

  如果船舶早于受载期抵达,通常情况下,出租人会指示船长在抵达的时候递交一个NOR;然后等受载期开始的时候再递交一个NOR,加上不损害第一个NOR有效性的批注。如果船舶在事实上已经准备就绪,在受载期之前递交的NOR是否有效?船长是否有必要再次递交?如果NOR,laytime又如何起算?前些天有人来咨询,NOR在Laycan之前递交,Turning time(装备时间)及Laytime(装卸时间)如何起算的问题。租约中规定Laycan从10日0001开始计算,在NOR递交之后12小时开始起算laytime。船舶8日就到了装港,并递交了NOR,那么该NOR是否有效?如果有效,laytime是否可以从10日的0001开始?还是得再给足12小时的turning time才开始起算。


  (c) Commencement of laytime(loading and discharging)

  Laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00hours, if notice of readiness is given up to and including 12.00 hours, and at06.00 hours next working day if notice given during office hours after 12.00hours. Notice of readiness at loading port to be given to the Shippers named inBox17 or if not named, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box18. Noticeof readiness at the discharging port to be given to the Receivers or, if notknown, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box19.

  If the loading/discharging berth is not available onthe Vessel’s arrival at or off the port of loading /discharging, the Vesselshall be entitled to give notice of readiness within ordinary office hours onarrival there, whether in free pratique or not, whether customs cleared or not.Laytime or time on demurrage shall then count as if she were in berth and inall respects ready for loading/discharging provided that the Master warrantsthat she is in favt ready in all respects. Time used in moving from the placewaiting to the loading/discharging berth shall not count as laytime.

  If after inspection, the Vessel is found not to beready in all respects to load/discharging berth shall not count as laytime. Ifafter inspection, the Vessel is found not to be ready in all respects toloading/discharging time lost after the discovery thereof until the Vessel isagain ready to load/discharge shall not count as laytime.

  Time used before commencement of laytime shall count.

  *Indicate alternative (a) or (b) as agreed, in Box 16.






  如之前文章说过合约解释一定要把合同当作一个整体来解释,不能孤立地看待合同某个条款。结合GENCON94第六条,可知并没有约定NOR不能在受载期开始之前递交,更没有说如果在受载期之前递交的后果。想要在租约谈判中争取比较有利的条款,一定要清楚相关条款所表达的准确含义。如果合同未约定在最早装货日期之前不能递交NOR,但船舶早于最早装货日期抵达并递交NOR,在这种情况下,laytime到底如何计算?接下来就来看The “FrontCommander”[2006] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.251案。


  在2003年12月17日, TidebrookMaritime Corporation(以下简称“出租人”)与Vitol SA(以下简称“承租人”)就FrontCommander(以下简称“该轮”) 以经过修改的Asbatankvoy格式签订了一份从西非装载原油到欧洲卸的承租合同。标准的Asbatankvoy条款第5条规定,除了承租人的核准外,不应在第1部分规定的日期之前开始计算装卸货时间。标准的Asbatankvoy条款第6条规定,应在收到准备通知后6小时或船舶抵达泊位时开始计算装卸时间,以先发生者为准。


  Charterers confirmNOR to be tendered on arrival Escravos, and to berth/load as soon as instructedthereafter by terminal.



  Charterersreconfirm that Front Commander to tender NOR on arrival Escravos.


  Front Commanderwill tender NOR on arrival, ie 8 January 0030 and we want her to berth/commenceloading 8 January.





  6. (a) TheAsbatankvoy terms

  B. Laydays:

  Commencing: 9 January 2004 Cancelling: 10

  January 2004

  H. TotalLaytime in Running Hours: See Vitol Voyage Chartering Terms 1(c) attached

  I. Demurrageper day: US$95,000.00 or pro rata

  1. WARRANTY —VOYAGE — CARGO. The vessel... shall, with utmost despatch, proceed as orderedto Loading Port(s) named in accordance with Clause 4 or so near thereunto asshe may safely get (always afloat), and being seaworthy, and having all pipes,pumps and heater coils in good working order, and being in every respect fittedfor the voyage, so far as the aforesaid conditions can be achieved by theexercise of due diligence, perils of the sea and any other cause of whatsoeverkind beyond the Owner’s and/or Master’s control excepted, shall load (alwaysafloat), from the factors of the Charterer, a full and complete cargo, ofpetro- leum and/or its products in bulk, not exceeding what she can reasonablystow and carry . . . and being so loaded shall forthwith proceed, as ordered onsigning Bills of Lading direct to the Discharging Port(s), or so near thereuntoas she may safely get (always afloat), and deliver said cargo. If heating ofthe cargo is requested by the Charterer, the Owner shall exercise due diligenceto maintain the temperatures requested.


