

  Laytime Clauses 装卸时间条款

  Delays arising without the default of either shipowners or charterers


  2.258 In general, where delay is caused by the actions or omissions of third parties or by natural phenomena, the shipowner will have no cause of action and any loss will lie where it falls, unless there be an express provision providing to the contrary. However, what follows is a more detailed consideration of certain common causes of delay.




  2.259 In Postlethwaite v. Freeland, the facts of which were given earlier, the delay to the vessel was caused by a combination of congestion and a shortage of lighters. As Lord Blackburn said:

  But if there had been either fewer ships waiting, or more lighters available, this ship would not have been kept so long. There was evidence that the number of ships was unusually great, owing to the fact that the railway material was then being discharged.

  And later in his speech he said:

  . . . the point for which the ruling in Burmester v. Hodgson is in this case valuable—that in considering what is reasonable dispatch under the circumstances, the number of ships there, though unusually large, is one of the circumstances to be taken into account.

  The House of Lords then unanimously held that there had been no unreasonable delay and therefore the delay fell to the account of the shipowner.

  2.259 在Postlethwaite v. Freeland—案中(案情在前面2.212段曾经提到过),船舶延迟是由于驳船短缺和港口拥挤的综合原因造成的。Blackburn勋爵说:



  ……在Burmester v. Hodgson—案所裁定的观点对于本案很有价值——即在当时情况下,考虑怎样才算合理速遣的问题上,压港船舶数量,尽管通常不多,也是要考虑的其中一个因素。


  2.260 In Hulthen v. Stewart, the details of which have also been considered earlier, one of the periods of delay was after the vessel had entered the docks, where the delay in berthing was due to congestion. Dismissing the appeal to the House of Lords, the Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Halsbury, said:

  The master has shown all possible diligence, and this is an attempt to impose an unconditional term on the respondents (the charterers) for which there is no foundation in the charterparty.

  2.260在Hulthen v. Stewart—案中(该案的详细情况前面2.235段也已讲过),在该轮进入码头的港池之后,其中一段延迟原因是泊位的拥挤而无法靠泊。上议院驳回了其上诉,上议院议长兼首席大法官Halsbury伯爵这样说:


  2.261 It is therefore clear that delay due to congestion will not normally fall to the charterer’s account in a customary laytime charterparty, whether the delay occurs before the vessel concerned becomes an Arrived ship or after. In the former case, the delay will be on the approach or carrying voyage as the case may be, and in the latter, it will be one of the facts to be taken into account in establishing a reasonable time.




  2.262 The effect of a strike delaying loading or discharge has been considered in a number of cases. In Castlegate Steamship Co Ltd v. Dempsey and others the facts were that, by a custom of the port of discharge, the dock company undertook all the work of discharging cargo, which would otherwise have been undertaken in part by the shipowners and in part by the charterers. Because of a strike by dock labourers, discharge was delayed by four days.

  2.262有关罢工造成的装卸货延迟的后果已在许多案例中讨论过,在Casdegate Steamship Co Ltd v. Dempsey and others—案中事实是,按照卸货港的习惯,由码头公司承揽所有的卸货作业,否则就得由船东和承租人来干。由于码头工人罢工,导致卸货作业延迟了4天。

  2.263 In the Court of Appeal, Lord Esher MR said:

  By reason of the very same cause, viz. the strike of the dock labourers, the share of the work for which the shipowners would originally be responsible was prevented from being done, as well as the share of the work for which the charterers would be responsible. It seems to be impossible, under these circumstances, in the case of a charterparty which fixes no definite time, to say that the charterers are to bear the whole burden of what happened.



  2.264 Lord Esher then went on to comment that the result might have been the same even where the strike affected only the charterers’ part of discharge, which broadly speaking is what happened in Pantland Hick v. Raymond & Reid.

  2.264接着Esher勋爵又评述道,即使罢工只影响承租人部分卸货工作,(判决)责任后果也是一样(由船东承担),这正是Pantland Hick v. Raymond Reid主要讲述的内容。



  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)