














  约19:41,GPS船位为30°49′.4N / 124°57′.7E,向、速仍不变。浙岱渔03187”轮距其大约1.8海里。三副要求瞭望人员给浙岱渔03187”轮发出摩尔斯灯光信号。值班驾驶员注意到渔船开始向左改变航向。


  约19:46,渔船从桑吉轮船尾清爽驶过,向长峰水晶轮发送摩尔斯灯光信号(5短闪)以吸引注意力。一水说:C船通过了,对吧?是否向右转一点?三副:向右?为什么?一水说:你看CPA是多少? CPA是……零,零。




  约19:32,长峰水晶轮的GPS船位为30°47'.9N /124°57.7'E,航向216°和航速13.2节。桑吉轮约位于方位202°、距离6.8海里处。长峰水晶轮大副在雷达上发现了两个目标的CPA分别是0.9海里和0.4海里,他确认CPA0.9的那个是桑吉轮并且过本船船首(源于对他的第二次调查)。



  约19:42,长峰水晶轮的GPS船位为30° 52′.4N/124°59′.2E,航向转至了225°、航速仍为13.2节,距桑吉轮约3.1海里、方位205°。值班驾驶员发现桑吉轮AIS目标的CPA变为0.4海里,他认为这是一艘没有碰撞危险的小船。长峰水晶轮的大副没有看到桑吉轮的雷达回波,只通过左舷雷达上显示的AIS信号确定了与桑吉轮的CPA。


  约19:44,长峰水晶轮的GPS船位为30°52′.1N/124°58′.8E,航向225°、航速13.3节。三副通过AIS图标以为桑吉轮是渔船(没有雷达回波)并且不存在碰撞危险。约19:45,长峰水晶轮的GPS船位为30°52′.N/ 124°58′.7E,航向223°、航速13.4节,桑吉轮大约在距其2海里的205°方位上,此时大副接到了船长的电话。


  Rule 5 Look-out

  Every vesselshall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.

  对于这个一切有效的手段,在《The Arbitrator》2017年2月份第一期中说到:海员应使用适用于当时环境和情况的“一切有效手段”,以保持正规的了望,并确定是否存在碰撞危险(见“国际海上避碰规则”(COLREGS)第5条和第7条)。“一切有效的手段”显然包括安装在船舶上的ECDIS等技术,旨在帮助航行和/或绘制潜在碰撞危险船舶的位置,速度和方向。

  Seafarers shall use “all available means” appropriate inthe prevailing circumstances and conditions in maintaining a proper look outand determining if a risk of collision exists (see Rule 5 and 7 of theInternational Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)).“All available means” clearly includes technology such as ECDIS installed onvessels designed to aid navigation and/or plot the position, speed anddirection of potential collision risks.

  但是,“一切有效的手段”并不意味着在进行避碰和导航决策时仅依赖于ECDIS。 驾驶员必须继续验证这些输入,包括查看驾驶台窗户外并监控接近船舶的轴承运动,以确保对情况和碰撞风险进行全面评估。尽管有其他导航设备的帮助,但仍需要良好的视觉观察,因为这些辅助设备可能需要时间来计算(或在AIS的情况下,传输)信息,因此在某些情况下提供的信息在很大程度上是历史性的。

  However, “all available means” does not mean relying solely on ECDIS when making collision avoidance and navigational decisions. The operator must continue to validate those inputs, including by looking out the bridge window and monitoring the bearing movements of approaching vessels, toensure that a full appraisal of the situation and risk of collision is made.Good visual lookouts are necessary, notwithstanding the assistance of other navigational aids, as such aids can take time to calculate (or in the case ofAIS, transmit) information and therefore provide information that is in some cases, to an appreciable extent, historic.

