bills of lading on behalf of the ship, the master orchief officer will sign mate's receipts which state the apparent order and conditions of the goods received on board. If they were in apparent good orderand condition, then it will be irrelevant whether the receipt contains that express statement, or not. If they were not, then if the receipt is silent itmay become necessary to consider whether there is an implied statement to that effect. That question does not arise here, because it is found that the master should have claused the receipts and wrongly failed to do so.


  It is apparent from the arbitrator's findings that such a term, even if it could be implied, is not relevant in the circumstancesof the present case. We say this for two reasons. First, far from requestingthe master to sign and issue receipts which contained an accurate statement ofthe apparent order and condition of the goods, the shippers or perhaps thecharterers' agent "persuaded" him to issue receipts which containedan inaccurate statement. We do not see how the master's willingness to make a false and unauthorized statement could constitute a breach of duty to make anaccurate statement, if requested to do so. Secondly, even though as the arbitrator found the agents issued clean bills of lading in the expectation that the master, as he did, would issue clean mate's receipts, the charterers knew, either themselves or by their agents, including the shippers, that thebills of lading ought to have been claused. In other words, the charterers'losses flowed from the issue of clean bills, which ought to have been claused,and for the purposes of the charter-party that was the responsibility of the charterers themselves.


  最后,Evans勋爵认为应该参考两个权威判例,即The “Almak”案和The“Nogar Marin”案,它们在论证中被广泛引用。在The “Almak”案中,船长不小心签署了一份提呈的提单,该提单是在一个错误的日期的航次租船合同下签署的,它由独立的托运人提呈(见第561页)。承租人声称因违反租船合同当事人的默示条款而遭到损害赔偿,据称船长的粗心大意已被破坏,但有人认为没有任何此类条款可以默示。Mustill法官除其他外还特别指出(1)船长对其雇主,船东以及可能对第三方的责任不相关;(2)该条款的目的是保护承租人免受其自身错误的后果,如果他们自己是托运人,则不应默示;(3)如果托运人是独立的当事人,他们就不能处于更好的地位;(4)即使出租人有责任,他们也有权从承租人那里追偿相应的赔偿金。因此承租人的索赔不成立,承租人应自行承担损失(第561页判决)。The“Nogar Marin”案也是涉及了一个程租合同。当它们应该被批注时,由船舶(非承租人)的代理人签发了清洁提单。该承租人运送自己的货物。船长签发了清洁大副收据,这些收据应该被批注。当船舶被收货人扣押时,出租人遭受了损失,这些收货人被清洁提单误导了货物的表明状况,出租人向承租人索赔损失或赔偿,声称承租人违反了提呈船长签署的清洁收据或提单所产生的默示条款。Mustill勋爵关于大副收据程序的说明见报告第420-421页,强调这是一份简单的收据,没有合同效力,出租人的索赔不成立。

  如上所述,Evans勋爵认为这两个案子都涉及与本案不同的问题。判决涉及违约和因果关系以及默示赔偿的问题。Evans勋爵认为这个案子的判决都没有任何内容与上面所述的结论不一致,除非可能是The “Nogar Marin”案中的以下段落:

  [The mate's receipt] is not part of the mechanism established by the charterparty, which does notstipulate that it is to be signed "as presented" or indeed at all (p.420).



  在本案中,Evans勋爵关于发货人可被视为是承租人的代理人的观点,Sumption勋爵在NYK Bulkship (Atlantic) NV v Cargill International SA[2016] UKSC 20 (11 May 2016)案中也提到如下。

  In Trade Star Lines Corp v Mitsui & Co Ltd(The Arctic Trader )[1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 449, the legal status of the shipper was considered in the context of an argument about the implication of terms. The details of the argument do not matter. Evans LJ, delivering the judgment of the court, observed at p 459:

  “It is clear, in our judgment, that when the time charterer instructs the master,pursuant to the employment provisions of clause 8, to receive certain cargo onboard, and the cargo is loaded at the charterer’s expense, although under thesupervision and maybe at the risk of the shipowner, then the cargo is loaded by or on behalf of the charterer for the purposes of the charter-party, and a third party shipper should be regarded as the charterer’s agent accordingly.”

  依据The “Arctic Trader” 案的判决的权威,可以看出在期租合同下,出租人或船长并没有默示的义务在大副收据中对于表面不良好的货物必须批注。在期租合同下,发货人可被视为是承租人的代理人,承租人有装卸货物的责任,其知道或应当知道货物的真实情况,如果承租人不拒绝而是提呈了清洁的大副收据或提单交由船长签署,由此所带来的后果承租人无权要求出租人赔偿。

  出租人只在提单合同下,对无辜的第三方收货人才有责任义务去批注表面不良好的货物。如The “Goodpal”[2000] 1 Lloyd’sRep.638案,Colman法官认为收货人不能被视为是承租人的代理人。在任何情况下,即不是承租人也不是任何第三方的行为他们该负责的,给予任何指示,许可的或不被许可的,造成出租人在第二个港需对提单持有人负责。这是而且仅仅是出租人自己的决定,同意第一个卸港收货人的要求从而导致了在第二个卸港发生短货;被第二个卸港的收货人索赔是由出租人他们自己的行为,疏忽或过失造成的,因此该出租人自己承担责任。

  在航运实务中,提单的签发是重要的一环,然而提单签发涉及到很多风险和责任问题。承租人或其代理人所提呈(as presented)的提单,是否应该签发?如果租船合同条款中明确要求船长应该拒绝会影响签发大副收据或提单的货物,但又约定船长可以在大副收据或提单上作批注,此时如果货物有问题,船长是否可以拒绝?这种情况出现在The “Sea Success”[2005] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.692案中,但Aikens法官认为船长应该选择在大副收据或提单上作批注而不是选择拒绝货物。情况和The “David Agmashenebeli”[2003] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.92案情况类似,在该案中,Colman法官认为虽然船长有权利对少部分影响清洁提单的货物作批注,但是无权对所有货物都作批注,船长的过激行为构成违约。

  鉴于船长坚持在大副收据或提单上作批注可能存在的问题,笔者建议,在期租合同下,船长最好是听从承租人的指示,是否需要作批注及如何作批注,批注什么内容,都去寻求承租人的书面确认。而一旦在承租人的要求之下,签发了清洁的大副收据或提单,结果导致在卸港被收货人索赔,那么依据Sumption勋爵在The “Kos”案中的解释,依赖NYPE格式第8条的默示索赔权,出租人将可以找承租人追偿损害赔偿。


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  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)