






  挪威的公司Henriksens Rederi A/S(以下简称“船东”)在1964年1月将Brede轮(以下简称“该轮”)租给波兰的公司T.H.Z.Rolimpex(以下简称“租家”),合同以金康格式,执行一个从缅甸的仰光运送大米到波兰的格丁尼亚航次,运费为每长吨110美元。








  The freightto be paid in transferable Pounds Sterling in London to Hambros Bank Ltd.,London, for account of Henriksens Rederi A/S, Oslo, as follows:- 80% within 7days of signing BS/L non-returnable ship and/or cargo lost or not lost and the balance within 17 days of right and true delivery.


  Any disputearising under this charter party or out of any Bills of Lading issued underthis charter party shall be referred to arbitration in London.


  The Owners' liability under this charter party shall be governed by the terms of the HagueRules contained in the International Convention for the unification of certainrules relating to Bills of Lading, dated Brussels, 25th August, 1924.


  .. . In any event the carrier and the ship shall be discharged from allliability in respect of loss or damage unless suit is brought within one yearafter delivery of the goods or the date when the goods should have beendelivered.







  So far asthe running of time is concerned, arbitrations are subject to similar rules asactions at law: but with this necessary modification. An action is deemed to be commenced at the time when the writ is issued. An arbitration is deemed to be commenced when one party serves on the other a notice to appoint an arbitrator, see sect.27 of the Limitation Act, 1939.


  In point of principle, when applying the law of limitation, a distinction must be drawn between a matter which is in the nature of a defence and one which is in the nature of a cross-claim. When a defendant is sued, he can raise any matterwhich is properly in the nature of a defence, without fear of being met by aperiod of limitation. No defence, properly so called, is subject to a time bar.But the defendant cannot raise a matter which is properly the subject of across-claim, except within the period of limitation allowed for such a claim. Across-claim may be made in a separate action, or it may be made by way of set-off or counterclaim. But on principle it is always subject to a time bar.The period allowable to the defendant depends on the steps which he takes toenforce his cross-claim. If he brings it by a separate action or arbitration,he must start his proceedings within the prescribed time or else he will bebarred. If he raises it as a "claim" by way of set-off orcounterclaim the law is governed by sect. 28 of the Limitation Act, 1937, whichsays:

  For the purposes of this Act, any claim by way of set-off or counterclaim shall bedeemed to be a separate action and to have been commenced on the same date asthe action in which the set-off or counterclaim is pleaded.


  The word "set-off" is not defined in this sect. 28: but I think it is used to denote a legal set-off and not an equitable set-off. That is, a legal set-off as permitted by the statutes of set-off. These apply only "when the claims on both sides are liquidated debts or money demands which can be ascertained with certainty at the time of pleading", see Bullen and Leake, 3rd ed. p. 679. Thesecross-claims must arise out of separate transactions. It is so stated in Halsbury 3rd ed., vol. 34 at p. 396. It there says that the right of set-offis:

  . . . the right to plead a debt due from the plaintiff, arising from a separate transaction, in reduction or extinction of the plaintiff's claim . .

  Denning勋爵认为需注意编辑们在这里强调的是单独的交易。如果没有单独的交易,但只有同一交易产生的反对主张,那么不会出现所谓的抵消问题。编辑们在同一页面的注释中说:当反对的主张被连接时,通过在同一交易中产生的尾款一直被普通法视为债务,因此不会出现抵消问题。对于这个观点,他们引用Mansfield勋爵在Green v. Farmer, (1768)案中所说:如果就业,交易或交易的性质必然构成一个由收支,债务和信用组成的账户:肯定只有尾款可以是债务。

  Note the emphasis which the editors put on there being separate transactions. If thereis no separate transaction, but only opposing demands arising out of the sametransaction, then no question of set-off, properly so-called, arises. The editors say in a note on the same page:

  When opposing demands are connected, by originating in the same transaction the balance has always been regarded by the common law as the debt, so that noquestion of set-off arises . . .

  For this proposition they cite Lord Mansfield in Green v. Farmer, (1768) 4 Burr. 2214,when he said (at p. 2221):

  Where the nature of the employment, transaction or dealings, necessarily constitutes an account consisting of receipts and payments, debts and credits: it is certainthat only the balance can be the debt.


