关于过海盗危险区的若干思考-兼评The “Triton Lark” 案(下)



一、[2014]EWHC 885 (Comm)-The “Bulk Uruguay”

在该案中, DRY BULKHANDY HOLDINGS INC (以下简称“船东”)将在菲律宾某船厂的新造船,58,000载重吨的超灵便型船M/V "BULKURUGUAY"在2010年7月2日以改正过带有附加条款的NYPE租约格式,租给GEDEN OPERATIONS LTD(以下简称“租家”),租期约35到37个月。 租约中第8条通常一样,规定船长需听从租家合法的命令及航次指示。也包括了BIMCO防海盗条款及期租租约战争险条款。

其中CONWARTIME2004条款中的(a)(b)已经删除如下取而代之的是GOA OK。

(a) For the purposeof this Clause, the words:

(i) "Owners" shall include theshipowners, bareboat charterers, disponent owners, managers or other operatorswho are

charged with the management of the Vessel,and the Master; and

(ii) "War Risks" shall include anyactual, threatened or reported: war; act of war; civil war; hostilities;revolution; rebellion; civil commotion; warlike operations; laying of mines;acts of piracy; acts of terrorists; acts of hostility or malicious damage;blockades (whether imposed against all vessels or imposed selectively againstvessels of certain flags or ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews orotherwise howsoever); by any person, body, terrorist or political group, or theGovernment of any state whatsoever, which, in the reasonable judgement of theMaster and/or the Owners, may be dangerous or are likely to be or to becomedangerous to the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel.

(b) The Vessel, unless the written consent ofthe Owners be first obtained, shall not be ordered to or required to continueto or through, any port, place, area or zone (whether of land or sea), or anywaterway or canal, where it appears that the

Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons onboard the Vessel, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners,may be, or are likely to be, exposed to War Risks. Should the Vessel be withinany such place as aforesaid, which only

becomes dangerous, or is likely to be or tobecome dangerous, after her entry into it, she shall be at liberty to leave it.

(c) The Vessel shall not be required to loadcontraband cargo, or to pass through any blockade, whether such blockade beimposed on all vessels, or is imposed selectively in any way whatsoever againstvessels of certain flags or ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews orotherwise howsoever, or to proceed to an area where she shall be subject, or islikely to be subject to a belligerent’s right of search and/or confiscation.

(d) (i) The Owners may effect war risksinsurance in respect of the Hull and Machinery of the Vessel and their otherinterests (including, but not limited to, loss of earnings and detention, thecrew and their protection and Indemnity Risks), and the premiums and/or callstherefor shall be for their account.

(ii) If the Underwriters of such insuranceshould require payment of premiums and/or calls because, pursuant to theCharterers' orders, the Vessel is within, or is due to enter and remain within,or pass through any area or areas which are specified by such Underwriters asbeing subject to additional premiums because of War Risks, then the actualpremiums and/or calls paid shall be reimbursed by the Charterers to the Ownersat the same time as the next payment of hire is due, or upon redelivery,whichever occurs first.

(e) If the Owners become liable under theterms of employment to pay to the crew any bonus or additional wages in respectof sailing into an area which is dangerous in the manner defined by the saidterms, then the actual bonus or additional wages paid shall be reimbursed tothe Owners by the Charterers at the same time as the next payment of hire isdue, or upon redelivery, whichever occurs first.

(f) The Vessel shall have liberty:-

(i) to comply with all orders, directions,recommendations or advice as to departure, arrival, routes, sailing in convoy,ports of call, stoppages, destinations, discharge of cargo, delivery, or in anyother way whatsoever, which are given by the Government of the Nation underwhose flag the Vessel sails, or other Government to whose laws the Owners aresubject, or any other Government, body or group whatsoever acting with thepower to compel compliance with their orders or directions;

(ii) to comply with the order, directions orrecommendations of any war risks underwriters who have the authority to givethe same under the terms of the war risks insurance;

(iii) to comply with the terms of anyresolution of the Security Council of the United Nations, the effective ordersof any other Supranational body which has the right to issue and give the same,and with national laws aimed at enforcing the same to which the Owners aresubject, and to obey the orders and directions of those who are charged withtheir enforcement;

(iv) to discharge at any other port any cargoor part thereof which may render the Vessel liable to confiscation as acontraband carrier;

(v) to call at any other port to change thecrew or any part thereof or other persons on board the Vessel when there isreason to believe that they may be subject to internment, imprisonment or othersanctions.

