

  Laytime Clauses 装卸时间条款

  2.150 A similar provision was considered by Devlin J in Compania de Navigaci´on Zita SA v. Louis Dreyfus & Cie. In this case, clause 5 of the charter provided for the cargo to be loaded ‘‘at an average rate of not less than 150 metric tons per available workable hatch per . . . ’’. In argument, neither party suggested that there was any relevant difference in meaning between the phrase ‘‘working hatch’’ in The Sandgate and ‘‘available workable hatch’’ as in the present case, at least as far as the basic calculation of laytime was concerned.

  2.150 在Compania de Navigadon Zita SA v. Louis Dreyfus Cie案,Devlin 法官对这一类似的条文进行了审理。在该案中,租船合同的第5条款规定:平均装货率为‘每……每个可作业的舱口不少于150公吨’。在争议中,双方当事人没有任何一方认为在该案中的‘可作业的舱口’与The Sandgate —案中所用的那个相应的‘作业舱口’的这一短语的意义有任何不同,至少在装卸时间的计算方面应该是一样的。

  2.151 The shipowners, however, contended that laytime for loading should be calculated by reference to the number of available and workable hatches at a given time. As long as there were five available workable hatches, loading should have proceeded at an average daily rate of 750 tons. When this was reduced to three at the second load port, loading should have been 450 tons and, when the last parcel of cargo was loaded at the same port with only two hatches available, the average rate should have been 300 tons.

  The charterers, on the other hand, argued that loading should be calculated by dividing by 150 the largest quantity of cargo loaded in any one of the vessel’s holds.



  2.152 In upholding the charterers’ contentions, Devlin J said:

  There is, I think, an overwhelming objection to the owners’ construction of the clause. It is that on that construction the number of lay days depends upon the way in which the charterers choose to load the vessel. There may possibly be good reasons why they should load one hold after the other, but there may also be bad ones; and on the owners’ construction there is no way of distinguishing between excusable delay and wanton delay . . .

  . . . the fundamental error in them [the owners’ submissions] is that they treat clause 5 as if it were laying down a method of loading. If it were, it would be appropriate to suggest that it should not be construed as requiring the charterers to load each hold each day at exactly the same rate and for exactly the same time. Clause 5 in my opinion is not prescribing a method, but setting a standard; it is drawing a notional line above which there will be a bonus and below a penalty . . .

  . . . But is reasonable to think that the standard set will be one which assumes that as far as possible work will go on simultaneously on all the holds, because that is the way that is most economical of the ship’s time.

  2.152 Devlin法官支持承租人的论点,说:




  2.153 In The Sandgate there was only one discharge port and although in Compania de Navigaci´Zita SA v. Louis Dreyfus & Cie there were two load ports, it does not appear to have been suggested that the number of load or discharge ports, as the case may be, made any difference.

  2.153在The Sandgate—案中仅有一个卸货港,尽管在Compania de Navigacion Zita SA v. Louis Dreyfus Cie —案中有两个装货港,但看起来尚未提出过,装货港或卸货港的数量,视情况而定,会产生什么不同。

  2.154 This point, however, was considered by Hobhouse J in Cargill Incorporated v. Marpro Ltd (The Aegis Progress). Cargill were the sellers of two parcels of sugar, f.o.b., with Antwerp and Dunkirk nominated as loading ports. The contract of sale provided for a rate of loading of 150 tonnes per workable hatch. Prior to calling at Antwerp, the Aegis Progress had called at Rouen and loaded a part cargo with which Cargill were unconcerned.

  2.154 然而,有关这一点,Hobhouse法官在Cargill Incorporated v. Marpro Ltd (The Aegis Progress)—案中曾经探讨过。Cargill(嘉吉)是FOB(离岸价)价格的两票糖的卖家,指定装港为比利时安特卫普和法官敦刻尔克。买卖合同中规定装货率为每可作业的舱口 150吨。在抵达安特卫普前,‘Aegis Progress’轮挂靠了法官鲁昂港,并在那儿装了部分与Cargill无关的货物。

  2.155 The buyers of the cargo argued that as four of the vessel’s seven holds were available at each load port, the total quantity of cargo loaded at both ports should be divided by four and the loading rate applied to this, notwithstanding that the available holds were not the same at each port. The sellers, on the other hand, said they were entitled to make separate calculations for each load port based on the largest quantity loaded in any one hold at that port. Although stressing that the clause should be construed as requiring a single calculation, nevertheless Hobhouse J held that in this case the calculation should be based, not on the hold with the greatest quantity from both ports, but on the sum of the hold with the greatest quantity loaded at Antwerp and the corresponding one at Dunkirk. He concluded:

  In most cases the required calculation can be done by identifying the critical hatch or hold and then calculating the laytime for that hatch; in exceptional cases and this is one, more than one hatch is critical and therefore more than one hatch has to be taken into account in calculating the laytime.


  在许多案例中,要进行必要的计算,首先要确认关键的舱口或货舱,然后计算出这一舱口的装卸时间;在较特殊的案例以及在本案中,不止一个关键的舱口,因而在计算装卸时间时,就应该考虑一个以上的舱口。 (此案参考‘航运实务丛谈第十一册’《装卸时间与滞期费》,杨良宜著,大连海事大学出版社,2006年11月第1版;第12章¬——合约中固定装卸时间的表述与计算/第6.5节)

  2.156 Furthermore, said Hobhouse J, earlier in his judgment,

  When one is considering workability one must disregard uneven loading (or discharge) which arises from the shippers’ choice as opposed to reasons which disable them from working the hatches evenly.

  It may therefore, as it did in this case, also become necessary to correct the quantities actually loaded in each hatch to produce a theoretical figure which would have been loaded in each hold, had loading been done evenly. It is the biggest of the corrected figures for each port that then goes into the calculation.





  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)