  Denning勋爵认为如果原告欠被告单独交易产生的债务,被告可以通过抵消方式提出。如果在原告发布他的诉讼令状的日期受到时效限制,那么时效限制仍然存在。但是,如果在原告发出令状时没有时效限制,被告可以提出反对原告主张的请求,而不受任何干预时效的影响。这是在Walkerv. Clements, (1850) 25 Q.B. 1046案,其赋予了第28节法定效力。在这种情况下,正如每一次法定抵销一样,债务是由单独的交易产生的。

  Where the plaintiff owes the defendant a debt arising from a separate transaction, the defendant can raise it by way of set-off. If it is time barred at the date when the plaintiff issues his writ, it is time barred still. But if it is not time barred at the time when the plaintiff issues his writ, the defendant can raise it in opposition to the plaintiff's claim without being affected by any intervening running of time. That was decided in Walker v. Clements, (1850) 25 Q.B. 1046 which is given statutory effect by sect. 28. In that case, as in every legal set-off,the debts arose out of separate transactions.

  Denning勋爵认为如果被告对另外一笔交易产生了损害赔偿的交叉诉讼,他可以另行采取诉讼:在这种情况下,他受到普通的时效限制。或者,他可以通过反诉方式提出。在1939年之前,如果他被禁止单独诉讼,他就被禁止反诉:因为反诉只是在交付之时起,见Love v.Bentley, [1938] 44 T.L.R. 388案。但是,按照第28节,一项单独交易产生的反诉与抵消处于同一地位。如果在原告发布他的诉讼令状时没有时效限制,被告可以提出反对原告的主张而不受任何时效间隔的影响。

  Where the defendant has a cross-claim fordamages arising from a separate transaction, he can either bring a separateaction for it: in which case he is subject to the ordinary time bar.Alternatively, he can raise it by way of counterclaim. Before 1939, if he wastime barred for a separate action, he was time barred for a counterclaim:because the counterclaim only dated from the time of its delivery, see Love v.Bentley, [1938] 44 T.L.R. 388. But by sect. 28 a counterclaim, which arises out of a separatetransaction, is on the same footing as a set-off. If it is not time barred atthe time when the plaintiff issues his writ, the defendant can raise it inopposition to the plaintiff's claim without being affected by any intervening running of time.

  Denning勋爵认为所有这些都是在单独交易中产生抵销或反诉的时候。当它不是从单独的交易中产生的,而是从同一笔交易中产生的时候,那么它就不在第28节范围之内。正如他将很快表明的那样,为了减少或者消除这个主张,可以提出,作为辩护的问题,无论是合法的还是公平的,而且作为防御问题,它不受时效限制。这就是美国的法律,其中将由同一交易产生的交叉诉讼描述为赔偿权。最高法院认为,“赔偿是由于原告起诉的交易的某些特征引起的抗辩性质,这种抗辩不受限制时效的限制,只要主要诉讼本身是及时的”,见Bull v. United States, [1935] U.S. 247案。

  All this is when the set-off or counterclaim arises out of a separate transaction. When itdoes not arise out of a separate transaction, but out of the same transaction,then it is not within sect. 28 at all. It can be raised, as I will soon show,as matter of defence, either legal or equitable, so as to reduce or extinguish the claim: and, being matter of defence, it is not subject to a time bar. Suchis the law in theUnited States, where a cross-claim arising out ofthe same transaction is described as a right of recoupment. It has been held bythe Supreme Court that "recoupment is in the nature of a defence arisingout of some feature of the transaction upon which the plaintiff's action isfounded. Such a defence is not barred by the Statute of Limitation, so long asthe main action itself is timely", see Bull v.United States, [1935]U.S.247.


  首先:当交叉诉讼直接导致索赔减少或消减时。例如货物在保修期内销售的情况,由于违反保修条款,货物价值低于合同价格。或者,在建筑物上花费工作和劳力的情况,由于缺陷,实际完成的工作价值低于合同价格。在每一个这样的案件中,显而易见的是,原告未能按照合同完成商定的工作,无权获得整个商定的金额。因此,他不应该为这笔款项收回判决,而应该只收取较少的款项。当被告说:“你没有按照商定的标准完成工作,因此你无权享有约定的价格”,这是法律上的辩护问题,而不是抵消或反诉。在典型案件Mondelv. Steel, (1841)案中,Baron Parke的言论证实了这一点:被告不应通过交叉诉讼性质的程序来抵销他因违反合同而遭受的损害赔偿金额,而仅仅是通过显示主体的损失程度来保护自己,由于违反合同,该诉讼的事项是值得的。

  First: When the cross-claim goes directly in diminution or extinction of the claim. Such ascases where goods are sold with a warranty, and by reason of the breach of warranty the goods are worth less than the contract price. Or, cases where work and labour are expended on a building and, by reason of defects, the workactually done is worth less than the contract price.