(g) If in accordance with their rights underthe foregoing provisions of this Clause, the Owners shall refuse to proceed tothe loading or discharging ports, or any one or more of them, they shallimmediately inform the Charterers. No cargo shall be

discharged at any alternative port withoutfirst giving the Charterers notice of the Owners' intention to do so andrequesting them to nominate a safe port for such discharge. Failing suchnomination by the Charterers within 48 hours of the receipt of such notice andrequest, the Owners may discharge the cargo at any safe port of their ownchoice.

(h) If in compliance with any of the provisionsof sub-clauses (b) to (g) of this Clause anything is done or not done, suchshall not be deemed a deviation, but shall be considered as due fulfilment ofthis Charter Party.

在2011年7月8日,租家通过经纪发邮件给船东,说第一个处女航次,租家有意向安排船舶通过亚丁湾(Gulf of Aden)将船摆位到大西洋,询问船东额外的保费。




(a) Did the Owners by their words or conductevince an intention not to perform, or expressly declare that they would be unableto perform, their obligations under the Charterparty?

(b) If so, did such a refusal have the effectof substantially depriving the Charterers of the whole benefit which it was theintention of the parties that they should obtain from the contract?"


The relationship between the two types ofanticipatory breach was discussed by Devlin J in Universal Carriers vCitati [1957] 2 QB 401 at 436-438:

"The law on the right to rescind issuccinctly stated by Lord Porter in Heyman v. DarwinsLtd. as follows: "The three sets of circumstances giving rise to adischarge of contract are tabulated by Anson as: (1) renunciation by a party ofhis liabilities under it; (2) impossibility created by his own act; and (3)total or partial failure of performance.

There was no error of law. The majorityaddressed the correct question and reached a conclusion of fact which was opento them and which is not susceptible of review on this appeal. The minorityarbitrator concluded that the Owners made clear that they would not be able tocomply with orders to transit GOA promptly. That was an alternative conclusionwhich may have been available on the facts, but it was not the view of themajority.


Mr Hill QC submitted that this was not thecorrect approach. The required approach was to identify the benefit whichCharterers would have derived under the Charterparty for the remainder of thecontractual period, looking at the question prospectively at the date ofanticipatory breach; and then to ask whether the Owners' conduct deprived themof substantially the whole of that benefit. This involved asking two questions.The first was whether and to what extent Charterers would have wished to tradevia GOA. The second was what would have happened had they wanted to. Themajority answered the first question by finding that Charterers would not havewished to trade the Vessel via the GOA in the foreseeable future. The secondquestion was not answered by assuming that a voyage order via GOA would havebeen given, and not been promptly complied with, because knowing that headowner consent would be required, the Charterers would never have fixed theVessel to a subcharterer for GOA transit; they would not have taken the riskthat they could not procure prompt consent and so have incurred the risk oftheir own inability to comply with a valid voyage GOA transit order under a subtime charter, or to perform a GOA transit voyage sub charter. The benefit ofwhich Owners' conduct deprived the Charterers therefore was the opportunity inthe longer term to market the Vessel as GOA OK on those occasions when theywould otherwise have wished to make her available to trade her via GOA.

I accept Mr Hill QC's submissions that thisis the correct approach dictated by the principles set out recently by theCourt of Appeal in Telford Homes (Creekside) Ltd v Ampurius Nu HomesHoldings Ltd [2013]EWCA Civ 577. That being so, the ground of appeal isessentially one of fact not law.



As Mustill J said in The Chrysalis [1983] 1 Lloyd's Rep 503 at 507: "….once theCourt has concluded that a tribunal which correctly understood the law couldhave arrived at the same answer as the one reached by the arbitrator, the factthat the individual judge himself would have come to a different conclusion isno ground for disturbing the award."

Accordingly the appeal fails on this groundalso.

