

  Laytime Clauses 装卸时间条款



  2.1 If by the terms of the charterparty, the charterer has agreed to load or unload within a fixed period of time, that is ‘‘an absolute and unconditional engagement, for the non¬performance of which he is answerable, whatever may be the nature of the impediments which prevent him from performing it and which cause the ship to be detained in his service beyond the time stipulated’’.


  2.2 As was said by Lord Hunter, the Lord Ordinary, in the Scottish case of William Alexander & Sons v. Aktieselskabet Dampskabet Hansa and others:

  It is well settled that where a merchant has undertaken to discharge a ship within a fixed number of days he is liable in demurrage for any delay of the ship beyond that period unless such delay is attributable to the fault of the shipowner or those for whom he is responsible. The risk of delay from causes for which neither of the contracting parties is responsible is with the merchant.

  2.2犹如苏格兰最高民事法院独任法官Hunter勋爵在苏格兰案件William Alexander & Sons v. Aktieselskabet Dampskabet Hansa and others案件中所说的:


  2.3 It is of course open to the parties to agree that certain periods or causes of delay should be excepted, and this may be done either by incorporating the exclusion in the way the fixed laytime is defined—e.g. by reference to ‘‘weather working days’’, thus excepting periods of adverse weather and holidays—or by an additional clause.


  2.4 The advantage to the shipowner of a charter providing for fixed laytime is that he can pre-determine the length of time that his vessel will be engaged in loading or discharging, if there are no exceptions; and if there are, then at least he will have some idea of the likelihood of delay because only certain causes of delay will be for his account. Any others not so specified will be for the charterer’s account.


  2.5 Fixed laytime may be expressed in one or other units of time, which will form the subject of most of this chapter, or as a rate of working cargo, which, once the amount of cargo is known, will enable the amount of laytime to be calculated. Even if it is expressed as a rate of working cargo, there will still be a time element to which the following principles will apply, but there will also be specific rules for this form of laytime, which are dealt with towards the end of this chapter.


  Calendar days


  2.6 When steamships became more common, in the second half of the nineteenth century, new principles also emerged relating to the counting of time during loading and discharging. The importance of time to the steamship owner was stressed by Mathew LJ in Yeoman v. Rex, where he said:

  At 9 o’clock on Saturday morning the lay days were over, or rather the lay hours because in this charter, as is usual with reference to steamships, time is calculated by hours and not by days.

  2.6在十九世的后半叶,当蒸汽机船舶已经变得十分普遍的时候,有关算装货作业和卸货作业期间持续时间之新的原则也开始出现了。Mathew大法官在Yeoman v. Rex案中着重强调时间对于船东的重要性。他说:


  2.7 It was usual in the days of sail and the early days of steam for charters to provide for a specified number of lay days, but not to provide expressly when laytime was to commence after arrival. There was, however, no need for the charter to specify this, because it was customary for time to count from the day following the vessel’s arrival, unless the merchant chose to commence cargo operations earlier. The number of days allowed, which were calendar days from midnight to midnight, then ran consecutively, with part days counting as whole ones. It was not necessary for a pro-rata provision in the clause specifying the demurrage rate, since demurrage was bound to be a whole number of days.


  2.8 Lord Devlin put it this way in Reardon Smith Line Ltd v. Ministry of Agriculture:

  In the beginning, a day was a day—a Monday, a Tuesday or a Wednesday, as the case might be. Work began, one may suppose, sometime in the morning and ended in the evening, the number of hours that were worked varying from port to port and in different trades. But whatever the number was, at the end of the Monday one lay day had gone and at the end of the Tuesday another; and if the work went into Wednesday, that counted as a whole day because of the rule that a part of a day was to be treated as a day. For this reason the charterer was not obliged to use a ‘‘broken’’ day. If notice of readiness was given during the day he could, if he chose, wait until the following day so that he could start with a whole day.

  2.8 在Reardon Smith Line Ltd v. Ministry of Agriculture案,Devlin勋爵对这一问题做出这样的说明:


  2.9 The working of these rules may be illustrated by the facts of Commercial Steamship Co v. Boulton, where, all lay days having been used up at the port of loading, a vessel arrived in dock at the port of discharge at 05 00 on a Tuesday. Discharge commenced at 08 00 on the Wednesday and finished at 08 00 on the Thursday. In these circumstances, it was held that charterers were liable for two whole days’ demurrage.

  2.9关于这些原则的运作和实施,我们可以通过Commercial Steamship Co v. Boulton—案的事实加以说明。在该案中,所有的装卸天数在装货港就已经被全部用完,船舶于星期二0500抵靠卸货港码头。卸货作业在星期三上午0800开 始,于星期四上午0800结束。在这种情况下,法院判定承租人需要支付二个完整天数的滞期费。

  2.10 The same rules relating to broken periods apply to the calculation of laytime, where the charter provides for a rate of cargo working. Thus, in Houlder v. Weir, the charterers were entitled to 29 days and a portion of a day for the discharge of the cargo and it was held that, in the absence of anything to the contrary, the charterers were entitled to 30 days.

  2.10 在租船合同中规定装卸作业效率的情况下,关于非完整时间的规则也同样适用于对其装卸时间的计算。因此,在Houlder v. Weir—案中,承租人有权使用29天和一天的部分时间用于卸货作业。法院判定,在没有任何相反规定的情况下,承租人实际上有权使用30天的时间。

  2.11 Whilst lay days are to count consecutively, their continuity can be interrupted by the exclusion of Sundays and holidays, if there is an express provision to this effect or local custom so provides.


  2.12 Speaking of how lay days should be calculated, Lord Esher MR said in Nielsen v. Wait:

  They must begin from the time, when the ship is at her berth in the usual place of delivery, where she can deliver. They must begin then, and they are to be counted, unless something appears to the contrary, consecutively. That is not because the phraseology says that they are consecutive, but because it is taken as a necessary implication of the meaning of both parties, that the moment the ship begins to unload they are to go on consecutively each day to unload her and they must not either of them at their option take a holiday without the leave of the other.

  2.12在谈到装卸天数应该如何计算时,上诉法院院长Esher勋爵在Nielsen v. Wait—案中说:


  2.13 An example of how a local custom could affect the consecutive running of days is provided by Cochran v. Retberg, where it was found that the word ‘‘days’’ in a bill of lading providing for the carriage of goods from the River Elbe to London meant, by usage of the port of London, working days and thus Sundays and Customs House holidays were excluded.

  2.13 在Cochran v. Retberg—案提供了一个当地的习惯是如何影响连续计算装卸天数的实例。在此例,法院认定,在为从易北河往敦运输的货物的提单中规定的词语‘日/天’含义,根据伦敦港习惯,是指工作日,因此星期日和海关的节假日均被排除在外。


  魏长庚船长:1996-2000 年在大连海事大学学习,获得航海技术专业学士学位。具有16年海上船舶航行经验,魏长庚船长一直热爱海商法(重点是英国海商法)的学习,并致力海商法的翻译工作(包括Informa出版的Bill of Lading(提单),Laytime and Demurrage(装卸时间与滞期费)等书籍


  公益出版译著《Aikens on bills of lading》第二版中英文对照,筹款链接(可点击进入)

  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)