  In everysuch case it is plain that the plaintiff, not having completed the agreed work in accordance with the contract, is not entitled to the whole of the agreedsum. He ought not, therefore, to recover judgment for that sum, but only forthe lesser sum. When the defendant says: "You have not done the work up tothe agreed standard, and you are, therefore, not entitled to the agreed price", that is matter of defence in law and not of set-off orcounterclaim. This is borne out by the words of Baron Parke in the leading caseof Mondel v. Steel, (1841) 8 M.& W. at pp. 871-2:

  It is competent for the defendant not to set-off, by a proceeding in the nature of across-action, the amount of damages which he has sustained by breach of the contract but simply to defend himself by showing how much less the subject-matter of the action was worth, by reason of the breach of contract.

  Denning勋爵认为就货物销售合同而言,类似的规则现在是法定的,见1893年的“货物销售法案”第53节。买方可以设定违反保修条款的价格减少或消灭。这显然是辩护的问题。就劳动合同和劳动合同而言,这不是法定的,但Denning勋爵认为这是法律上的辩护问题,而不仅仅是抵消或反诉。尽管如此,被告以辩护方式设立起来并不是义不容辞的责任。如果他愿意,他可以支付约定的价格,并自行采取单独的诉讼来减少他所遭受的价值下降和其他任何损害,参见Davisv. Hedges,(1871)L.R.6 Q.B.687。

  迄今为止,Denning勋爵认为他只考虑了由于违约导致争议事项价值较低的数额,这是法律上的辩护问题。在过去的时间里,它可以通过非欺骗的呼吁或永不负债的方式提出,这表明这是法律上的辩护。在现代,这是一个可以在没有特别通知的情况下在县级法院采取的辩护方式,参见Brightv. Rogers, [1917] 1 K.B. 219案,这个辩护不受任何时效限制。

  第二,Denning勋爵认为交叉诉讼不会降低所售商品的价值或完成的工作,但会造成其他损害。例如货物延迟交付并且买方因拖延而造成损失的交叉诉讼案件,或者被雇用于清洁窗户的承包商疏忽地断开椅子腿部的情况。在过去,这种损害只能在一个单独的诉讼中被主张,见Mondelv. Steel, (1841) 8 M.& W. at p. 872案,并且在适当的情况下无疑会受到时效限制。但是,自从1873年的“司法组织法”以来,这些损害赔偿可以通过衡平抵销减少或消减索赔来设立,任何超额部分都将成为反诉的对象。 Lyndhurst,L.C.勋爵在Rawson v. Samuel, (1841) Craig &Phillips 161案,178,最近由法院在Morgan & Son v. MartinJohnson & Co., [1949] 1 K.B. 107, 及 Hanak v. Green, [1958] 2 Q.B. 9案中考虑了公平抵销的范围。只要交叉诉讼是在与索赔相同的交易中产生的,就可以使用;或者与索赔密切相关的交易。

  Second: When the cross-claim does not reduce the value of the goods sold or the work done but causes other damage. Such as cases where goods are delayed in delivery andthe buyer has a cross-claim for damages for delay: or where a contractor who isemployed to clean windows negligently breaks the leg of a chair. In formertimes such damages could only be claimed in a separate action, see Mondel v.Steel, (1841) 8 M.& W. at p. 872, and would no doubt be subject to a time bar, whereappropriate. Since the Judicature Act 1873, however, these damages can be setup by way of an equitable set-off in diminution or extinction of the claim -leaving any over-plus to be the subject of a counterclaim. The scope ofequitable set-off was considered by Lord Lyndhurst, L.C., in Rawson v. Samuel,(1841) Craig & Phillips 161, at p. 178, and recently by this Court inMorgan & Son v. Martin Johnson & Co., [1949] 1 K.B. 107, and Hanak v.Green, [1958] 2 Q.B. 9. It is available whenever the cross-claim arises out of the same transaction as the claim; or out of a transaction that is closely related to the claim.


  Although it is often described as an "equitable set-off", it would, I think, bemore accurately stated to be an "equitable defence" see sect. 24 (2),(3) of the Judicature Act 1873, and sects. 38 and 39 of the Judicature Act,1925. When the contractor sues for the contract price, the employer can say tohim: "You are not entitled to that sum because you have yourself brokenthe very contract on which you sue, and you cannot fairly claim that sum unlessyou take into account the loss you have occasioned to me". It is on a par with the case of a defendant who says that the plaintiff has repudiated the contract by an anticipatory breach, or that the plaintiff has been guilty of a breach going tothe root of the contract. On accepting it, the defendant is discharged from further performance and can set up the breach as a defence. So also withany breach by the plaintiff of the self-same contract, the defendant can inequity set up his loss in diminution or extinction of the contract price. It isin the nature of a defence. As such it is not subject to a time bar.