  5. LAYDAYS.Laytime shall not commence before the date stipulated in Part I, except withCharterer’s sanction...

  6. NOTICE OFREADINESS. Upon arrival at customary anchorage at each port of loading ordischarge, the Master or his agent shall give the Charterer or his agent noticeby letter, telegraph, wireless or telephone that the vessel is ready to load ordischarge cargo, berth or no berth, and laytime, as hereinafter provided, shallcommence upon the expiration of six (6) hours after receipt of such notice, orupon the vessel’s arrival in berth... whichever first occurs. However, irre-spective of whether the berth is reachable on arrival or not where delay iscaused to Vessel getting into berth after giving notice of readiness for anyreason over which Charterer has no control, such a delay shall not count asused laytime or demurrage. In any event, Charterer shall be entitled to sixhours notice of readiness at loading and discharging ports, even if the vesselis on demurrage.

  7. HOURS FORLOADING AND DIS- CHARGING. The number of running hours specified as laytime inPart I shall be permitted the Charterer as laytime for loading and dis-charging cargo... Time consumed by the vessel in moving from loading ordischarge port anchor- age to her loading or discharge berth, dischargingballast water or slops, will not count as used laytime or time on demurrage.

  8. DEMURRAGE.Charterer shall pay demur- rage per running hour and pro rata for a partthereof at the rate specified in Part I for all time that loading anddischarging and used laytime as elsewhere herein provided exceeds the allowedlaytime elsewhere herein specified. If, however, demurrage shall be incurred atports of loading or discharge by reason of fire, explosion, storm or by strike,lockout, stoppage or restraint of labor or by breakdown of machinery orequipment in or about the plant of the Charterer, supplier, shipper orconsignee of the cargo, the rate of demurrage shall be reduced by one-half ofthe amount stated in Part I...

  7. (b) TheVitol Voyage Chartering Terms. These contained various amendments to theAsbatankvoy standard terms. The introduction stated: ‘‘The Clause andsub-section headings contained in this Charter-party are for convenience ofreference only and shall not affect the interpretation thereof.’’ Of particularimportance for the present dispute were the following Vitol clauses:

  31. Operational Compliance Clause.

  Owner shall indemnify Charterer for any damages,delays, costs and consequences of not complying with Charterer’s voyageinstructions given in accordance with the Charter-party . . .

  The vessel shall not tender Notice of Readi- nessprior to the earliest layday date specified in this Charter-party and laytimeshall not com- mence before 0600 hours local time on the earliest layday unlessCharterer consents in writing.

  [There was no clause 32 as a result of a deletion.]

  33. Early Loading Clause.

  If Charterer permits vessel to tender NOR and berthprior to commencement of laydays, all time from berthing until commencement oflaydays to be credited to Charterer against laytime and/or time on demurrage.Saved time to be split 50/50 Owners/Charterers.









  I. If or whenthe NOR given at 0001 on 8 January 2004 became effective for the purpose of thecommencement of laytime.

  II. At whatdate and time laytime commenced.

  III. Whether thecharterers by their e-mail of 6 or 7 January or by commencing loading consentedto laytime commencing prior to the first day of the laycan, which was 9January.



