

  General Principles 基本原则

  The construction of laytime clauses


  1.38 There are a number of general principles that apply to the construction of charterparty clauses, including laytime clauses. These include that:

  all clauses in a charterparty should where possible be read harmoniously;

  where there is a conflict, additional clauses should take precedence over those in the printed form;

  where there is a conflict, clauses that appear later in the charter are to rule; and

  clauses can be construed contra proferentem the party for whose benefit they have been inserted.






  1.39 In addition, the courts have over the years expressed various views as to how the intentions of the parties should be discerned from the words they have used in the charter.


  1.40 Thus in Storer v. Manchester CC, Lord Denning MR said at page 1408:

  In contracts you do not look into the actual intent in a man’s mind. You look at what he said and did. A contract is formed when there is, to all outward appearances, a contract. A man cannot get out of a contract by saying “I did not intend to contract” if by his words, he has done so. His intention is to be found only in the outward expression which his [words] convey. If they show a concluded contract, that is enough.

  1.40 因此在Storer v. Manchester CC案,上诉法院院长(Master of the Rolls上诉庭庭长,主事法官,掌卷法官,卷宗主任)Denning勋爵在第1408页说:


  1.41 In the same year, in Schuler AG v. Wickman Machine Tool Sales Ltd, where the issue was whether a term of the contract was a condition, as the contract stated, any breach of which would entitle the other party to bring the contract to an end, or something less, Lord Reid, who gave the first speech, said this:

  But we must remember we are seeking to discover intention as disclosed by the contract as a whole. Use of the word “condition” is an indication—even a strong indication—of such an intention but it is by no means conclusive.

  The fact that a particular construction leads to a very unreasonable result must be a relevant consideration. The more unreasonable the result the more unlikely it is that the parties can have intended it, and if they do intend it the more necessary it is that they should make that intention abundantly clear.

  1.41同一年,在Schuler AG v. Wickman Machine Tool Sales Ltd案中,其中的争议是,合约条文是否如合同中所载明的那样是一个条件条文,任何违反该条文就会赋予另一方终止合同的权利,或者不足以终止合同,Reid勋爵,他首先发言,说:



  1.42 Mention should also be made of a dictum of Lord Diplock in Antaios Compania Naviera SA v. Salen Rederierna AB (a case well known in shipping circles) where at page 201, Lord Diplock said:

  . . . if a detailed semantic and syntactical analysis of a word in a commercial contract is going to lead to a conclusion that flouts business common sense, it must be made to yield to business common sense.

  A similar dictum was put forward by Lord Mustill in Torvald Klaveness v. Arni Maritime, where his lordship said:

  Naturally, no judge will favour an interpretation which produces an obviously absurd result unless the words used drive him to it, since it is unlikely that this is what the parties intended. But where there is no obvious absurdity, and simply assertions by either side that its own interpretation yields the more sensible result, there is room for error.

  In Reardon Smith v. Hansen-Tangen, Lord Wilberforce explained the relevance of the factual background and the commercial purpose of the contract at pages 624 and 625 of the law report:

  No contracts are made in a vacuum: there is always a setting in which they have to be placed. The nature of what is legitimate to have regard to is usually described as “the surrounding circumstances”, but this phrase is imprecise: it can be illustrated but hardly defined. In a commercial contract it is certainly right that the Court should know the commercial purpose of the contract and this in turn presupposes knowledge of the genesis of the transaction, the background, the context, the market in which the parties are operating.... [p. 624]

  It is often said that, in order to be admissible in aid of construction, these extrinsic facts must be within the knowledge of both parties to the contract, but this requirement should not be stated in too narrow a sense. When one speaks of the intention of the parties to the contract, one is speaking objectively—the parties cannot themselves give direct evidence of what their intention was—and what must be ascertained is what is to be taken as the intention which reasonable people would have had if placed in the situation of the parties. [p. 625]

  1.42另外还应提到Antaios Compania Naviera SA v. Salen Rederierna AB案(航运界非常著名的案件)中Diplock勋爵的名言,在法律报告第201页,Diplock勋爵说:


  在Torvald Klaveness v. Arni Maritime案,Mustill勋爵提出类似的格言,说:


  在Reardon Smith v. Hansen-Tangen案,在法律报告第624页和第625页,Wilberforce勋爵对合同的订约背景和其商业目的之间的相关性做出了解释:




  魏长庚船长:1996-2000 年在大连海事大学学习,获得航海技术专业学士学位。具有16年海上船舶航行经验,魏长庚船长一直热爱海商法(重点是英国海商法)的学习,并致力海商法的翻译工作(包括Informa出版的Bill of Lading(提单),Laytime and Demurrage(装卸时间与滞期费)等书籍


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  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)