  对于适用于本案的一般原则,Denning勋爵认为,当承包商同意以固定或可确定的数额提供服务,然而,由于他在执行这些服务时的疏忽导致了雇主的损失或损害,那么当承包商起诉协议价格,雇主可以设置损失或损害的价格减少或消减。这种设置是防御性的,合法的或公平的,不受时间限制。只要主要诉讼本身是及时的,它就不受时效法规的限制。如果这个总原则适用于运输合同,那么本案中的租家是正确的。当被起诉的货物,他们可以设置损害的货物和短少交付,减少或消减的索赔。这样的设置将是辩护问题,不受12个月的时间限制,在美国是如此判的,见PuertoMadrin S.A. v. Esso Standard Oil Co., [1962] A.M.C. 147案。但问题是,这个一般原则是否适用于英格兰的货运合同。Denning勋爵不认为它确实如此。英格兰运费法律沿着自己的特殊路线发展,运费根据合同条款支付,不允许回收的辩护。

  Such being the general principles, I think that when a contractor agrees to perform services for a fixed or ascertainable sum and, nevertheless, by his negligence in performing those services, causes loss or damage to the employer, then whenthe contractor sues for the agreed price, the employer can set up the loss ordamage in diminution or extinction of the price. Such setting up is matter of defence, legal or equitable, and is not subject to a time bar. It is not barredby the Statute of Limitation, so long as the main action itself is timely.

  租家的代表律师KidwellQ.C.向法官们介绍了有关运费索赔的所有案例和教科书。他要求法官们承认法律中的一些最伟大的名字是错误的。但Denning勋爵并不这么认为,认为他的法官弟兄们分析了这些案例,并认为他们的观点。Denning勋爵很赞成Willes法官在Dakin v. Oxley, (1864) 15 C.B.N.S. 646案中给出了法院的有关判决,在第667页说到:


  If it (the thing carried) has arrived, though damaged, the freight is payable by the ordinary terms of the charterparty, and the question of fortuitous damage must be settled with the underwriters, and that of culpable damage in a dinstinct proceeding for such damages against the ship's captain or owners. There would be apparent justice in allowing damage of the latter sort to be set-off ordeducted in an action for freight: and this is allowed in some (at least) of the United States. But our law does not allow deduction in that form: and as at present administered for the sake perhaps of speedy settlement of freight andother liquidated demands, it affords the injured party a remedy by cross-actiononly.



  In my opinion, therefore, the shipowners are entitled to the freight on the cargo delivered: and the charterers are barred from claiming for the cargo short delivered or damaged. That claim should, under the Hague Rules, have been brought by suit within one year. Not having been so brought, it is time barred.

  I think the umpire and the Judge were right. I would dismiss the appeal.








  That a claim in respect of cargo cannot be asserted by way of deduction from the freight, is a long established rule in English law. It dates at least from Sheels v. Davies, (1814) 4 Camp. 119: it received authoritative approval in 1864 from an eminent Court in Dakin v. Oxley, (1864) 15 C.B.(N.S.) 646, and again from the same Court in Meyer v. Dresser, (1864) 33 Law J. Rep. C.P. 289, where the rule was called "settled law". As a rule it has never been judicially doubted or questioned or criticised; it has received the approval of authoritative text books. It could have been attacked, but was not, by eminent commercial counsel in Bede Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Bunge y Born, (1927) 27Ll.L.Rep. 410 (incidentally a case of a time bar). It was reaffirmed after full consideration by the Court of Appeal in The Brede (u.s.),and though it has not the full authority of this House, it was referred to byLord Atkinson as the law in Kish v. Taylor, [1912] A.C. 604at p. 612.


  对于像我们这样的法律制度来说,它也没有遵循一个原则可以说是真正的法律的一部分,仅仅是因为它可以更完美地表达不完善的规则,尽管这些规则不完善, 并明确界定。

  As to the argument from inconsistency with the rule prevailing in relation to the sale of goods, it is no part of the functions of this House, or the Judges, to alter awell established rule or, to put it more correctly, to say that a different rule is part of our law, for the sake of harmonisation with a rule operating ina different field-not unless there is an intrinsic case, I would say a strongcase, for altering the former rule. To quote again from Lord Sumner:

  Nor does it follow, in the case of a legal system such as ours, that a principle can besaid to be truly a part of the law merely because it would be a more perfect expression of imperfect rules which, though imperfect, are well established and well defined.