  另一方面,承租人的代表律师提交如下意见。上诉涉及第31和33条的真正解释。法官认为他所给予的理由是正确的。装卸时间提早开始起算仅当承租人同意NOR的提早递交和提早开始起算装卸时间。出租人认为准备通知的唯一或主要目的是作为开始装卸时间计算的触发器,或者NOR和开始装卸时间是密不可分的,这是错误的。NOR具有其他重要功能,即(i)作为船舶准备装载的通知;(ii)作为抵达通知,对承租人的进一步延误的例外情况有效;(iii)在贸易商的合约中,作为货物价格的决定因素。事实还表明,在没有第31条核准的情况下,NOR可以在最早的装货之前提供服务。无论如何,即使在最早的受载期之前使用船舶也不会开始起算:承租人代表律师引援PterotiCompania Naviera SA v.National Coal Board [1958] 1 Lloyd's Rep.245案,在这个案中第5条同样要求承租人核准(sanction)。因此,如果被要求提前开始装货,出租人可以选择:他们可以拒绝,并说“只有当您同意提早开始装卸时间计算”。同样,如果被要求由出租人提前开始装载,租船人可以选择:他们可以说“是的,但没有装卸时间不会提早开始起算”。这是商业现实。




  ‘‘Laydays’’ are literally the agreed days for loading and discharging andas such a form of synonym for ‘‘laytime’’ (save that the expression ‘‘time’’ ismore general and flexible than ‘‘days’’). As used in this charter-party,however, ‘‘laydays’’ appear to be used to describe what elsewhere are oftenreferred to as the ‘‘laycan’’ days, that is to say

  (a) the earliestday upon which an owner can expect his charterer to load, and (b) the latestday upon which the vessel can arrive at its appointed loading place withoutbeing at risk of being cancelled. Hence clause B of the Asbatankvoy form speaksof ‘‘Laydays: Commencing 9 January 2004 Cancelling 10 January 2004’’; and seeclause 5, headed ‘‘LAY- DAYS’’, which clarifies the effect of clause B in moreprecise terms.




  因此,人们认识到,可以在最早的一个装货日期之前递交NOR,其效果是通知期,这里是六个小时,可能已经在最早的装货日期之前就已经过去了。Rix勋爵认为在本案中,当事人双方都同意在最早的装货日期开始之前通知期开始起算。在《Voyage Charters》第二版(2001年)第57.2段中提到了这种效果。这也是纽约仲裁员的多数意见(同上,第57.37段和第57.51 / 56段),尽管这一点显然没有得到英国法院的授权。在此基础上,在最早的装货日期之前给予充分的NOR,以使通知期能够在最早的装货日期开始之前运行,但在相反的协议下,将使时间(装卸时间)能够尽快在最早的装货日期开始对承租人开始起算。在Rix勋爵看来,当事人理解是正确的这也是英国法律。通知期是承租人在准备装载货物时准备装载的宽限期。此外,没有任何理由可以自动延迟最早可以预期承租人装载的时间的开始。

  Thus it is recognised that a notice of readiness maybe given prior to the earliest layday, with the effect that the notice period,here six hours, may have already elapsed before the earliest layday begins.This much, the running of the notice period before the commencement of theearliest layday, was common ground between the parties in this case. Asubmission to this effect is to be found in Voyage Charters (by Cooke, Young,Taylor, Kim- ball, Martowski and Lambert) 2nd edn (2001) at para 57.2. That is also the majority view among New York arbitrators (ibid at para 57.37 and57.51/56), although the point has not apparently been author- itatively decidedby the English courts. On this basis, a notice of readiness given sufficiently before the earliest laydayto enable the notice period to have run before the start of the earliest laydaywill, subject to contrary agreement, enable time (laytime) to start runningagainst the charterer as soon as the earliest layday begins. It seems to methat the parties are correct to understand this to be the English law as well.The notice period is a period of grace given to the charterer to be ready toload from the time of learning of the vessel’s readiness to load. There is noreason why, in addition, it should automatically delay the start of theearliest time when loading can be expected of the charterer.

