

  CHAPTER 3 第3章

  Commencement of laytime 装卸时间的起算

  Failure to have cargo available or arrangements for discharge


  3.370 In Owners of Panaghis Vergottis v. William Cory & Son, the owners of the ship concerned complained that their vessel had been delayed in getting into dock at Barry to load under a dock charter because the charterers had failed to comply with a dock company requirement that approximately one-third of the cargo must be ready to load before the ship would be admitted to the dock. In holding that the charterers were liable for the delay, Greer J said:

  But I think that shipowners and shippers of coal doing business at the South Wales ports would regard it as reasonable in times of congestion that the dock authority should require at least one-third of the vessel’s cargo to be ready before she was admitted to the dock; and I think, in refusing to assist the plaintiff’s ship to get into the dock by complying with the requirements of the dock authority, that the charterers broke their contract, and are liable to pay the agreed damages.

  3.370在Owners of Panaghis Vergotds v. William Cory & Son—案中,根据码头租船合同,船东抱怨说,由于承租人未能满足码头公司的要求,即必须备好大约三分之一的货物才准予船舶靠泊,这就导致了船舶延误进入英国Barry港码头靠泊装货。Greer判定承租人应对此延迟负责,他说:


  3.371 A similar failure by the charterers to have sufficient coal available, this time at Calcutta, to enable a berth to be obtained was considered by the Privy Council in Samuel Crawford Hogarth v. Cory Brothers & Co Ltd. The judgment of the court was given by Lord Phillimore, who, having repeated the general principle set out earlier, continued:

  Whether the latter’s [i.e. charterer’s] measure of liability is arrived at by giving to the shipowner damages for the delay, or whether the lay days are ante-dated to that date when they ought to have begun, and the charterer pays for them at the agreed rate of demurrage, does not seem to have been determined. But no point as to which of these two measures of payment should prevail has been made by the parties in this case.

  3.371另一个类似的由于承租人煤炭没有备足不能靠泊的案例是英国枢密院审理的Samuel Crawford Hogarth v. Cory Brothers & Co Ltd一案。这一次是在加尔各答港,Phillimore勋爵在其给出的法院判词中又一次重申了上述基本原则之后,说:


  3.372 The point was therefore left open. However, in Fornyade Rederiaktiebolaget Commercial v. Blake & Co and others, where the dispute was about what sort of railway wagons were to be provided for discharge and the dock company refused to allow the vessel to dock until it was resolved, the Court of Appeal held that damages were the appropriate measure. Scrutton LJ said:

  She is not entitled to demurrage properly so called, because after she got to the place of discharge she was discharged within the contract time. But what she is entitled to is damages for detention during the four days in which she was prevented, by the wrongful attitude taken up by the receivers, from getting to the place of discharge.

  3.372因此,这个问题是还没有定论。然而,在Fornyade Rederiaktiebolaget Commercial v. Blake & Co and others案中,它争议的问题是究竟要备好何种卸货用的火车车皮?这样只有解决这一问题,码头当局才准予靠泊。上诉法院在判定损失时是适当的额度范围,Scrutton大法官说:



  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)