




 船东在2016年3月份将F轮以带有附加条款的NYPE46的租约格式租给租家,去执行一个从乌克兰装小麦到地中海港口卸的航次任务。该轮在Nikolayev装完货后(该港及航道有水尺限制),到Ochakiv 锚地继续装货,最终于2016年4月3日完货。船方做的水尺数货量约54,750吨,而岸方提供的数据约为55,000吨,船方水尺数与岸方提供的数据不一致,差异约250吨。船长在大副收据上作了批注,双方对此争议僵持不下,最后租家要求船长以岸方数据为准签相关货物单据,指示船长尽快开航。


Trust the charterers safe receipt below and attachment from the Master.
And the Master follow the charterers' instruction, sail from load port now.
For avoid any misunderstanding, Owners hereby repeat that total cargo qtty loaded onboard should be basis draft survey, abt 54,750mts; but not the shore weightfigure.
Meanwhile,original B/L only could be issued in conformity with Mate's receipt strictly. Please be noted that the Master already claused the Mate's receipt.
Any cleanB/L if was issued without Owners' written confirmation will be deemed as illegal, VOID&NULL.

Charterers please be guided accordingly. Thanks.

Further to Owners' message date 3rd/Apr, Owners note that clean original Bs/L were issued already.

As Owners clarify earlier, there was cargo qtty discrepancy between shore weight figure and draft survey, the Master clause the Mate'sreceipt; but Charterers' agent issue clean Bs/L without any remark.

It's no doubt that the charterers in breach of charter partyclause 91, without Owners' confirmation to issue clean Bs/L which are not conformity with Mate's receipt.

In order to resolve this problem, The charterers are called upon to settle any cargo shortage claim at discharge ports from their side directly.

Owners/Master will not hold any responsible for any shortage/damages which result from the charterers' breach.


(b) All bills of lading or waybills shall be without prejudice to this Charter Party and the Charterers shall indemnify the Owners against all consequences or liabilities which may arise from any inconsistency between this Charter Party and any bills of lading or waybills signed by the Charterers or by the Master at their request.
第二天船东突然发现,所有提单签发日期都是3月31日;而事实情况下,有一部分货在4月3日才装完,因此此部分的货物对应的提单涉及倒签,提单为倒签提单(Backdated B/L or Ante-dated B/L)。发现此问题后,马上给租家发了如下电邮,声明部分货物对应提单为倒签提单,要求租家指示代理取消该提单,并将正本作废后邮寄给船东,然后再重新签发。并在该电邮中澄清,船长因为把注意力都放在货量差异上,没有注意到提单日期的问题。这点很重要,不是船长注意到提单日期有问题了,还选择签发,如果是这样,如前篇文章所说的,将导致船东丧失默示索赔权及构成欺诈。

Refer to Charterers’ last, Owners wish to point out that the Master focused his attention to the cargo qtty discrepancy, for the BL issued date should be for his oversight.

This does not have effect that the charterers could issue backdated Bs/L without Owners’consent.

Refer to SOF, It’s clear and no doubt that time of complete loading operation was on 3rd/Apr2016 at Ochakov roads, NOT 31st/Mar 2016.

Hence that the charterers please instruct their agent to cancel those backdated Bs/L.
Please courier all sets of Bs/L after mark “NULL& VOID” to Owners’ below office:

Owners will let charterers note immediately once safe receipt those Bs/L in hand, and the charterers and or their agent could re-issue Bs/L by then.

Owners are awaiting for the charterers’ further comments if any.




在The“Wilomi Tanana”案中,船东以Shellvoy 5的租约格式派Wilomi Tanana轮去执行租家的一个从西非装原油到欧洲卸的航次任务。该轮在1993年1月18日抵达加蓬的Oguendjo泊位,于1月20日0110完货,总共装了约900,000桶原油,整票货并没有物理分隔。整票货拆分成了7份提单,船长在完货后签发了,但没有注意到提单日期是1月19日,也没有递交抗议书。该轮最终在2月8日抵法国的Le Havre卸港。



33.(1) Subject to the provisions of thisclause charterers may require the master to sign lawful bills of lading for anycargo in such form as charterers direct . . .