  这在近距离情况和交通繁忙的地区尤其重要,因为驾驶员(特别是新的驾驶员)可以被吸引到ECDIS显示屏并错失现场态势感知(ECDIS旨在克服的确切事物)。 还有一些驾驶员无疑会信任ECDIS上显示的内容,这可能会给他们带来虚假的安全感。虽然ECDIS是一种有价值的导航辅助工具,但不受欢迎的副作用是一些值班人员会以遵守COLREGS为代价来维持航迹。在ECDIS时代,不能忘记或丢失传统的航海技能。虽然作为航海辅助设备的ECDIS远远超过传统的纸质海图,但我们必须了解其局限性并确保我们使用“一切有效的手段”来保持正规的了望并确定是否存在碰撞危险。

  This is particularly important in close-quarters situations and heavy traffic areas as operators (particularly new operators)can be drawn into an ECDIS display and lose

  situational awareness (the exact thing ECDIS was designedto overcome). There is also a danger that some operators unquestioningly trustwhat is displayed on ECDIS, which may give them a false sense of security.While ECDIS is a valuable navigation aid, an unwelcome side effect is that some watchkeepers will favour track maintenance at the cost of complying with COLREGS.

  Traditional navigational skills must not be forgotten orlost in the age of ECDIS. While ECDIS, as an aid to navigation, far surpassesthe traditional paper chart, we must understand its limitations and ensure weuse “all available means” in maintaining a proper look out and determining if arisk of collision exists.


  约19:46,长峰水晶轮的GPS船位为30 °51′.8N/124°58′.4E,向、速不变。大副向三副交班,并告诉三副周围清爽,没有向三副交代其他船舶的会遇态势;三副没有看到桑吉轮的信号,然后,在三副的确认下大副离开了驾驶台。在大副离开后不久,三副班的值班水手进入驾驶台开始接班,交班水手在离开驾驶台之前告诉接班水手把定航向226°及自动舵的工况。



  (d) When vessels in sight of one another are approaching each other and from any causeeither vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of the other, or isin doubt whether sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt shall immediately indicate such doubt by givingat least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle. Such signal may besupplemented by a light signal of at least five short and rapid flashes.





   从该证词能合理得出的结论水手的水平挺高,不时提醒三副CPA值太小,有碰撞危险;而三副的知识水平严重不足,没有利用一切有效手段对局面作出正确的评估,严重依赖雷达,且盲目。违反了避碰规则第七条,(c)Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information, especiallyscanty radar information.不应当根据不充分的资料,特别是不充分的雷达观测资料作出推断。



  (a) Any action taken to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with dueregard to the observance of good seamanship.


  (b) Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be large enough to bereadily apparent to another vessel observing visually or by radar; a successionof small alterations of course and/or speed should be avoided.


  (c) lf there is sufficient sea room, alteration of course alone may be the most effective action to avoid a close-quarters situationprovided that is made in good time, is substantial and does not result inanother close-quarters situation.


  (d) Action taken to avoid collision with another vesselshall be such as to result in passing at a safe distance. The effectiveness ofthe action shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally pastand clear.


  (e) If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time toassess the situation, a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off bystopping or reversing her means of propulsion.


  约19:50,长峰水晶轮的GPS船位为30°51′.1N/ 124°57′.6E。长峰水晶轮船首撞在桑吉轮第2、3号右压载舱之间的右舷,与货舱的撞击角度约为48°,这次碰撞造成了长峰水晶轮船首的严重损坏,以及桑吉轮3号货舱之前的主甲板和舱盖严重变形。随后的火灾导致长峰水晶轮的左舷舷墙和部分甲板设施的损坏。碰撞发生后,船长立即赶到驾驶台,将车钟拉到停车的位置。



  “桑吉”轮被认定负主要责任,“长峰水晶”轮负次要责任;该悲剧似乎可以盖棺定论了,但情况真的是这样吗?笔者认为并非如此。专家们作出这种认定过于草率,没有对生命的敬畏之心,而且对避碰规则也仅仅停留在表面阶段,并没有深层次理解。那么接下来就来看看法官在The “Vechtstroom”案中的判决陈词。

  在The“Vechtstroom”[1964] 1 Lloyd’sRep.118案中,碰撞事故发生在英国利物浦边上的Mersy河(默西河)。一条轮渡船Claughton轮在1960年12月12日早上8点前抵达Woodside,右舷靠泊,等候利物浦那码头的空位。当时有雾,按当时的条件,岸上的雷达站会在早上8点到9点左右发布雾航警报,包括号钟。但是在8点约11分左右,Claughton轮在未收到雷达站发布的消息的情况下,就解缆调头离开,意图直接橫穿默西河到利物浦靠泊,航向东北偏北。调头后Claughton轮按雾航要求鸣放一长声。

  随后Claughton轮船长收到Seacombe雷达站的口头警告,说正前方有船,应该立即停下;该轮船长于是停车。该轮船长事后声称对方船在其右前方,构成了交叉会遇局面。因为有雾,能见度不良,事后发现为右前方的为The “Vechtstroom”轮。当时的情景,简单绘图如下。Claughton轮想横穿默西河到利物浦,Vechtstroom轮沿着默西河正常往上游航行。





  Now, as I have found the ships were visible to each other in the circumstances I have described, the one thing that should have been immediately obvious to this very experienced river man, the master of the Claughton, who has been 43 years on ferries, was that whateverelse he did he should not starboard.