  如果没有相反的协议,那么在最早的装货日期之前提前的NOR的影响是什么? Rix勋爵认为它不能强迫承租人装载,因为该义务不能在最早的装货日期之前开始。因此,不能对承租人开始计算时间,没有更多。但是,如果承租人命令一艘已经提前准备就绪的船舶,那么该船会被装载吗?出租人可以说:“我说我的船已准备好装载,但我不愿意,也没有义务这样做?” Rix勋爵倾向于认为他不能。他已经出示了他的船舶,如果可以的话,他必须在抵达时这样做。他不能说他不准备装载。如果可以的话,他能够有效地撤回他的船舶准备就绪装货的通知。


  关于The “Mexico 1” [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.507案和 The “Happy Day”[2002] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.487案的权威,Rix勋爵认为在本案情况下,这些权威对承租人并没有帮助。这些权威并非表明一旦递交了NOR及通知时间开始运行,法院有意愿将承租人在装卸时对船舶的使用视为免费使用装卸时间。相反,如果承租人使用已知在使用时准备好的船舶,并通过有效的NOR或无效通知无效通知他,他必须预期针对他讲开始起算时间,允许任何相关的通知时间,并遵守任何明确的相反协议。

  关于第31条和33条的解释问题,Rix勋爵认为关于商定的事实,以下是明确的。首先,承租人不仅同意提前递交NOR,靠泊和装载,而是下达了相应的命令。其次,这些同意和命令是以书面形式提供的。第三,按照这些命令,该船已于1月8日0742接到引航员准备靠泊,1018时起锚,并在1200时靠妥。第四,装载实际开始于 1648,Rix勋爵认为据推断,除非按照命令开始装载,否则不允许该船靠泊。




  第三,Rix勋爵认为装卸时间的开始与递交NOR密切相关。这是表达承租人对装卸时间的责任的另一种方式,即商定和允许装卸的时间。通常会有一个通知期限,但受制于此或其他明确的例外情况,准备就绪通知会引发承租人对装卸时间的责任。 如在The “Happy Day”一案中Potter勋爵所说。

  Thirdly, the commencement of laytime is intimately connected with theservice of a notice of readiness. That is another way of expressing thecharterers’ accountability for laytime, the time agreed and allowed for loadingand discharging. There is usually a notice period allowed, but subject to thator other express exceptions, the notice of readiness is the trigger for thecharterers’ accounta- bility for laytime. In The Happy Day Potter LJ spoke (atpara 72) of:

  the commercial context and the purpose of the contractual requirement toserve NOR which is to trigger the charterers’ obligation to unload wherebylaytime starts to run immediately (in the absence of express provision), or inaccordance with a specific regime...







  Eighthly, one has toask how clause 33 fits into this scheme. Is it inconsistent with it, thusputting the above considerations into flux? In my judgment, no. Clause 33properly asks the question which follows on immediately from the previousclause that contemplates loading before the earliest layday: How in such a caseis time to count? If nothing more were said, time would, in my judg- ment countin accordance with clause 6 and follow- ing of the Asbatankvoy form. That mightprejudice charterers where the notice of readiness was ten- dered inanticipation of early berthing and loading, but the latter operations were thendelayed, albeit clauses 7/8 have their own provisions in this respect. Clause33 appears, however, to cut through clause 6 and provides for two matters:first, that the relevant time to focus on is time from berthing until thecommencement of laydays; and secondly, that that time is to be shared.


  In my judgment thatshows that laytime is otherwise running (or, if the vessel is already ondemurrage, as it might be at a second loading port or at a discharge port)demurrage time is being incurred. I do not accept the charterers’ construction,which is that the time is to be added to laytime allowed, or deducted fromlaytime used or demurrage time incurred merely as a post-event calculation atthe conclusion of the voyage. It is preferable to ask how the time is beingtreated as it is running. Otherwise, the point at which the vessel exhaustslaytime and goes onto demurrage will not be known until the end of the voyage.Moreover, if at the end of the voyage, the charterers have not exhausted theirlaytime, the ‘‘credit’’ will be irrelevant — there is no provision fordespatch.