在该案中,租约已经列明了GOA OK,也就是说亚丁湾可以过。租家完全可以坚持要求过亚丁湾,逼迫船东去做适当的安排,比如询问护航编队时间及安排武装护卫等。如果船东最终仍然坚持不过亚丁湾,那么船东违反租约,有损失的话租家可以找船东索赔。但是租家失误的地方是,在自己航次任务没有最终确定的情况下,贸然选择了终止合同,结果导致租家自己毁约,船东有权利索赔因租家毁约而带来的一切损失。

二、[2010] EWHC 1340 (Comm) (11 June 2010) –The “Saldanha”

在该案中,The Saldanha 轮在其过亚丁湾期间,于2009年2月22日被索马里海盗劫持,4月25日被释放,5月2日回到和被劫持位置等效地点(equivalent position)。租家主张被海盗劫持期间从2月22日到5月2日,船舶应该停租。鉴于海盗劫持不能归为共同海损事故所引起的扣押,也不算是人员的不足和/或过错,也不能归类于15条停租条款中的“Any other cause”,任何其他(阻止船舶完全运作)的原因,法官Gross驳回租家诉求,同时认为海盗劫持是个classis example of a totally extraneous cause,非常典型的完全是外部原因造成的例子。


Thearbitrators determined a number of preliminary issues arising under clause 15and under other clauses of the charterparty. As to clause 15, the tribunal held that the detention bypirates did not have the effect of putting the vessel off-hire under thatclause. The tribunal also held that the vessel was not off-hire under clause 39and that the war risk and insurance provisions of the charterparty did notpreclude the owners from claiming hire in respect of periods during which thevessel was under the control of pirates.

The charterersappealed to the High Court in relation to the tribunals determination that the vessel was not off-hireunder clause 15. There was no appeal in relation to the tribunals other determinations.

The chartererssubmitted that they had succeeded in bringing themselves within one or more ofthe following three causes contained in clause 15 of the charterparty, namely(1) Detentionby average accidents to ship or cargo, (2) Default and/or deficiency of men, and (3) Any other cause.

Held , that as to(1) there was no Detention by average accidents to ship or cargo. In The Mareva AS [1977] 1 Lloyds Rep 368, 381 Kerr J said that average accident meant an accident which causes damage. On any view, the piracy incident did not resultin damage to the vessel. Kerr Js observation had been accepted as correct for 30years, and as settling the issue of the meaning of average accident in the NYPE form. Innumerable charterparties hadbeen made on that basis. The Court would only differ from the view expressed byKerr J if persuaded that it was clearly wrong. To the contrary, Kerr J’s viewseemed right. Moreover, the incident could not properly be described as an“accident”. Furthermore, “average”, in the present context was not simply to beequated with a peril ordinarily covered by marine insurance. At the least, inthe present context, damage to the ship was an essential ingredient for thewording “average accidents to ship” to apply.

As to (2) there wasno Defaultand/or deficiency of men. The tribunal had been asked to determine whether, onthe (disputed) factual assumption that the officers and crew had failed to takerecognised anti-piracy precautions, before and during the attack, thosefailures would fall within the exception default of men. The tribunal had further been asked to assumethat that failure on the part of the officers and crew was a significant causeof the loss of time resulting from the pirates taking over the vessel andconsequent loss of full working of the vessel. The charterers had submittedthat the natural meaning of default of men included a failure to perform or a breach by themaster and crew of their duties. However, the context presented an insuperableobstacle to adopting the charterers construction of default of men. In context, default of men in clause 15 had a narrower construction, andmeant a refusal by officers or crew to perform all or part of their duties as owedto the shipowner and not the negligent or inadvertent performance of thoseduties.

As to (3), theincident did not fall within the words Any other cause. The starting point was to underline that clause15 contained the wording any other cause rather than the wording any other cause whatsoever . That difference in wording was significant (seeThe Laconian Confidence [1997] 1 Lloyds Rep 139, 150 151). The act of piracy was not eiusdem generis .It did not arise out of the condition or efficiency of the vessel, or the crew,or the cargo, or the trading history, or any reasonable perception of suchmatters by outside bodies. It was a truly extraneous cause. The effect of thebargain contained within clause 15, construed in its general context, was thatthe owners did not take the risk of the full working of the vessel beingprevented by an extraneous cause such as piracy. The charterers assumed thatrisk.

