


  在航运实务中,关于laytime计算的争议非常多。早前介绍的关于港口安全方面的文章,也涉及了laytime计算的问题。如果港口是安全的,那么承租人未违约,因此受台风影响无法进行相关作业,包括封港封航等,承租人势必主张这些延误属于坏天气,不是weatherworking day,因此需扣除不算装卸时间。但是如果承租人违反了港口安全方面的保证,那么这些损失就变得可追偿,承租人得因为违反港口安全保证,赔偿出租人损失。当然,如果租船合同中,承租人未作出安全保证,那么损失将由出租人自行承担。




  很多港口是潮汐港口,可能是半日潮或全日潮,比如澳大利亚的黑德兰港,就是非常典型的受潮汐影响的港口。船舶装载的货物受当日最大开航吃水MSD(MaximumSailing Draft)影响,如果当日的MSD差,对于17万吨,或者20万吨的船而言,可能少装货上万吨,影响巨大。此时,承租人就依赖该条款来寻求免责,认为装不到最大货量的原因是由于港口吃水的限制,所以无需承担亏舱费。笔者认为承租人依赖此条款并不能成立,黑德兰港对于20万吨级别的船来说,并不是有吃水限制的港口,这和长江内的港口完全不一样。和安全港口一样,短暂需借助潮水离港并不会构造港口不安全;黑德兰港下个潮汐或者过几天就有合适的潮水,因此这种短暂受潮汐影响并不会构成黑德兰是个有吃水限制的港口。但是如果无论如何,船舶需要借助减载才能靠泊的话,将导致港口不安全。同理,如果一条20万的船,满载吃水18.3米,结果满载装到18.3米,然后无论如何都无法离开黑德兰港口,那么这种情况下,就可以说黑德兰港对于该20万吨的船是个有吃水限制的港口。因为一旦装到18.3米,将导致船舶无法离港。


  在如今货方的市场下,尤其是散货板块,对于BHPB,VALE, RIO TINTO, FMG等几大货主,出租人对于他们的合同条款,可以说霸王条款应该给予充分的注意,否则一旦出现争议,出租人将处于非常被动的局面。相反,对于小船市场,租船合同非常简单,可能就2页租船合同确认书,或者加一个并入的GENCON94,或者NYPE46或NYPE93。这种简陋的租船合同,如果什么都没规定,那么解释起来往往对出租人比较有利。



  Thanks for charterers’ last, but regret that Owners could not accept charterers’ allegation.

  As per clause of 5. Loading/Discharging, Gencon94 form which was

  incorporated in this charterparty, Where provides:

  The cargo shall be brought into the holds, loaded, stowed and/or trimmed,

  tallied, lashed and/or secured and taken from the holds and discharged by the Charterers, free of any risk, liability and expenses whatsoever to the Owners…

  There is no any disputed that the charterers should hold whole responsible for loading/discharging at their time/cost. Charterers contended that chief officers accept to dismiss shore gang which Owners denied.

  Chief Officer accept but still not relieve charterers’ obligation to load/discharge which are charterers’ responsibility.

  On the other hand, refer to Latest 7th Edition《Laytime and Demurrage》Chapter 1-General Principles, 1.30 where provides as below. For easy reference, Owners have put in italics and highlighted.

  1.30 Once commenced, laytime will continue to run until loading (or discharging) has been completed,

  And 1.28 provides:

  1.28 Once laytime has commenced to run it may nevertheless be suspended either by an interruption or an exception to laytime.

  There is no any express provision in the charter to interrupt the running of

  laytime, Hence that those period still should to count as laytime in full.

  Hope above are clear and will be acceptable by the charterers.