  类似的,在LMLN 103(1983)仲裁案中,GENCON格式的印刷条款不包括关于laydays开始的任何规定。在船抵达装货港之前不久,才谈判签订了租船确认书。租船确认书签订“Laydas: 22/30July”。仲裁员认为,这显然意味着最早装货日期不会在7月22日之前开始,而7月30日是有权解约的日期。但是,在制定租船合同时,该条款并未完全以该形式出现。在第1条中,该船被描述为“expected ready to load under this charter about 22 July 1980”,第6条载有解约日期为7月30日。


  仲裁员裁定认为,为了使当事人双方的协议具有商业意义,7月22日的日期必须被视为最早的装货日期。至关重要的是,诸如此类的租船合同包含一个装卸时间无法开始的日期,仲裁员认为Gencon格式的起草人必须考虑到不需要这样的明确规定,因为第1条中给出了船舶的ETA暗示在有关日期之前不能开始装卸时间计算。此外,仅查看各方填写的印刷表格,这一点有些含糊不清,只有在“expected ready to load”条款中使用“about”这个词才更加复杂,因此仲裁员认为他们有权看看合同签订前的谈判。

  Held , that to make business sense of the parties’ agreement, the date of 22 July had to be read as being the first ofthe laydays. It is essential that a charter such as this contain a date beforewhich laytime cannot commence, and the arbitrators felt that the drafters ofthe Gencon form must have considered that no such express provision was required, because the giving of the ship’s eta in clause 1 implied that laytimecould not commence before the date in question. Furthermore, looking only atthe printed form as completed by the parties, there was ambiguity on thispoint, which was only compounded by the use of the word “about” in the“expected ready to load” provision, and therefore the arbitrators felt that they were entitled to look at the pre-fixture negotiations.


  For the above reasons the arbitrators concluded that laytime could not start before 22 July. However,this did not mean that no valid notice could be given before that date. It wasoften thought that a notice of readiness could not be given before thecommencement of laydays under a charter, but that was incorrect unless therewas an express provision to that effect. In the absence of such a provision, a valid notice might be given at any time, but the laytime itself could notcommence before the date given in the charter. The result in the present casewas that the notice given on 21 July was valid, but laytime could not start before 08 00 on 22 July.


  Expected ready to load date of about 26August 1985.”,

  Laycan: 26-31 August 1985

  Laydays were not to commence before 26 August1985


  Commencement of laytime(loading and discharging).

  Written notice of readiness at the port(s) of loading to be given by vessel’s agents in shippers’ office within office hours during working days of week - laytime to commencenext working day 08 00 hours whether in berth or not . . .

  At loading port time from noon Saturday to 8.00 am Monday and from 5.00 pm day preceding a holidayuntil 8.00 am next working day not to count unless used. If used only actual time used to count.

  船舶于8月22日0830分抵达装货港并递交NOR。承租人主张,出租人无权在8月25日/ 26日午夜之前递交有效的NOR,并声称装卸时间直到8月27日0800时才开始计算。



  Held , that the owners were clearly right. In the absence of any provision in a charter prohibiting the giving of a notice before the laydays, there was no reason whysuch a notice should not be given and be valid, and many reasons why it should.The purpose of a notice of readiness was to warn the shippers that the ship was available and ready to start receiving cargo. The fact that they might get thatinformation before the laytime clock started to tick was irrelevant. That hadbeen held to be the position in a number of arbitrations both in New York andLondon (see “Summerskill on Laytime” and “Schofield on Laytime and Demurrage”).

  因此,如果租船合同中没有明确相反的条款,那么NOR可以在最早的装货日期(layday)之前递交并且有效,同时准备时间(turning time)可以开始运行,即开始计算turning time;但装卸货时间(laytime)则无法在最早的装货日期之前起算,除非是租船合同中有额外的规定。当然,这里说的NOR有效,必须是事实上和法律上有效。如果NOR无效,自然无法开始运行准备时间。


  关于NOR和Laytime的相关问题,在之前文章已经多次提到这个问题。暂且不谈当事人之间就准备状态通知达成的任何特定条款,为了仅考虑英国普通法下的立场,只需在装货港递交NOR。在装货港递交NOR的要求属于普通法规则的范围,即一方的行为不属于另一方的知识,另一方的义务取决于这些的知识。在其他人拥有或应该具有该知识之前不会开始起算装卸时间。可以参第四版的《Commencement of Laytime》的第99段,如下:

