

  CHAPTER 3 第3章

  Commencement of laytime



  3.117 London Arbitration 19/10 was similar to The Maratha Envoy (see para. 3.107 above) in that it concerned whether notice tendered at the pilot station was valid in respect of two upriver ports and in it the tribunal concluded that notice tended at Morong Pilot Station was not valid in respect of a call to Lubuk Gaung.

  3.117在报道的伦敦仲裁2010年第19号案是类似于The Maratha Envoy案(见上文第3.107段),该案涉及的是,就2个上游港口来讲,在引航站递交的准备就绪通知书是否有效,在仲裁庭判定是,对于挂靠印尼Lubuk Gaung港口而言,在Morong(在印尼苏门答腊/Sumtera旁的Pulau Rupat小岛上Selat Morong河口)引航站递交的通知书是无效的。

  3.118 When the vessel has arrived at the specified destination, whether in order to load or to discharge, she must then meet the second requirement necessary for the commencement of laytime. She must, so far as she is concerned, be in all respects ready for loading or discharge.


  3.119 Whilst the vessel must be ready in all respects, nevertheless, in Gill & Duffus SA v. Rionda Futures Ltd, Clarke J held that the shipowners’ exercise of a lien, in that case for general average, provided it was both lawful and reasonable, did not prevent the vessel’s being ready and a valid notice of readiness (NOR) could be tendered. In the case of loading, this means that she must be ready in all her holds, so as to give the charterers complete control of every part of the ship in which cargo is to be loaded and must also be properly equipped and ready for the reception of cargo. Similarly, the ship must have obtained all papers and permits necessary for loading.

  3.119尽管船舶必须要做好各方面的准备工作,不过,在Gill & Dufus SA v. Rionda Futures Ltd案,Clarke法官判定,船东行使留置权,在本案是为了共同海损,只要它是合法和合理的,就不会妨碍船舶做好准备工作和递交有效的准备就绪通知书。如果是要装货的话,这就意味着她必须准备好所有的货舱,以便承租人能够充分利用该轮的每一个能够装货的部分,而且,她还必须配备适宜的设备以便能够收受货物。同样地,该轮还必须办理好装货所需的一切文件和手续。

  3.120 In London Arbitration 4/05, one of the issues raised was whether notice of readiness can be tendered by a vessel under arrest as the result of action taken by the previous charterers of the vessel. The terms of the arrest did not prevent the vessel shifting within the port or conducting cargo operations. At the time notice was tendered, her loading berth was not expected to, and did not, become available for six days, by which time the arrest had been lifted. On the basis that the arrest was a problem that was likely at the time of the arrest to be speedily resolved enabling the vessel to sail upon completion of loading, the tribunal held that the notice tendered whilst the vessel was under arrest was valid.


  3.121 It is not, however, necessary that the ship should be in all respects ready to sail before notice of readiness to load can be given. It will suffice if she is in a condition in which the cargo can be safely received and expects to be ready to sail on completion of loading. For example, some repairs to the engines may be needed and, provided these would not interrupt loading and are expected to be completed during loading, then the ship may still be in a state of readiness to load.


  3.122 At the port of discharge, the vessel must be ready to discharge before laytime can commence. As Diplock J said in The Massalia (No 2):

  It seems to me common sense that the same principle as regards availability of holds would apply to discharging as to loading...

  The same principles on legal readiness apply equally, to discharging as they do to loading.

  3.122在卸货港,船舶必须在装卸时间起算前做好卸货准备。正如Diplock法官在The Massalia—案中所说的那样:



  3.123 It is usual to consider the physical and legal aspects of readiness separately and this approach will also be followed here.


  Physical readiness 实质上准备就绪

  3.124 In Groves, Maclean & Co v. Volkart Brothers, Lopes J said:

  A ship to be ready to load must be completely ready in all her holds... so as to afford the merchant/ charterer complete control of every portion of the ship available for cargo.

  3.124在Groves,Maclean & Co v. Volkart Brothers案中,Lopes法官说:


  3.125 In a similar vein, in Weir v. Union SS Co Ltd, Lord Davey commented:

  . . . you must read such expressions as ‘‘with clear holds’’ or ‘‘the whole reach or burthen of the vessel’’ as meaning the full space of the vessel proper to be filled with cargo...

  3.125同样的道理,在 Weir v. Union SS Co Ltd案中,Davey勋爵评述道:


  3.126 Which parts of the ship can be considered to be those which should be available for cargo was one of the issues raised in Noemijulia Steamship Co Ltd v. Minister of Food.

  3.126究竟船舶的哪些部分被认为适合于装货的空间呢?这就是Noemijulia Steamship Co Ltd v. Minister of Food案提出的争议之一。

  3.127 On arrival at Buenos Aires to load a cargo of grain, the charterers found that No 3 hold (both ’tween deck and lower holds) contained bunker coal. The charter, which was on the Centrocon form, provided, inter alia, for the charterers ‘‘to have the full reach and burthen of the steamer including ’tween and shelter decks, bridges, poop, etc. (provided same are not occupied by bunker coals and/or stores)’’. The charterers rejected the notice of readiness tendered by the vessel on four different grounds and purported to cancel the charter. One of their arguments was that they were entitled to do so because of the presence of bunker coal in No 3 lower hold, the proviso they said applying only to No 3 ’tween deck. This argument was rejected by the Court of Appeal, who pointed out that both No 3 ’tween deck and lower hold were designated as reserve bunker spaces. Furthermore, both spaces would reasonably have been needed for bunkers for the voyage. The presence of coal did not therefore mean that the ‘‘full reach and burthen’’ of the steamer had not been made available to the charterers.


  3.128 One exception that certainly used to exist to the rule that all inward cargo must have been discharged before a ship could be considered ready to load outward cargo arose because sailing ships empty of both cargo and ballast were relatively unstable. Thus, it was normal for sailing ships, as they discharged, to take on board sufficient new cargo or ballast to keep the vessel upright and stable on completion of discharge. This new cargo or ballast could only be stowed in the holds since there was nowhere else. In Sailing Ship Lyderhorn Co v. Duncan, Fox & Co, Cozens Hardy MR said:

  I think that the authorities really decide that a vessel is not ready to load unless she is discharged and ready in all her holds so as to give the charterers complete control of every portion of the ship available for cargo, except so much as is reasonably required to keep her upright.

  3.128当然,对于船舶能够被认为准备好装载出口货以前必须全部卸空进口货这一原则还有一个例外,因为货物和压载水都卸空的航行船舶相对来说是稳性不足的。因此,通常情况下,对于航行的船舶,在卸完货后,为了保持正浮状态和必要的稳性,要么装上些新货,要么打入压载水。当然,这些新货或压载水只能装在货舱里,因为没有别的地方可装(早期的船舶,压载水舱和货舱互用)。正像上诉法院院长Cozens Hardy大法官在 Sailing Ship Lyderhorn Co v. Duncan,Fox & Co案中所说的那样:



  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)