In conclusion, theseizure of a ship by external actors was a recognised peril; but no such perilwas covered by clause 15 of the charterparty. Moreover, and significantly,there was in the charterparty a bespoke clause dealing inter alia with seizures. Clause 40of the charterparty provided as follows:

Clause40 Seizure/Arrest/Requisition/Detention Should the Vessel be seized, arrested,requisitioned or detained during the currency of this Charter Party by anyauthority or at the suit of any person having or purporting to have a claimagainst or any interest in the Vessel, the Charterers liability to pay hire shall cease immediately fromthe time of her seizure, arrest, requisition or detention and all time so lostshall be treated as off-hire until the time of her release

Plainly, however,clause 40 did not extend to cover seizure by pirates. Perhaps that was thecharterersmisfortune but it did not furnish justification for distorting the meaning ofclause 15. Should parties be minded to treat seizures by pirates as an off-hireevent under a time charterparty, they could do so straightforwardly and mostobviously by way of an express provision in a seizures or detention clause. Alternatively and at the very least, theycould add the word whatsoever to the wording any other cause, although that route would not give quite the samecertainty.

The appeal would bedismissed.


三、[2012] EWHC 1888(Comm)-The “Paiwan Wisdom”

在该案中,原船东把船PAIWAN WISDOM租给Kent LineInternational Ltd(以下简称“二船东”),二船东在2010年3月25日的时候,以NPYE93的租约格式租给了Solym Carriers Ltd(以下简称“租家”),租期约11-13个月。



Clause 5 Trading Limits

The Vessel shall be employed in such lawfultrades between safe ports and safe places within (See Clause 50).

Clause 50 Trading limits / exclusions

Vessel always to trade within I.W.L., Charterers'option breach of LW.L. subject to Owners' underwriters approval and invoice(Owners will assist to obtain the rate lower or approximate to London scale. itis however WOG), always afloat at any time of tide, Charterers' option NAABSA,always via safe port(s)/berth(s)/anchorage(s) excluding:

Abkhazia, Angola, Cambodia, C.I.S. FarEastern ports, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia but the port of Poti is allowed,Great Lakes, Haiti, Lebanon, but Iraq will be allowed as soon as situationnormalizes, Israel, Liberia, North Korea, Serbia, Somalia, Syria is allowedprovided vessel is not flying Liberian flag, Yemen, Zaire, places subject toU.N. sanctions, areas prohibited by vessel's war risks underwriters due towar-like activities, and places which may be excluded by the authority of thevessel's flag. Passing Gulf of Aden always allowed with H&M insuranceauthorization.

Cuba is included in the trading of the vesselbut to be redelivered to the Owners free of any U.S.A. ban.

No direct trade between People's Republic ofChina and Taiwan.

Clause 94 – BIMCO War Risks Clause forTimeCharters 2004

Code Name: CONWARTIME 2004

(a) For the purpose of this Clause, thewords:

(i) "Owners" shall include theShipowners, Bareboat Charterers, Disponent Owners, managers or other operatorswho are charged with the management of the Vessel, and the Master; and

(ii) "War Risks" shall include anyactual, threatened or reported: war; act of war; civil war; hostilities;revolution; rebellion; civil commotion; warlike operations; laying of mines;acts of piracy; acts of terrorists; acts of hostility or malicious damage;blockades (whether imposed against all vessels or imposed selectively againstvessels of certain flags or ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews orotherwise howsoever); by any person; body; terrorist or political group, or theGovernment of any state whatsoever, which, in the reasonable judgement of theMaster and/or the Owners, may be dangerous or are likely to be or to becomedangerous to the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel.

(b) The Vessel, unless the written Consent ofthe Owners be first obtained, shall not be ordered to or required to continueto or through, any port, place, area or zone (whether of land or sea), or anywaterway or canal, where it appears that the Vessel, her cargo, crew or otherpersons on board the Vessel, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/orthe Owners, may be, or are likely to be, exposed to War Risks. Should theVessel be within any such place as aforesaid, which only becomes dangerous, oris likely to be or become dangerous, after her entry into it, she shall be atliberty to leave it.


(d) (i) The Owners may affect war risksinsurance in respect of the Hull and Machinery of the Vessel and their otherinterests (including but not limited to, loss of earnings and detention, thecrew and their protection and Indemnity Risks), and the premiums and/or canstherefore shall be for their account.

(ii) If the Underwriters of such insuranceshould require payment of premiums and/or call because, pursuant to theCharterers' orders, the Vessel is within, or is due to enter and remain within,or pass through any area or areas which are specified by such Underwriters asbeing subject to additional premiums because of War Risks, then the actualpremiums and/or calls paid shall be reimbursed by the Charterers to the Ownersat the same time as the next payment of hire is due, or upon redelivery,whichever occurs first.