  99. Leaving aside for the moment any particular clauses agreed between the parties regarding a notice of readiness,in order to consider the position solely under English common law, a notice ofreadiness only has to be given at the loading port. The requirement to give anotice of readiness at the loading port falls within the ambit of the commonlaw rule that where the acts of one party are not within the knowledge of the otherthen the obligations of the other, which depend upon the knowledge of theseacts, do not commence until that other has, or should have, that knowledge. InVyse v. Wakefield1 (failure to tell the assured by the person effecting theinsurance for the assured that an insurance policy would be null and void ifthe assured went outside Europe) it was put by Lord Abinger, Chief Baron:

  ‘‘ . . . where a party stipulates to do acertain thing in a certain specific event which may become known to him, orwith which he can make himself acquainted, he is not entitled to any notice,unless he stipulates for it; but when it is to do a thing which lies within thepeculiar knowledge of the opposite party, then notice ought to be given him.’’

  The requirement is eminently sensible andpractical so that the charterer is made aware of the readiness of the vessel atthe loading port and can then work the vessel as he sees fit. Under the commonlaw there is no requirement for any further notice of readiness to be given eitherat other loading ports or at the discharging port(s).


  NOR应该递交给承租人或其代理人(托运人或收货人可能是为此目的的代理人)或由承租人指示的任何其他人。CharterpartyLaytime Provisions 1980和Voylayrules 1993(两者仅在明确纳入租船合同时适用)指出NOR意味着给予承租人,托运人,收货人或租船合同中要求的其他人,船舶抵达港口或泊位(视情况而定),并准备装载或卸货的通知。BalticCode 2003(也仅在明确并入时适用)中也说相同的内容但作了补充(或者:通知可指定与到达/离开港口或泊位的船舶相关)。可以参可以参第四版的《Commencement of Laytime》如下说明。

  The notice of readiness should be given tothe charterers or their agents (shippers or receivers may be agents for thispurpose) or to any other person directed by the charterers. Charterparty Laytime Provisions1980 and Voylayrules 1993 (both only applicable if expressly incorporated intothe charterparty) state that notice of readiness

  (NOR) shall mean the notice to the charterer,shipper, receiver or other person as required by the charterparty that thevessel has arrived at the port or berth, as the case may be, and is ready toload or discharge. Baltic Code 2003 (also only applicable if expresslyincorporated) states the same but with the addition, (alternatively: the noticemay be specified to relate to the vessel arriving at/off the port or berth).

  而关于上文提到的LMLN103(1983)及LMLN307(1991)在《Commencement of Laytime》第121段也做了解释说明。

  在第四版《Voyage Charters》Chapter 57-Commencement and Calculation of Laytime,57.2对此问题说到,装卸时间无法在第I部分规定的时间之前开始起算。但是,如果船舶准备就绪,出租人有义务根据第六条递交准备就绪通知书,除非该租船合同明确禁止提前递交准备就绪通知书。第六条中的6小时特许经营权可以在规定时间之前计算。这样的6小时工作时间不是装卸时间,而是在装卸时间开始之前的时间。因此,那段时间可以在第一部分规定的时间之前起算。此外,在开始装卸时间之前,出租人递交准备就绪通知书后,承租人可以命令船舶装载。承租人没有义务这样做,但如果他这样做,出租人必须遵守。

  57.2 Laytime cannot start running earlier than the time “stipulated in Part I”. However, the owner is obliged under clause 6 to give notice of readiness onarrival if the vessel is ready unless the charter specifically precludes the early tender of notice of readiness. The six-hour franchise in clause 6 cancount before the stipulated time. The six-hour period is not laytime as such,but rather time before laytime can start. That period can, therefore, runbefore the time stipulated in Part I. Further, after the tender by the owner ofnotice of readiness before the commencement of the laydays, the charterer mayorder the vessel to load. The charterer is not obliged to do so but if he does the owner must comply.