It was common ground that the master was in error regarding the dating of the bills and should have insisted upon dating them Jan. 20; it was not proper for the master to date a bill earlier than that by which all the cargo referred to in the bill of lading had been shipped; the bills of lading should have been dated Jan. 20.


The charterers did not have the right under cl. 33 to give orders to the owners; the direction, if it was to be given had to be given before the bill of lading had been signed and issued; it was not now open to the charterers to say that they required a different form of bill of lading to that issued.

The charterers could not forbid the owners to correct the erroneous dates of the bills of lading provided that the owners did not go so far as to issue fresh bills of lading and to do so in a form that was inconsistent with the charter or instructions that had been given by the charterers; the owners were at liberty to correct the dates of the existing bills.

Antedated and false bills of lading are acancer in international trade. A bill of lading is issued in international trade with the purpose that it should be relied upon by those into whose hands it properly comes - consignees, bankers and endorsees. A bank, which receives a bill of lading signed by or on behalf of a ship owner (as one of the documents presented under a letter of credit), relies upon the veracity and authenticity of the bill. Honest commerce requires that those who put bills of lading into circulation do so only where the bill of lading, as far as they know,represents the true facts.


实务中,船长基本上都会知道,货量不足的话,到时候在卸港有麻烦,比如面对收货人的短货索赔。如果出现货量差异,船长有权拒签此清洁提单。如在The “Boukadoura”案,Evans法官判,如果提单不能准确反映实际已装船的数量船长有权拒签不合格的提单;船东有权利索赔延误造成的损失。

The master was entitled to refuse to sign an unqualified bill, that the inaccuracy in the bill as to quantity loaded was an “ irregularity” within the meaning of clause 20(a) and that the owners could recover from the charterers the losses incurred as a result of the delay.







之前文章曾提到,在大副收据上加了批注,租家或其代理如果签发了与大副收据不一致的提单,则租家违约,船东有权利索赔任何损失。F轮的船长也加上了第4点SAID TO WEIGH QUALITY NQUANTITY UNKNOW,加上这类的批注的好处是,如果在卸货港出现短货,船东将无需承担任何责任,此类问题在之前文章已经说明,不再重复。






在Derry v Peek (1889)案中,Herschell勋爵说到,权威已经建立了如下论点,第一,为了维持欺骗的行为,必须有欺诈的证据;第二,当在已经知道、不相信是真的或大意不管是真是假这些情况作出了虚假陈述,则构成了欺诈。

Having now drawn attention, I believe, to all the cases having a material bearing upon the question under consideration, I proceed to state briefly the conclusions to which I have been led. I think the authorities establish the following propositions: First, in order to sustain an action of deceit, there must be proof of fraud, and nothing short of that will suffice. Secondly, fraudis proved when it is shewn that a false representation has been made (1)knowingly, or (2) without belief in its truth, or (3) recklessly, careless whether it be true or false. Although I have treated the second and third as distinct cases, I think the third is but an instance of the second, for one who makes a statement under such circumstances can have no real belief in the truth of what he states. To prevent a false statement being fraudulent, there must, I think, always be an honest belief in its truth. And this probably covers the whole ground, for one who knowingly alleges that which is false, has obviously no such honest belief. Thirdly, if fraud be proved, the motive of the personguilty of it is immaterial. It matters not that there was no intention to cheator injure the person to whom the statement was made.


在Sanders v McLean (1883)案中,Bowen勋爵说到,商业惯例的目的是为了防止破产的风险,不欺诈;任何人如果试图去追随及理解商人法,他们会发现很迷茫,如果他一开始是以商家开展业务在试图保护自己免受欺诈交易这一假设作基础。但情况恰恰相反,信用,而不是猜疑,才是商业交易的基础。商业天才主要在于知道谁应该信任,以及与谁打交道;而商业交往和交流并不是基于欺诈的假设,而是基于伪造的假设。

The objectof mercantile usage is to prevent the risk of insolvency,not of fraud; and anyone who attempts to follow and understand the Law Merchant will soon find himself lost, if he begins by assuming that merchants conduct their business on the basis of attempting to insure themselves against fraudulent dealing. The contrary is the case. Credit, not distrust, is the basis of commercial dealings. Mercantile genius consists principally in knowing whom to trust and with whom to deal, and commercial intercourse and communication is no more based on the supposition of fraud, than it is on the supposition of forgery.