  首先依据GENCON94格式的第5条装卸货条款,装卸货得承租人负责,时间费用都是承租人的;其次,Laytime一经起算不会自动终止,除非租船合同中已经有列明的例外可不算装卸时间,而该租船合同未规定任何例外条款。因此和大副同意不同意解除工班并没有关系,因为在该合同下,装卸货得承租人来安排。但是如果实际上下雨了,那么下雨导致无法作业,不属于weather working day,就可以扣除不算装卸作业时间。

  在这个例子中,如果实际上下雨了,作为合同的恰当解释,虽然不属于列明的例外事项可以中断laytime计算,但是承租人可以依赖装卸率条款中的weather workingday该措辞,来扣除不算装卸时间。但是如果实际上并没有下雨,那么即没有列明例外条款,也属于weather working day,承租人就无权再主张停止计算laytime。

  又比如,有人碰到国庆长假期间,星期六星期天到底是否计算laytime的问题,租船合同规定卸率是“1500MT SSHEX EIU ”。因为国庆长假,9月29日,30日调休(星期六,星期天),但是中国政府规定是工作日,调休到10月4日,5日。争议是这两天作业算不算laytime。承租人主张不算,出租人前来咨询。笔者认为,虽然该条款的措辞没有加working day,或者weather working day之类的,但是因为有“SSHEXEIU”这个后缀,“Saturdays,Sundays and Holidays excluded, Even if used.”该后缀已经非常清晰明确,星期六,星期天和节假日例外,即使使用。9月29日, 30日虽然调休,但并不改变这两天属于星期六合星期天的属性,所以和是否正常上班并没有关系,因此承租人主张有理,需扣除不算装卸时间。除非该后缀改为“SSHEX UU”,“Saturdays, Sundays andHolidays excluded, Unless used”,那么情况将不一样,变成了,星期六,星期天和节假日例外,除非使用。那么在该后缀下,周末节假日期间经行作业所使用的时间就必须计算装卸时间。

  作为谨慎的船东,应该考虑到方方面面的问题,如果通过加速提早抵达能在节假日来临之前进入滞期的话,那么应该指示船长加速,及早递交有效的NOR开始起算laytime。当然这里也得考虑到船期成本,滞期费率及加速需多耗燃油的成本,通过比对采取最有经济效益的方式。如果在进入滞期之后在遇到周末节假日,那么除非合同另有约定,即使进入滞期也扣除不算,否则都得正常计算装卸时间。关于滞期的基本原则是,“Once demurrage, always on demurrage” ,一旦滞期永远滞期。如无相反规定,则租约中通常的例外条款通通不适用,都得正常算装卸时间。

  可参JohnSchofield的《Laytime andDemurrage》Chapter1-General principles:

  1.36 A phrase much used with regard todemurrage is “ once demurrage, always on demurrage”. What this is intended tosignify is that demurrage is payable on a running day basis; and that laytimeexceptions do not apply once demurrage commences. It will take very clear wordto convince a court that the parties intended a particular exception to applyonce the vessel is on demurrage.

  在The “Spalmatori” [1962]2 Lloyd’s Rep 175案中,上议院的Reid勋爵在第182页判决书中说到如下:

  But ifit occurs after demurrage has begun to accrue the owners might well say:“ Trueyour breach of contract in detaining my ship after the end of the laytime didnot cause the strike, but if you had fulfilled your contract the strike wouldhave caused no loss because my ship would have been on high seas before itbegan: so it is more reasonable that you should bear the loss than that Ishould.”


  在IslamicRepublic of Iran Shipping Lines v. Ierax Shipping Co.[1991] Lloyd’s Rep. 81 案中,Hobhouse 法官在第87页判决书中说到:众所周知,合同条款可以通过多种方式影响这种情况。它们会影响到装卸时间的定义,例如,“天气适宜工作日”表示您只计算允许的装卸作业时间的那一类。然后可能存在装卸作业时间例外,这些例外规定在某个时期内不计算装卸时间,即使相关时期在停工的定义范围内。所有这些类型的条款都规定了义务,因此回答了是否存在违约的问题,而不是是否存在违约责任。在装卸时间结束后,它们不会影响滞期费的责任。

  It is well established that contractual provisions can impinge upon this situation in anumber of ways. They can affect the definition of the laytime; for example theexpression "weather working days" means that you only count thatcategory of day when calculating the laytime allowed. Then there may be laytimeexceptions which provide that time is not to count during some period eventhough the relevant period would otherwise be within the definition of thelaydays. All these types of provision define the obligation and thereforeanswer the question whether or not there has been a breach, not whether thereis any liability for a breach. They do not affect the liability to demurrage after the laytime has been exhausted.