(e) If the Owners become liable under theterms of employment to pay to the crew any bonus or additional wages in respectof sailing into an area which is dangerous in the manner defined by the saidterms, then the actual bonus or additional wages paid shall be reimbursed tothe Owners by the Charterers at the same time as the next payment of hire isdue, or upon redelivery, whichever occurs first.

(f) If in accordance with their rights underthe foregoing provisions of this Clause, the Owners shall refuse, to proceed tothe loading or discharging ports, or anyone or more of them, they shallimmediately inform the Charterers. No cargo shall be discharged at anyalternative port without first giving the Charterers notice of the Ownersintention to do so and requesting them to nominate a safe port for such discharge.Failing such nomination by the Charterers within 48 hours of the receipt ofsuch notice and request, the owners may discharge the cargo at any safe port oftheir own choice,


(h) If in compliance with any of theprovisions of sub-clauses (b) to (g) of this Clause anything is done or notdone, such shall not be deemed a deviation, but shall be considered as duefulfilment of this Charter Party.


Whether, on the true construction of theCharterparty of the PAIWAN WISDOM between the Claimant (as charterers) and theDefendant (as disponent owners) dated 25 March 2010, the Defendant is precludedfrom relying upon on the CONWARTIME 2004 clause to justify its refusal to proceedon a voyage to Mombasa ordered by the Claimant on 23 April 2010 in the eventthat there was no material change in the risk (otherwise encompassed within thewords of the CONWARTIME 2004 clause) of proceeding with that voyage between thedate of the Charterparty and the date of the order?


The arbitrators, by a majority, determinedthat the answer to that question was No.


I am unable to accept Mr. Jarvis'submissions as to the effect of clause 50.


There is no doubt that Kenya was withinthe vessel's trading limits under the charterparty. Kenya is within theInstitute Warranty Limits ("IWL") and is not numbered within theexcluded countries. However, clause 94, the CONWARTIME 2004, provides that anowner may refuse to proceed to a place which is dangerous on account of a warrisk. CONWARTIME 2004 does not contain a requirement that the relevant war riskmust have escalated since the date of the charterparty.


The words"Passing Gulf of Aden always allowed with H&M insuranceauthorisation" in clause 50 indicate the Owners' agreement to pass throughthe Gulf of Aden. The Owners would therefore not be entitled to refuse,pursuant to CONWARTIME 2004, to pass through the Gulf of Aden on account ofthere being a danger of an attack by pirates. That is because CONWARTIME 2004must be read in the light of the charterparty as a whole. Clause 50 contains anexpress agreement to pass through the Gulf of Aden and so it would beinconsistent with that express agreement to construe CONWARTIME 2004 in such away as to permit the Owners to refuse to pass through the Gulf of Aden.


The presence in the Gulf of Aden of navalforces and a convoy system explains why the Owners agreed to pass through theGulf of Aden. That agreement is no warrant for construing clause 50 as anagreement by the Owners that the vessel shall proceed to any port or place onthe east coast of Africa (other than the excluded countries of Eritrea,Ethiopia and Somalia) where there is a risk of piracy but no naval forces orconvoy system. The Charterers may direct that the vessel proceeds to Mombasabut the Owners have liberty to refuse to proceed through the Indian Ocean toMombasa if, within the meaning of CONWARTIME 2004, there is a real likelihoodof the vessel being exposed to acts of piracy on such route. CONWARTIME 2004contains no requirement that any such likelihood should have materiallyincreased from the date of the charterparty.


There areprovisions in the charterparty for the payment of war risk insurance by theCharterers (see clause (d)(ii) of clause 50) but none which provides for thecost of war risk insurance for going to a named place.

Thus the present case is notone in which the Owners have, by the terms of the charterparty construed in itsfactual context, accepted the risk of piracy in trading to Mombasa, Kenya.

So far as "commercialsense" is concerned I do not accept that there is a lack of commercialsense in a construction of the charterparty which permits trading to Kenya onDay 1 but which entitles the Owners to refuse an order to trade to Kenya on Day2. Whilst trading to Kenya is permitted CONWARTIME 2004 enables the Owners ormaster to avoid danger from War Risks which may be encountered en route toKenya.