  Let me deal first with the Claughton. So far as she is concerned, the principal cause of the collision and the resulting damage was her starboarding across the bows of the Vechtstroom, which I find she did,from the position in which she should have held her course or, even better,turned to port. Starboarding was the one thing in those circumstances which she should not have done. She did that apparently without thought.



  A vessel which deliberately disregards such an aid when available is exposing not only herself, but other shipping to undue risks,that is, risks which with seamanlike prudence could, and should, be eliminated.As I see it, there is a duty upon shipping to use such aids when readily available-and when I say "readily available" I am not saying instantly available-and if they elect to disregard such aids they do so at their own risk. If the Claughton had waited two or three minutes there is a high probability that she would have received vital information as to the approach of the Vechtstroomwhen prudence would have dictated either that she remained where she was untildanger of collision was over or manoeuvred in a way different from what she didto avoid any close-quarter situation. It seems to me that the safety of theship, be she ferry or any other kind of ship, is of vastly greater importancethan the maintenance of a tight schedule for the convenience of a few passengers.


  I have considerable sympathy for the master of the Claughton who has spent a life time in Birkenhead ferries and to whom the benefitof radar was in the nature of a novelty. He sounded his whistle as he left Woodside, and again a few minutes later; but I must remember that even inpatchy fog visibility at any moment is limited by the density of the patch. The master said quite plainly: "I was in fog and I was prepared to take therisk that we would run out of it." He was, of course, relying upon the fact that he heard no sound signals from any other vessels and concluded that there was nothing likely to affect his navigation. It is well known, of course,that sound signals in fog may be capricious, but until a few years ago sound signals were the only means available to indicate the approach of others. In1960 there was a more certain and ready indication available with very shortdelay, about two or three minutes, and, in my view, the Claughton ought to havewaited to receive that information. She did not wait for information availableto her on that occasion and, because she failed to obtain the information but went out trusting alone to sound signals, she put herself in a dangerous position which could, with prudence, have been avoided. Because it was not avoided the master of the Claughton found himself in a position for which he was wholly unprepared and, in my view, acted recklessly


  It has not been an easy question to decide, but I have come to the conclusion that in the circumstances of this case the master, who deliberately disregarded the source of information available to him, put himself into a very dangerous position which, as I say, he could have avoided. In those circumstances, although it is only a secondary contributory cause, I find that he was negligent in not awaiting information. So much for the Claughton.

  但是Hewson法官认为,Vechtstroom轮也无法逃避责备。Claughton轮的代表律师一直针对Vechtstroom轮提出观点,Hewson法官认为不能不理会。 Vechtstroom轮的引航员很清楚他正在接近渡轮交通运营的区域。他知道,或者应该知道,在河的西边,他的能见度正在恶化,尽管也许并不像河的东边那么多。他没有在河的东边航行,他正在西边航行。即使如他自己所说的,在Wallasey渡轮阶段时,Vechtstroom轮也保持了大约12.12节的全速,她无法看到比Woodside码头北端更远的距离,有三节锚链长度的距离。对于一个在默西河有经验的人来说,Hewson法官认为在他看来,引航员没有理由在那天早上不意识到他正迅速接近能见度有限的区域。Vechtstroom轮的引航员和任何其他目击者都没有听到当时由Wallasey渡轮码头和Woodside码头响起的雾信号。Hewson法官认为Vechtstroom上的那些人,尤其是那个早上的引航员,应该意识到他们正在接近距离Woodside至少半英里的能见度有限的区域,并且这样的情况,接近12.12节,应采取激烈的行动,以降低她的速度并施放雾信号。很可能如果她施放雾声信号,他们就会听到Claughton轮上的人的声音,如果他们被听到,他们会警告Claughton轮,Vechtstroom轮的存在和接近。