  承租人如果想依赖这种例外来免除责任的话,那么这些条款的措辞应该异常清晰明确。回过头来看前文说到的条款,很显然该条款不够清晰明确。条款前半部分说该载货物视为满舱满载货物,对于“fulland complete cargo”的解释问题,之前文章已经详细解释过,不在此重复。因此如果船舶没有装到船长所宣载的货量,那么就不得视为满舱满载货物。当然中铁矿不存在满舱的情况,和积载因素大的货物情况不一样,这不是重点。条款后半部说吃水限制,但如前文说过,黑德兰并不是对于20万吨的船有吃水限制的港口,如果船舶是40万吨的,那么该港口对于这种船而言,将是一个有吃水限制的港口。




  即1-2 safe berths,1-2 safe ports, Western Australia;非常典型的安全泊位和安全港口保证。那么来参《Voyage Charters》,6.11:

  Draft restrictions, harbours with bars

  6.11When the vessel is unable to load the agreed quantity of cargo as a result of a bar or other draft restriction, which party must bear the consequence, including the cost of lighterage if the problem is overcome by that method, depends on theterms of the charter as a whole. If the charterers have given an express or implied warranty as to the safety of the port, the risk will prima facie fall upon them, although this risk is often qualified by a warranty given by owners as to the vessel’s draft. In the absence of a warranty ofsafety, however, it would seem in principle that the risk will fall primafacie upon the owners. In Soc. Maritime v. African & Eastern TradeCo., where the charter provided for loading at one or more of three named ports in thecharterers’ option, it was held that neither party was in breach when the vessel was unable toload a full and complete cargoat the single nominated port.




  It’s well andlong established to the contract should be construed as a whole. For charterers’ easy reference, Owners wish to clarify again why the charterers should hold whole responsible for deadfreight.

  1、 The clauseof 4 which including the wording “THE SHIPMENT WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A FULL AND COMPLETE CARGO…”,

  In respect of legal meaning of “Full and complete cargo”, The charterers may review Owners’ last message carefully. The charterers fail to provide full and complete cargo for the vessel under V.13, and therefore the charterers should pay deadfreight.

  2、Pursuant to provision of 8 Load Port(s), which reads:


  It’s no any dispute that the vessel only could be loaded at 1-2 safe berth(s), 1-2 safe port(s) Western Australia, This clause should be construed as well known safe port warranty.

  On the authority of leading case AIC Ltd v Marine Pilot Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 175 (07 March2008) ,The “Archimidis” , The charterers may put them in breach safe port warranty if they not yet arranged floating barge to load full cargo for the vessel or stay at berth to wait for next suitable tide. In this case, As the arbitrators held that :

  The charterers had two ways in which they could furnish a full cargo to the vessel, either by loading some 67,000 mt at theberth, proceeding down the channel and thereafter loading the remainderby STS cargo or by loading the full cargo at the berth: paragraphs 27-29 and 32.

  Which Sir Anthony Clarke MR upheld in court of appeal, Where he said:

  In my judgment there is no principle of construction which permits a negative answer to the general question raised bythis ground. There is no inherent inconsistency between a safe port warranty and a named loading or discharging port.

  In conclusion, Sir Anthony Clarke MR dismiss the charterers’ appeal, The charterers are liable for dead freight for their breach safe port warranty.