在Brown Jenkinson & Co Ltd v PercyDalton (London) Ltd, [1957]案中,Morris勋爵说到,应被告的请求,原告作了一份他们知道是虚假的陈述,而且他们的意图应该由收到提单的人,包括任何可能有关的银行家所信赖。在这种情况下,欺诈侵权行为的所有要素都存在。如果能证明自己由于依赖此陈述而遭受损害,则遭受损害的人可以要求赔偿损失。他认为他的结论是,承诺赔偿如果原告做出了陈述而遭受任何损失,这种承诺是没有法律效力的。如果不以非法交易为依据,就无法提出索赔。承诺后,原告依赖实际上是这样的:如果你会做虚假陈述,从而欺骗受让人或银行家,我们将赔偿你可能导致你的任何损失。他认为法院不应该支持执行这样的协议。

… at there quest of the defendants, the plaintiffs made a representation which they knew to be false and which they intended should be relied upon by persons whoreceived the bill of lading, including any banker who might be concerned.In these circumstances, all the elements of the tort of deceit were present. Someone who could prove that he suffered damage by relying on there presentation could sue for damages. I feel impelled to the conclusion that a promise to indemnify the plaintiffs against any loss resulting to them from making the representation is unenforceable. The claim cannot be putforward without basing it upon an unlawful transaction. The promise upon which the plaintiffs rely is in effect this: if you will make a false representation,which will deceive indorsees or bankers, we will indemnify you against any loss that may result to you. I cannot think that a court should lend its aid to enforce such a bargain.

在HIH Casualty and General Insurance Ltd v Chase Manhattan Bank [2001]案中,Rix勋爵说到,话虽如此,但考虑到律师就这一问题提交的广泛意见,已详细考虑了这一论点;要排除欺诈,仍然需要尽可能明确的措辞。合同双方当事人诚实地对待对方;警告潜在的合同当事人,代理人可能的欺诈行为将是在任何协议中一个引人注目的条款。这无疑是为什么这原则的重点在以前从未决定过的一个原因。

Having said that, and having considered the argument in some detail in deference to the extensive submissions made by counsel on this issue, it remains the position that for fraud to be excluded requires the clearest possible wording. Parties to a contract assume honest dealing with one another. To warn a potential contract party of an agent's possible fraud would be a remarkable clause to find in any agreement. That is no doubt one reason why the point of principle has never previously had to be decided.

在Shogun FinanceLtd v Hudson[2003] 案中,Nicholls of Birkenhead 勋爵说到如下:法院的问题首先要求分析欺诈性虚假陈述对一个人订立合同的意图的影响,买卖合同与其他合同一样,需要达成协议,达成共识。卖方必须打算或似乎打算出售货物,买方必须按照约定的条款,打算或似乎打算购买货物。欺诈的存在并不否定任何一方当事人的这种意图的存在,欺诈没有消极意图。一个人的意图是一种精神状态,欺诈并不是消极的心态。欺诈性虚假陈述的存在意味着一个人的意图是在一个虚假的基础上形成的,而且,另一方所知道的是虚假的。欺诈对于合法权益或责任义务是消极的,要不从签订合同的时候就流露出这种意图。欺诈可使欺诈受害人拒绝进行合同,因欺诈性虚假陈述,他被诱导进入,并要求赔偿他可能遭受的任何损失,但欺诈没有否定合同成立的后果。


The question before the House calls first for some analysis of the effect offraudulent misrepresentation on a person's intention to enter into a contract. A contract of sale and purchase, like any other contract, requires agreement, a meeting of minds. The seller must intend, or appear to intend, to sell the goods, and the buyer must intend, or appear to intend, to buy the goods on the agreed terms. The presence of fraud does not negative the existence of such anintention on the part of either party. Fraud does not negative intention. Aperson's intention is a state of mind. Fraud does not negative a state of mind.The existence of a fraudulent misrepresentation means that a person's intentionis formed on a false basis - a basis, moreover, known by the other party to be false. The effect of fraud is to negative legal rights or obligations otherwise flowing from an intention to enter into a contract. Fraud enables the victim of the fraud to decline to proceed with a contract into which, by reason of the fraudulent misrepresentation, he was induced to enter, and he has a claim for damages for any loss he may suffer.But fraud does not have the consequence of negativing the formation of a contract.