  To do this would be macro-architecture of the law and would be for a particular type of reformer.

  But beyond all this there is a decisive reason here why this House should not alter therule approved in The Brede by reversing it. That is that the parties in this case have, I think beyond doubt, contracted upon the basis and against th ebackground that the established rule is against deduction.

  Dilhorne勋爵,Simon勋爵,Salmon勋爵,Edmundd-Davies勋爵一致同意,驳回承租人上诉。其中Salmon勋爵在第341页判决书中补充说到,这种由法律大师如Baron Parke,Baron Alderson,Erle首席法官和Willes法官和Byles先生共同确定的法治已被普遍接受100多年,并且从未受到司法质疑。在Scrutton的原始版本和后续版本中,Carver,海上货物运输等方面得到证实。作为一法律规则,特别是一项商业法规,这种法规历经这么久,并且信奉了数千份运输合同,并且每天都在制定一项条款,规定合同应受英国法律管辖,现在不能在我们的法院受到成功的挑战。

  This rule of law which was fathered by such masters of the law as Baron Parke, Baron Alderson, Chief Justice Erle and Mr.Justices Willes and Byles has been generally accepted for well over 100 yearsand never judicially questioned. It has been confirmed in the original and every succeeding edition of Scruttonon Charterparties and Carver, Carriage of Goods by Sea. It was adopted in Lord Atkinson's speech, with which Lord Macnaghten and Earl Loreburn, L.C.,concurred in Kish v. Taylor [1912] A.C. 604, and recently by the Court ofAppeal in The Brede [1973] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 333; [1974] 1 Q.B. 233. A rule of law, particularly a rule of commercial law which has stood so long and upon the faith of which many thousands of contracts of carriage have been made and are daily being madecontaining a provision that the contract shall be governed by the law of England, cannot now be successfully challenged in our Courts.

  众所周知,英国乃判例法国家,先例尤其是最高法院的判决,对高等法院和上诉院等都有约束力。在2017年的In the matter of schenker ltd v.Negocios Europa Ltd案中,高等法院的Moulder法官在第6段判决书中引援了The“Aries”案,Wilberforce勋爵的陈词,并归纳如下:

  I was referred to the judgment of Lord Wilberforce at 337. Lord Wilberforce said:

  "…a claim in respect of cargo cannot be asserted by way of ded uction from thefreight is a long established rule in English law. As a rule, it has never been judicially doubted or questioned or criticised. It has received the approval of authoritative text books. It is said to be an arbitrary rule and so it may bein the sense that no very clear justification for it has ever been stated butthis does not affect its status in the law. It is said to be inconsistent withthe rule laid down in relation to the sale of goods and contracts for work and there are two answers to this. First, the two rules have been running inparallel for over a Century without difficulty.

  "As the argument for inconsistency with the rule prevailing in relation to the sale of goods, it is no part of the functions of this House or the judges to alter awell established rule or, to put it more correctly, to say that a differentrule is part of our law for the sake of harmonisation with a rule operating ina different field.

  "But beyond all this, there is a decisive reason here why this House should not alter the rule approved in The Brede byreversing it; that is that the parties in this case have, I think, beyond doubt contracted upon the basis and against the background that the established ruleis against deduction."



  I understand that my conclusion is one which the defendant will struggle to accept, given the fact that goods were not delivered within the timeframe hes pecified and he does not see why he should pay for a service which he did not receive. However, this ruling does not affect his ability to bring a claim against the claimant for the failures which he says occurred. I note that thedefendant had been given an opportunity to bring a counterclaim but for reasons which do not need to be recited in this judgment he was not in a position tobring a counterclaim prior to this matter being decided today. It is, however,still open to him to bring a claim should he choose to do so after this hasbeen dealt with.

  Accordingly,for all the reasons set out, I find that the common law freight rule which provides that there can be no set off against freight does extend to carriage by air.

  在《Scrutton onCharterparties》一书中也说到,运费支付者无权从运费中扣除损害赔偿,但将有单独的损害赔偿诉讼理由,除非由除外风险或货物本身的瑕疵造成。

  The freighter will not be entitled to make deductions from the freight for the damage, but will have a separate cause of action for the damage unless caused solely by excepted perils or by the vice of the goods themselves.


  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)