  I would not accept Mr Berry's submission that there could not be abreach of the safe port warranty in this case. However, whetherthere was such a breach is or would be a matter for the arbitrators to be determined by finding the facts and by applying the relevant principles to thefacts found. It may well be that, in the light of our conclusions on the deadfreight issue, this will not be a live issue. However, if it is, I agreewith the judge (and the arbitrators) that one question for consideration, nodoubt among others, will be whether the weather and the consequential siltingup of the channel, which led to the draft restrictions, was an "abnormal occurrence" since, if it was, it is accepted by the owners that the charterers would not be in breach of the warranty. Likewise, as the judge observed,it is or would be for the arbitrators to decide whether, in the circumstances,the charterers were entitled to rely, in the events which happened, upon theexclusion clause in clause 19 of the charterparty relating to "perils ofthe seas", which I have quoted above.

  For the reasons I have given, I would allow the owners' appeal on the deadfreight point and reinstate declaration (iii) quotedat [2] above and I would dismiss the charterers' appeal on the safeport issue and leave declaration (iv), also quoted at [2] above, as it stands.

  In our case, The sailing draft restriction was not an abnormal occurence, Charterers should arrange the vessel to stay at berth to wait for next suitable tide to load full and complete cargo. But the charterers require the vessel to sail for their own purpose, Thus the charterers put them in breach safe port warranty and should pay deadfreight accordingly.

  The Charterers may also referto 《Voyage Charters》Chaper6-The Cargo,6.11:

  Draft restrictions, harbours with bars

  6.11 When the vessel is unable toload the agreed quantity of cargo as a result of a bar or other draftrestriction, which party must bear the consequence, including the cost oflighterage if the problem is overcome by that method, depends on the terms ofthe charter as a whole. If the charterers have given an express or impliedwarranty as to the safety of the port, the risk will prima facie fall uponthem, although this risk is often qualified by a warranty given by owners as to the vessel’s draft.

  3、 The charterers may contended that sailing instruction was from shipper, but as The“Arctic Trader” case, Where Lord Justice Evans said:

  It is clear,in our judgment, that when the time charterer instructs the master, pursuant tothe employment provisions of clause 8, to receive certain cargo on board, andthe cargo is loaded at the charterer’s expense, although under the supervisionand maybe at the risk of the shipowner, then the cargo is loaded by or onbehalf of the charterer for the purposes of the charter-party, and a third party shipper should be regarded as the charterer’s agent accordingly.

  Shipper should be regarded as the charterers’ agent, therefore the charterers still should hold whole responsible for their arrangement.

  4、 In The“Johnny K”case, In this cae, Justice Tomlinson remit the award to arbitratorand held that the charterers should hold whole responsible for dead freight.

  Although the arbitrators refer in four places to the order to sail having been given by the port authorities the position is confused by their also referring on twooccasions to the relevant order as emanating from the terminal/port authorities. Furthermore the fact that the order may have been given by theport authority is not in itself determinative of the question whether it is anorder for which the charterers are responsible. The order may for example have been inspired by the shippers although in fact given by the port authority. If the order was in factgiven by the terminal and if by the terminal is meant BHP then it is conceded that the award cannot stand, the reason being that that would be an order forwhich the charterers are responsible.

  BHPB fail in this case and was held responsible for deadfreight.Trust should be the same situation in our case, On authority of The “Johnny K”case, Charterers will be held responsible for deadfreight.

  Basis all reasons given above, Charterers please confirm they will pay deadfreight accordingly.

  Master also reading this in copy, Please always issue letter ofprotect in case will short load than max cargo if no draft restriction.