  TheVechtstroom cannot escape blame either. Mr. Hene has made his points one by one against the Vechtstroom which I cannot disregard. The pilot of the Vechtstroom well knew that he was approaching an area where ferry traffic operated. He knew, or ought to have known, that the visibility was deteriorating ahead of him on the west side of the river, though not perhaps as much to the east side of the river. He was not navigating in the east side of the river; he wasnavigating in the west side. The Vechtstroom maintained her full speed of about 1212 knots even when, on her own story, approaching Wallasey ferry stage she was unable to see farther than the north end of Woodside stage, a distance ofsomething like three cables. To a man experienced in the River Mersey it is noexcuse, in my view, that he did not appreciate on that morning that he was rapidly approaching an area of restricted visibility. Neither the pilot nor anyother witnesses in the Vechtstroom heard the fog signals at that time being sounded by both the Wallasey ferry stage and the Woodside stage. It is a matterwhich I thought proper to discuss with the Elder Brethren. Their advice, with which I entirely agree, is that those on board the Vechtstroom, and especiallythe pilot, on that morning ought to have appreciated that they were approaching an area of restricted visibility at least half a mile down river from Woodside and, in such circumstances, approaching at 1212 knots, should have takendrastic action to reduce her speed and sounded fog signals. It may well be thatif she had sounded fog signals they would have been heard by those on board the Claughton and, had they been heard, would have warned the Claughton of the Vechtstroom's presence and approach.


  Some point has been made that the master of the Vechtstroom, who was intermittently looking in the radar, ought to have appreciated at some time before the hearingof the long blast from the Claughton that the Claughton had moved away from the Woodside stage. It was a small P.P.I.* and I am advised, and I accept the advice, that it might have been extremely difficult to appreciate that the ferry was lying at the stage and some little latitude must be applied before the master is criticized for not observing that the Claughton had in fact moved away from the stage. I am not in the circumstances inclined to be undulycritical of the master of the Vechtstroom for not observing the movement ofthis small ship on this small screen before her whistle was heard.


  对于所承担的责任比例问题,Hewson法官认为毫无疑问,造成这次碰撞的最大原因是Claughton轮在他所提到的情况下完全不正确向右转向,并且考虑到这一点,认为区分责任程度是恰当的。最终判两者都要承担,Claughton轮承担三分之二, Vechtstroom轮承担三分之一。

  There is a further point, that when the long blast was heard by the Vechtstroom she failed to stop her engines. She kept them, according to the master, or put them,according to the pilot-it does not matter which-at slow. If, however, there wasa time for drastic action it was then. Taken by surprise, not having appreciated there was fog ahead, they did nothing more than reduce to slowahead a vessel proceeding at 1212 knots through the water. This was a time when she should have stopped her engines and put them full speed astern. There was no reason at all why she should not. She was heading into a fairly strong ebb tide. She was a manoeuvrable ship, on her own master's evidence, and she ought in all those circumstances to have taken drastic action to get her way off. She did not do it. For those reasons I find that she is to blame.

  Now what about the proportions? There is no doubt that the largest contributory cause for this collision was the wholly improper starboarding of the Claughton in the circumstances to which I have referred and, with that well in mind, I think it is a proper case to distinguish the degrees of blame.

  I find bothto blame, with the Claughton two-thirds and the Vechtstroom one-third.



  Rule 5 Look-out

  Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well asby all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances andconditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.



  Rule 6 Safe speed

  Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.

  In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among thosetaken into account:



  By all vessels:

  (i)the state of visibility;

  (ii)the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessels or any othervessels;

  (iii)the manoeuvrability of the vessel with special reference to stopping distance and turning ability in the prevailing conditions;

  (iv) at night the presence of background light such as from shore lights or from backscatter of her own lights;

  (v) the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational hazards;

  (vi) the draught in relation to the available depth of water.








  (b)Additionally, by vessels with operational radar:

  (i)the characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment;

  (ii) any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use;

  (iii)the effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources ofinterference;

  (iv)the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not bedetected by radar at an adequate range;

  (v) the number, location and movement of vessels detected by radar;

  (vi)the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar isused to determine the range of vessels or other objects in the vicinity.









  Rule 7 Risk of collision

  (a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists. If there is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist.


