2015.6.5通过的海安会MSC.1/Circ.1511通函,发布了对SOLAS CII-2/R9和R13部分条款的统一解释,对上述三个区域的定义做了澄清。
机器控制室是指用于控制和/或监视用于船舶主推进机械的处所。(A "machinery control room" means a space which serves for control and/or monitoring of machinery used for ship's main propulsion.)
主工作间是指至少三面由舱壁或格栅围蔽,通常包括焊接设备、金属加工车床和工作台的处所。(A "main workshop" means a compartment enclosed on at least three sides by bulkheads or gratings, usually containing welding equipment, metal working machinery and workbenches.)
安全位置可以是除货物处所、储物柜和储物间、以及货泵舱和可燃液体储存室以外的不论其所在位置的任何处所,但包括提供了能到达开敞甲板的连续无障碍通道的车辆和滚装处所。(A "safe position"can be any space, excluding cargo spaces, lockers and storerooms irrespectiveof their area, cargo pump-rooms and spaces where flammable liquids are stowed,but including vehicle and ro-ro spaces, from which access is provided andmaintained clear of obstacles to the open deck.)
海运圈聚焦专栏作者:刘颖钊 刘老轨工作室 微信公众号:liuyiingzhao2014