  In the event of charterers ordering thevessel to remain at or shift within a place, anchorage and/or berth where thevessel’s stay is extended for more than 25 consecutive days or to lay-up due tocause bottom fouling, Charterers to clean bottom by a qualified underwatercleaning company approved by classification society at charterers’ time andexpenses before the vessel’s redelivery. And Owners’ representation of thevessel’s speed and consumption to be null and void, effective from the vessel’sdeparture from such port(s) unless or until so cleaned. If the bottom cleaning can’t carry out at the ports of call due to facilities not available or whatever, Charterers have theright to redeliver the vessel without such cleaning and pay a mutually agreed of money to Owners accordingly.



  If vessel’s underwater hull orpropeller is fouled as a result of extended idle time (22 days) between portsin tropical water and/or NAABSA under Charterers’ instructions, then the Charterers is to cleanthe hull and propeller at Charterers’ time and expenses. The speed andconsumption warranty shall be suspended only until the hull and propeller havebeen cleaned.

  出租人为印度人,承租人前来咨询,需求帮忙。其实该条款已经明确规定,约定的是在热带水域或NAABSA区域,在港超过22天的话,承租人才需负责安排水下清底。但是很显然潮州港并不在热带区域,因此该条款并不适用;在合同没有约定的情况下,那么风险将得由出租人自行承担。而这个NAABSA,Not always afloat but safely aground,常见于到南美装粮的合同,会有这种安全搁浅条款,比如在Norgrain(NORTH AMERICAN GRAIN CHARTERPARTY 1973)中

  That the said vessel, being tight, staunch and strong and in every way fit for the voyage,shall with all convenient speed proceed to ………. and there load At ………. safe loading berth (s) in Charterer’ option, Not always afloat but safely aground,upto a full and complete* or part* cargo in bulk of……….


  BIMCO NAABSA Charter Party Wording

  Note: This wording to be added to the existing berthing provisions in charter parties

  Always subject to the Owners’ approval, which is not to be unreasonably withheld, the Vesselduring loading and/or discharging may lie safely aground at any safe berth orsafe place where it is customary for vessels of similar size, construction andtype to lie, if so requested by the Charterers, provided always that theCharterers have confirmed in writing that vessels using the berth or place will lie on a soft bed and can do so without suffering damage.

  The Charterers shall indemnify the Owners for any loss, damage, costs, expenses or loss of time, including anyunderwater inspection required by class, caused as a consequence of the Vessellying aground at the Charterers’ request.


  鉴于合同条款已经明确说明是热带水域,而潮州港并不在热带区域,承租人未违约,那么不管从哪方面,出租人都没有理由要求承租人在还船之前安排水下清底或者要求赔偿。如果合约的措辞足够清晰明确,那么不管结局如何荒谬,当事人将不得不接受。同时在另一方面也可以合理推断,潮州港可能因为压港导致污底的风险是出租人在恰定租约的时候已经接受的风险。如果出租人不接受此污底风险,那么应该将“tropical water”删去。不管签订合同前当事人双方的谈判意图,最终签订的合同是,船舶在热带水域在港超过22天,承租人才有义务在产生污底的情况下去安排清底。

  在Imperator I Maritime Company vBunge SA [2016]-The “Coral Seas”案,高等法院的Phillips法官首先重申了关于默示赔偿权的两个基本原理:


  Itis well established that as a general rule a shipowner has an implied right of indemnity against a time charterer in respect of the consequences of complyingwith the charterer's orders as to the employment of the ship, even if theorders were ones the charterer was contractually entitled to give. However, itis equally well established that such indemnity does not extend to the usualperils of the voyage in respect of which the owner must be taken to have accepted the risk.


  ii) On the other hand, where no right toan indemnity arises because the risks were assumed by the Owners, such as usualand expected marine fouling during legitimate deployment of the Vessel, it isdifficult to see why the warranty should be read as not applying whereperformance is affected as a consequence of such an assumed risk. The Ownershave given the continuing warranty at the same time as assuming that risk,without excluding it from the warranty, so the warranty must be taken to applywith full force.

  iii) 出租人正在试图避免接受关于他们本已经接受的风险所带来的在保证上的责任,那么判出租人承担此责任即非不公平也未愚弄商业常识。

  iii) The fact that the Owners are seeking to avoid liability on the warranty in relation to a risk they have assumed demonstrates that holding them liable is neither unfairnor flouts business common sense.