Nor am I persuaded that Mr.Jarvis' example of a voyage from the Black Sea to Kenya which is stopped afterthe vessel has passed through the Gulf of Aden shows that his submission mustbe correct. It is possible that issues of waiver may arise in a case whereinstructions to proceed to a named port are accepted. The present case is notsuch a case. The Owners refused to accept the Charterers' instructions beforeany cargo was loaded and in any event their instructions did not require thevessel to proceed through the Gulf of Aden.


For these reasonsI consider, as did the majority of the arbitrators, Mr. Siberry QC and Mr.Martin-Clark, that the answer to the Preliminary Issue is No. The appeal mustbe dismissed.

值得一提的是,该案的法官是Teare,也是The Triton Lark案的法官。



现在回到前面的问题: 船长是否有权利选择绕航?或者说船东是否有权利不过海盗危险区?谁又该为此额外的绕航时间及油耗损失或者安排武装护卫买单?如果万一不幸船舶被海盗劫持了,租家是否有权利停租呢?



(b)The Vessel shall not be obliged to proceedor required to continue to or through, any port, place, area or zone, or anywaterway or canal(hereinafter Area), where it appears that the Vessel, cargo, crew or otherpersons on board the Vessel, in the reasonable judgement of the Masterand/orthe Owners, may be exposed to War Risks whether such risk existed at thetime of entering into this Charter Party or occurred thereafter. Should theVessel be within any such place as aforesaid, which only becomes dangerous, ormay become dangerous, after entry into it, the Vessel shall be at liberty toleave it.

When acting in accordance with any of the provisions of Sub-clauses (b)to (h) of this Clause anything is done or not done, such shall not be deemed adeviation, but shall be considered as due fulfilment of this Charter Party.




如The “Paiwan Wisdom”案,纵然租约规定可以过亚丁湾,但租家要求去的地方不属于亚丁湾,在别的海盗危险区,船东有权利选择不去。

ii) 船东是否有权利不过海盗危险区?

这种得看租约的具体情况,如果租约已经明确了可以过,那么船东得遵守租约,要不船东就违约。如果租约没有说明能过还是不能过,只是事先要取得船东同意的话,那么就得看发生这种海盗行为的可能性,是否是真正的可能性。如本文分析的The “TritonLark”案。


如果租家没有权利过海盗危险区,很显然所有绕航时间及油耗损失都得租家自己承担。如果可以过,但不幸船舶被海盗劫持了,租家如果仅仅依赖NYPE第15条的停租条款,如租约无相反规定,那么租家没有权利停租。如The “Saldanha”。
















1. 驾驶员使用雷达进行跟踪,并与值班人员进行密切联系。

2. 发现可疑船立即报船长。

3. 转向远离可疑船,延长两船接近的时间,留时间观察、研判。






三. 中距离戒备




3. 向公司、防海盗机构发出遇险警报,保持与公司电话通话。












4. 发射声光信号,阻吓海盗。






2. 阻击人员在船长的指挥下,准确向海盗喷射高压水,投掷火把、燃烧弹、石灰粉、小铁器等,坚决阻止海盗登轮。

3. 若海盗抛上绳钩、挂上铁梯时,几人配合摘钩,使用盾牌掩护摘钩人员。




1. 武装海盗火力猛烈,无法阻止其登轮。组织船员迅速、有序地撤进生活区,一般前面小组先撤,后面的小组后撤,撤退时穿防弹衣的阻击队员在后面保护。

2. 封锁所有生活区向外通道,关闭安全通道。

3. 回撤过程中,设置障碍,并避免防海盗器械为海盗所用。

4. 船员回撤后,及时清点人数,确认所有船员均已撤进生活区。

5. 立即向公司,IMB、MRCC等防海盗机构报告海盗登轮情况。

6. 充分利用船舶现有的设施及自制的器械阻止海盗进入生活区。

7. 控制消防水隔离阀,消防水只供生活区。












9. 船员在安全舱内听从指挥,保持安静,在未确认海盗已经离船的情况下,不得擅自离开安全舱。









2.AK47的有效射程是400米,但是在 1200米到2000米的更远距离对人体仍具有杀伤力,因此,船舶在海盗区航行时,如有可疑小船接近到1海里左右时,甲板、驾驶台船员务必做好隐蔽行动、穿好防护用具、带好盾牌。防止海盗突然开枪。








海运圈聚焦专栏作者  Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)