  (b) Proper use shall be made of radar equipment if fitted and operational, including long-range scanning to obtain early warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or equivalent systematic observation of detected objects.


  (c) Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information, especially scanty radar information.


  (d) Indetermining if risk of collision exists the following considerations shall be among those taken into account:

  (i) such risk shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of an approaching vessel doesnot appreciably change,

  (ii) such risks may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a very large vessel or a tow or when approaching a vessel atclose range.





  Rule 8 Action to avoid collision

  (a) Any action taken to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.


  (b) Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be large enough to be readily apparent to another vessel observing visually or by radar; a succession of small alterations of course and/or speed should be avoided.


  (c) lf there is sufficient sea room, alteration of course alone may be the most effective action to avoid a close-quarters situation provided that is made in good time,is substantial and does not result in another close-quarters situation.


  (d) Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be such as to result inpassing at a safe distance. The effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally past and clear.


  (e) If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to assess the situation, avessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing hermeans of propulsion.


  6.(1)A vessel which, by any of these Rules, is required not to implede the passage or safe passage of another vessel shall, when required by circumstances of thecase, take early action to allow sufficient sea-room for the safe passage ofthe other vessel.


  A vessel required not to impede the passage or safe passage of another vessel is notrelieved of this obligation if approaching the other vessel so as to involverisk of collision and shall, when taking action, have full regard to the actionwhich may be required by the Rules of this part.


  A vessel the passage of which is not to be impede remains fully obliged to comply with the Rules of this part when the vessels are approaching one another so as toinvolve risk of collision.



  Rule 15Crossing situation

  When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel





  Rule 16 Actionby give-way vessel

  Every vessel which is directed by these Rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible, take early and substantial action tokeep well clear.




  Rule 17 Actionby stand-on vessel

  (a) (i) Whereby any of these Rules one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other shall keep her course and speed.


  (ii) The latter vessel may however take action to avoid collision by her manoeuvre alone, as soon as it becomesapparent to her that the vessel required to keep out of the way is not takingappropriate action in compliance with these Rules.


  (b) When, from any cause,the vessel required to keep her course and speed finds herself so close thatcollision cannot be avoided by the action of the give-way vessel alone, she shall take such action as will best aid to avoid collision.


  (c) A power-driven vessel which takes action in a crossing situation in accordance with sub-paragraph(a)(ii) of this Rule to avoid collision with another power-driven vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit, not alter course to port for a vesselon her own port side.


  (d) This Rule does not relieve the give-way vessel of her obligation to keep out of the way.


  “长峰水晶”轮虽然在本事故中处于直航船的位置,但是起码应当保持航向和航速。但非常遗憾的是,所采取的行动,不是有助于避碰的行动,而是直接导致了碰撞。如Hewson法官在The “Vechtstroom”案中所说的,虽然Claughton轮是让轮船,但是在当时的局面下,导致碰撞的真正原因是Claughton轮向右转向,意图通过Vechtstroom轮的船艏。Hewson法官Claughton轮应该从她的位置开始保持航向,或者更好的是,向左转向。在这种情况下,向右转向,是她不应该做的一件事。Claughton轮选择向右转向显然没有经过思考。

  Let me deal first with the Claughton. So far as she is concerned, the principal cause of the collision and the resulting damage was her starboarding across the bows of the Vechtstroom, which I find she did,from the position in which she should have held her course or, even better,turned to port. Starboarding was the one thing in those circumstances which she should not have done. She did that apparently without thought.


  She did not wait for information available to her on that occasion and, because she failedto obtain the information but went out trusting alone to sound signals, she putherself in a dangerous position which could, with prudence, have been avoided.Because it was not avoided the master of the Claughton found himself in a position for which he was wholly unprepared and, in my view, acted recklessly


   对于所承担的责任比例问题,如Hewson法官所认为的毫无疑问,造成这次碰撞的最大原因是Claughton轮在他所提到的情况下完全不正确向右转向,并且考虑到这一点,认为区分责任程度是恰当的。最终判两者都要承担,Claughton轮承担三分之二, Vechtstroom轮承担三分之一。

  Now what about the proportions? There is no doubt that the largest contributory cause for this collision was the wholly improper starboarding of the Claughton in the circumstances to which I have referred and, with that well in mind, I think it is a proper case to distinguish the degrees of blame.




  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)