  条款的好坏,可能每个人的理解并不一样;但不管如何,一定要表达清楚。水平不够,只能用钱来凑,花钱买教训也是一条成长的道路。笔者刚从船上下来的时候,连基本的freight prepaid提单也不清楚;当时也曾问过一个同事,但并没有告诉我,后来就慢慢靠自己,不再麻烦别人。成长的路上,没有谁可依赖,唯有自己,服谁都不如扶墙。“航运佬”作为一个自诩为推广海商法的存在,一直在努力,努力成为让大伙可以依赖,可以靠的一堵墙,一致对外。

  言归正传,接下来,来看看The “Vine” [2011] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.301案。


  Itaguai港的基本情况如下,只有一个长143米的泊位,船舶右舷靠泊,有三个靠泊的碰档,从船艏到船尾依次命名为D3,D2,D1。通常情况下船艏以小角度先接触D3,然后依靠拖轮顶推缓慢靠泊。该港由CPBS(Companhia Portuaria Baia De Sepetiba)经营,该公司为Vale所有。简单说一下,巴西的这些港口属于政府所有,但是大部分都被Vale承包经营;期限有30年的,也有别的,具体看Vale和巴西政府之间的合同;但不管如何,Vale得负责港口的维护,当然包括泊位,航道,灯浮等等,进行必要的维护。笔者之前就那个航道维护费是否属于港口使费的问题,也和Vale扯了很久。

  2007年7月19日,Pacific Fortune轮在靠泊过程中损坏了碰档D3,导致D3无法再使用。在对D3进行维修之前,港务局已制定了一项靠泊应急计划,要求船舶不要接触损坏的D3,同时四条拖船将用于靠泊作业。船舶的左锚将用于辅助靠泊作业,以限制与缆桩的距离并降低船舶靠泊的速度。在靠泊期间,船艏先与D1接触,因此靠泊船必须由船尾以一定角度接近泊位,以允许其右舷侧向后接触D1。一旦与D1接触,右舷侧将接触D2,然后船舶将被安全地系泊。虽然D3需要修理,但实际上在2007年并没有修好。船舶继续按应急计划来靠泊,2007年7月20日至12月8日期间,约有73条船靠泊作业,其中46条为好望角型船。



  1 or 2 safe berths, 1 safe port Itaguai,Brazil,always afloat


  4.1 Notice ofReadiness (NOR) may be tendered after arrival of the vessel at Loading Port, at any time, provided that the vessel is cleared by the Port Authorities.


  5.10 Time lost as a result of all or any of the causes hereunder shall not be computed as laytime, unless vessel is already on demurrage:

  (viii) Partialor Total interruptions on railways or port;

  (ix) Any causeof whatsoever kindor nature, beyond the control of Seller, preventing cargo preparation, loading or berthing of thevessel.


  (1) the date onwhich laytime commenced;

  (2) whether thedelay in berthing counted as laytime; and

  (3) if thedelay in berthing did count as laytime, whether the cause of that delay was abreach by the charterers of their obligation to nominate a safe berth.


  关于这个“accepted”的解释问题,可以参之前The“Happy Day”案,一旦接受,那么弃权及禁反言将适用。

  对于5.10条款中(viii) Partial or Total interruptions on railwaysor port 的解释问,出租人的代表律师区分了对港口业务的偶然干扰和预先计划的维修。但Teare法官不认为港口作业中断的概念要求中断是偶然的。“事故”的概念,即所依赖的另一个例外,显而易见。特定泊位的作业中断可能有几个原因,这可能是由于需要调查刚刚由船舶造成的泊位损坏。一旦决定修复损坏的泊位,作业可能会中断,同时因为正在进行维修。但是,每个都是特定泊位的作业中断。Teare法官不相信“中断”的普通含义应该局限于港口未事先计划的中断。