  本文所说的The “Front Commander”案在最新的第七版《Laytime and Demurrage》Chapter 3-Commencement of Laytime, 3.372中对此评论到,上诉法院推翻了高院的判决,裁定:就合同规定的装卸时间起算日之前,实际已经开始装货的情况,承租人—在本案已经确认有关通知书应当在到达装货港时递交,而且,很快指示其靠泊/装货—已经同意在租船合同中规定的装卸时间起算日之前可以开始计算装卸时间了。承租人主要的争论是:租船合同不仅要求他们同意在装卸时间起算日之前递交通知书以及靠泊开始装货,而且还要另外单独的书面文书同意提早起算装卸时间。法院驳回这一观点。承租人也依赖The Khios Breeze案例的判决,但Rix大法官在由他做出主要判决词中对此评论道,那个案例并没有弄清楚合同条文和案件事实之间的区别。他接着又说:至多可以说,在通知书递交之前和合约规定的通知时间届满时之前,承租人(已经开始)使用船舶,但这段时间还不能计入承租人的时间,仅此而已。但,不能推断存在有任何与租船合同条文相矛盾的协议,也不存在有弃权行为。







  At load port(s), Owner/Master shall not tender, nor is Charterer or its nominated agent obliged to accept, Vessel’s NOR prior to commencement of laycan, unless otherwise previously agreed. Charterer's and/or Charterer’s nominated agent’s acceptance of the NOR before the commencement of laycan is without prejudice to Charterer's rights in respect of the NOR sotendered and shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights.

  该条款表面看起来很普通,但是实际上已经非常好地保护了承租人自己的利益。第一,如果在laycan开始之前递交,那么很可能NOR无效且不会在laycan开始之后自动变为有效的NOR;第二,就是接受了也并不影响他们的权利,turning time依然不会在laycan开始之前起算。

  此外,在The “Petr Schmidt”[1998] 2Lloyd’s Rep.1上诉法院案中,Peter Gibson勋爵在第7页判决书中认为,在合同规定期限之外递交的通知可能是“非合同的”,但并不表示它是无效的,除非合同的情况或主题的性质使得通知必须在那个时期内递交。可以看到,有充分理由说明为什么在本案的情况下应该在该期限内递交通知是至关重要的,并且由于在租船合同规定的期限之外提前通知,因此很快就会提前开始装卸时间计算,这显然是正确的。但是,在这种情况下,如果准备通知书在第30条规定的期限之外递交,则无需做出决定。该通知是无效的,因为我同意Evans法官的意见,即递交也是在下一个工作日的办公时间开始时进行的。如果在宣布其船舶准备就绪并收到通知之间存在时间差距这一事实并不会使通知无效,前提是在收到通知时它仍然是真实的。第6条和第30条应该一起理解,并且承租人收到通知可以说是出租人提交给对应方。实际上,当在办公时间承租人办公室有人阅读并采取行动时,可收到通知。


  最后提一点,很多时候租船合同会规定NOR递交给承租人和/或其代理人,比如“NOR should be tendered to charterers and/or their agent.”。关于这个and/or的解释,可以参The “Eagle Valencia”案,高等法院的Walker法官针对合同第22.2条中and/or的解释,认为其意思是or。

  [22.2] A Notice of Readiness may only be tendered whenCustoms clearance and/or free pratique has been granted and/or all papers/certificates

  Turning to [22.2]here, to, the expression "and/or" meant "or" – with theconsequence that in order to for an original NOR to remain valid at least oneof (A) to (C) must have been achieved. The effect was that owners could tendera NOR when the vessel is not yet in all respects ready as long as she is ready inone of the three respects and will become ready in all respects within 6 hours.On that basis [22.3] was clear. As to [22.4], this made clear that it was notsimply a question of the running of time, if there were delays then extra time,costs and expense would be added to owners' account. That left [22.5] and[22.6]. These were of limited application, being only concerned with the position where, at the port in question, the authorities do not grant free pratique at the anchorage but only clear a vessel once she berths. This was notthe case in Escravos. Additionally on [22.5] and [22.6] this vessel was in factcleared at anchorage – "when she berths" meant "on or afterberthing." The only instance where the parties referred to fault in this context was in [22.6], although charterers acknowledged that as part of thebackground owners would be unable to claim the running of time where this was attributable to their fault. That did not invalidate the argument that the parties wanted a bright line test.




  1.《Voyage Charters》

  2.《Laytime and Demurrage》

  3. 《Commencement of Laytime》

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  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)