

  CHAPTER 3 第3章

  Commencement of laytime 装卸时间的起算

  3.431 In the course of his judgment in the court below in The Loucas N, Donaldson J had also expressed the opinion that under a port charter, notwithstanding that the time spent by the vessel in waiting for a berth would fall within the period in which laytime was actually running, the ‘‘time lost’’ code would override the laytime provisions so that periods which would have been excluded from laytime under the latter were not excepted. A similar result was held to apply by Donaldson J at first instance in The Finix. However, these cases were followed by The Darrah, which eventually reached the House of Lords.

  3.431法院在审理The Loucas N案件时,法官Donaldson先生也曾阐述了自己的看法:根据港口租船合同,尽管如此,等泊花费时间应是属于实际计算的装卸时间范畴,但‘时间损失’这一规则的效力优于装卸时间条款,所以,那些根据后者(装卸时间条款中)应予除外的时间,在此就不可以除外。在The Finix—案时初审时Donaldson法官也作出过类似的结论。不过,这些案例之后,紧随着就是The Darrah案件,最终一直打到上议院。

  3.432 In The Darrah, the relevant charter was a port charter under which the ship had been engaged to carry a cargo of cement from Novorossisk to Tripoli. The dispute concerned the time the vessel spent waiting for a berth at Tripoli within the port limits. Under the normal rules time had therefore commenced to run and the question was whether periods of adverse weather and holidays/weekends, which would normally be excluded from laytime, should be excluded from waiting time. At first instance, Ackner J held, following the earlier cases, that no time was excluded from waiting time. This was reversed by the Court of Appeal, who drew a distinction between waiting where the vessel was an Arrived ship and where she was not. In the former situation, the laytime exceptions applied, but in the latter they did not. When the case came before the House of Lords, their Lordships decided that the laytime exceptions always applied whether the ship had reached her specified destination or not. The leading speeches were by Lord Diplock and Viscount Dilhorne, both of whom reviewed the earlier cases. Lord Diplock then explained why the law needed to be changed. One of the reasons he gave was that:

  . . . the results of ascribing to the clauses the meaning accepted since 1966 do not make commercial sense; it gives to the shipowner the chance of receiving a bonus dependent upon whether (a) his ship is lucky enough to be kept waiting for a berth and (b) is so kept waiting during a period which includes time which would not have counted against permitted laytime if the ship had been in berth.

  3.432在The Darrah案,所涉及的是港口租船合同,船舶被安排由俄罗斯黑海Novorossisk港前往利比亚的Tripoli港运送水泥。其争议的焦点就是该轮在Tripoli港界范围内的所花费等泊时间。按照常规,装卸时间已经起算,然而,问题是通常应从装卸时间中扣除的时间,恶劣天气和节假日/周末是否也应在等泊时间内扣除?在案件一审,Ackner法官遵从以往判例得出,判决是等泊期间内没有任何时间扣除。上诉法院推翻了他的结论,对抵达船的等泊时间与非抵达船的等泊时间之间的差异做了区分。前一种情况可适用装卸时间的除外条款,但后一种非抵达船的情况却不适用。当该案打到上议院,大法官们判定:不论船舶是否已经抵达了目的地,装卸时间的除外条款始终是可以适用的。在回顾了以往的案例之后,Diplock勋爵和Dilhorne子爵均做了有代表性的发言。后来Diplock勋爵又解释了法律需要改变的原因,其中之一就是:


  3.433 Viscount Dilhorne took a similar view, saying:

  So in the present case it does not look right that there should be deducted from the permitted discharging time by virtue of the time lost provision periods of time which would not be counted under the discharging provision...

  If my conclusion is correct, the fact that there is an overlap of the time lost and the discharging or loading provisions will not matter, for the time will be counted in the same way and a shipowner will not gain a greater advantage from his ship being kept waiting for a berth from her being kept at her berth.




  3.434 After their Lordships’ decision in The Darrah had been given, the Court of Appeal considered an appeal from the decision of Donaldson J in The Finix. This aspect took little of the court’s time, Lord Denning saying simply that the decision of the umpire and the judge was wrong.

  3.434上议院的大法官们对The Darrah—案的判决做出之后,上诉法院也研究了对由Donaldson法官判决的The Finix—案的上诉。在这方面,法院只花费了很短一段时间,Denning勋爵就(遵从The Darrah案的判决)简单地说,公断人和高院法官的裁决都是错的。

  3.435 In London Arbitration 8/03, the tribunal held a time lost waiting for berth provision was effective, even though they had held that a notice of readiness which had been tendered earlier in reliance on a WIPON provision was invalid. However, in London Arbitration 14/05, the tribunal held that where a vessel had reached a place at which a valid notice of readiness might be given, but failed or was unable for any reason to tender a valid notice, the ‘‘time lost’’ provision did not provide for time to still count in the absence of a valid notice.


  3.436 Where there is more than one charter or the shipowner has been allowed to complete with other cargo, then with this sort of clause the waiting must be in respect of the cargo to which the charter relates and not some other cargo.


  How time lost should be counted 损失的时间如何计算

  3.437 The question that arises is whether time lost in waiting should be counted at the beginning of lay days or added at the end. The two cases that discuss the problem give different answers, but it is suggested that the better answer is the second and later decision to the effect that it should be counted as it occurs.


  3.438 The first case was Government of Ceylon v. Societe Franco-Tunisienne d’Armement-Tunis (The Massalia (No 2)) where Diplock J said:

  The last matter which I have to decide is whether one adds the time lost in waiting for a berth at the beginning or at the end of the lay days. That sounds to an arithmetician as if the sum must come to the same, but in this particular case I understand that it makes a difference of a day, because, if one adds it at the beginning, the Sunday, Oct 28, is excluded from the laytime and therefore counts as demurrage. If, on the other hand, one adds it at the end, then the Sunday comes during laytime, and does not count. So it does make a difference of 24 hours. Without giving any reason, I hold that it should be added at the end.

  3.438第一个案件是Goverment of Ceylon v. Societe Franco-Tunisienne d’Armement-Tunis(The Massalia (No 2) )案。Diplock法官认为:


  3.439 The other case was Ionian Navigation Co Inc v. Atlantic Shipping Company SA (The Loucas N), where at first instance Donaldson J said:

  . . . I consider that it should be brought into account as and when the delay occurs. It is, of course, quite separate from the time allowed for loading and discharging but the extent of the delay in waiting for a berth affects the yardstick which has to be applied in determining how much chronological time remains available for the completion of these processes.

  3.439另一个案子是Ionian Navigation Co InC v. Atlantic Shipping Company SA(The Loucas N)—案。在初审时,Donaldson 法官说:


  3.440 It must be remembered that at the time this judgment was given it was held that laytime exceptions did not apply to waiting time, whereas now they do, and that was why the judge said that waiting time was quite separate. However, the fact that laytime exceptions do apply makes it even more appropriate that waiting time should be brought into account as it occurs.

  3.440 值得提醒的是,在这个判决做出当时,该案曾判定装卸时间除外条款不适用于等泊期间,然而现在却适用了,这就是为什么法官会说等泊时间完全不同于装卸时间。然而,除外条款也适用(等泊损失时间)这一事实更证实了等泊时间一旦发生即应计入的观点是适宜的。


  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)