Whether a person has consented to this or that is a question of fact.Fraud does not negative a fact. As with intention, so with consent, fraud negatives legal rights or obligations otherwise flowing from a person having given his consent to a particular happening. Fraud can destroy legal rights; it cannot destroy facts.

This distinction, between negativing intention or consent and negativing the rights otherwise flowing from intentionor consent, is important. It explains why the law treats a contract induced by fraud as voidable,not void. The necessary coincidence of intention, or consensus ad idem, may exist even where the intention and consent of the victim were induced by fraud. An intention thus induced is regarded by the law as sufficient to found a contract, even though the victim may repudiate the contract as soon as he discovers the fraud.

在The “KritiPalm” 案中,Rix勋爵说到,有时候说必要的陈述必须是明确的,陈述须是准确的这句话太宽泛了。因为不诚实是欺骗的本质,可能是一个含糊不清的陈词,而这陈词是虚假的。在他看来,在欺骗行为中,基于特定的陈述给予原告救济是不正确的,当原告不敢发誓说他理解法院所说的意思时。在任何情况下,欺诈不诚实的陈述必须清楚地识别出。

253. It is sometimes said that the necessary representation must be unequivocal. That is too broad a statement to be accurate. Because dishonesty is the essence of deceit it is possible to be fraudulent even bymeans of an ambiguous statement, but in such a case it is essential that the representor should have intended the statement to be understood in the sense in which it is understood bythe claimant (and of course a sense in which it is untrue) or should have deliberately used the ambiguity for the purpose of deceiving him and succeeded in doing so.

In my opinion it would not be right in an action of deceit to give a plaintiff relief on the ground that a particular statement, according to the construction put onit by the Court, is false, when the plaintiff does not venture to swear that he understood the statement in the sense which the Court puts on it.

25.4 It remains true, however, that in any case of fraud the dishonest representation must be clearly indetified.

最后来看看The “Saga Explorer”案。

在该案中,船东安排该轮到韩国的Ulsan装钢管,钢管表面有锈且氧化严重。船方想添加批注,但发货人不同意。在装完货的时候,KOSAC(Korea Surveyors and Adjustors Co.Ltd) 出了一份货物检验报告,其部分内容如下:

As a result of the survey, we found that allthe shipments loaded on board the vessel to be in apparent good order &condition except the shipments mentioned on the 'Cargo Damage/Exception List'attached hereto.

With regard to the noted damages/exceptions to the shipments, we recommend that they shall be claused in or appended to the relevant Mate's Receipt and Bills of Lading.





RETLA CLAUSE: If the Goods as described by the Merchant are iron, steel, metal or timber products, the phrase 'apparent good order and condition' set out in the preceding paragraph does not mean the Goods were received in the case of iron, steel or metal products, free ofvisible rust or moisture or in the case of timber products free from warpage,breakage, chipping, moisture, split or broken ends, stains, decay or discoloration. Nor does the Carrier warrant the accuracy of any piece count provided by the Merchant or the adequacy of any banding or securing. If the Merchant so requests, a substitute Bill of Lading will be issued omitting this definition and setting forth any notations which may appear on the mate's ortally clerk's receipt.



The decision to issue and sign clean Bills of Lading involved false representations by the Owners which were known to be untrue and intended to be relied on. What occurred was not an 'honest and reasonable non-expert view of the cargo as it appeared,' but a deceitful calculation made on behalf of the Owners by their authorised agent at the request of the Shippers and to the prejudice of those who would rely on the contents of the Bills of Lading.





如文中F轮,如果船长在明知提单日期有问题,还是选择签发倒签提单,那么很显然,如果买家如The“Wilomi Tanana”案中的情况一样,由于市场波动,货价相差甚大,则买家可以起诉船东虚假陈述了提单日期,找船东索赔损失。

在期租合同下,另外一种常见的行为,比如换单(Switch B/L),在某些情况下,如果船东同意了租家此换单行为,也可能导致无辜第三的索赔。因此,为了规避风险,在期租合同下,最好列明租家没有权利换单。此换单所涉及的风险将另文再述。


(a) 清楚知道事情的真相

(b) 做了陈述

(c) 陈述是虚假错误的

(d) 无辜的第三方依赖此陈述,造成了损失


海运圈聚焦专栏作者 Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)