  关于“中断”的含义,Teare法官认为没有被提及任何权威,但上诉法院在两个涉及“hindrances”和“breakdown”的滞期费案件中的做法与他的做法一致。因此,在Navrom v Callitsis Ship Management SA(The Radauti)[1988]2 Lloyd's Rep 416 案中第420页,“障碍”这个词被赋予了它的普通含义,尽管某种程度的障碍是不可避免的。同样,在PortolanaCompania Naviera Ltd v. Vitol SA Inc(TheAfrapearl)[2004] 2 Lloyd's Rep 305 案中,第311至314页中,“故障”一词与其原因形成对比,据说这是无关紧要的。有人认为,有一段时间,一个海豹(遭遇崩溃)的缺陷“是港口的事态的一部分,或者不是偶然的,或者是超出当事人的预期目的被视为细分”,但上诉法院不接受这一论点。因此,Teare法官认为中断不一定是偶然的。


  Teare法官认为每个子条款都应该赋予其一般含义,并且没有充分理由,在没有明显意图的条款(ix)中“beyond the control of the Sellers不受卖方控制”这一短语的情况下,扩展到每个其他子条款,将该短语视为延伸到每个其他子条款。

  Teare法官认为,租船合同必须按照Hoffmann勋爵在Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West BromwichBuilding Society [1998] 1 WLR 896案中所总结的原则来解释,文件(或任何其他话语)向合理的人传达的含义与其词语的含义不同。措辞的意义是词典和语法的问题;该文件的含义是,在相关背景下使用这些措辞的各方将可被合理地理解其所指。

  The charterparty must, of course, be construed in accordance with the principlessummarised by Lord Hoffmann in Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v WestBromwich Building Society [1998] 1 WLR 896, one of which is:

  "The meaning which a document (or any other utterance) would convey to a reasonableman is not the same thing as the meaning of its words. The meaning of words isa matter of dictionaries and grammars; the meaning of the document is what theparties using those words against the relevant background would reasonably have been understood to mean."

  在这种情况下,Teare法官认为第5.10条的合理理解是指如果当事人打算让原因必须超出卖方的控制范围,他们就会明确表达这一意图。他们这样做只是针对第(ix)款中提到的原因。Teare法官不认为这样的解释藐视商业常识,尽管在一个条款中也存在商业常识,只允许依赖于卖方无法控制的事件(或者,如在The Cape Equinox案中,超出收货人控制)。

  In those circumstances I consider that clause 5.10 would be reasonably understood tomean that where the parties intended that the cause must be beyond the controlof the seller, they made that intention clear. They did so only with regard tothe cause named in sub-clause (ix). I do not consider that such a construction flouts business common sense notwithstanding that there would also be business common sense in a clause which only permitted reliance upon events which werenot beyond the control of the seller (or, as in The Cape Equinox, beyond the control of the consignee).



  It is therefore not strictly necessary for me to decide whether each event listed in clause 5.10 must be beyond the control of the charterers. However, in case I am wrongin concluding that the partial interruption was beyond the control of the charterers I shall state my opinion on the prior question whether the events listed in clause 5.10 must be beyond the control of the charterers.


  对于"Accident at the mines, railways or ports",矿山,铁路或港口的事故问题,Teare法官认为由于持续需要修复D3和Nordstar轮所造成的事故,因此在2008年1月给Vine轮靠泊造成了时间延误。维修的持续需要没有,也没有被证明是一次事故。在这种情况下,承租人无法将时间损失引入到事故例外中,因为失去时间的两个有效原因并不是事故。

  I have therefore concluded that time was lost in berthing Vine in January 2008 by the continuing need to repair D3 and by the Nordstar accident. The continuing needto repair was not, or has not been shown to be, an accident. In those circumstances the charterers are unable to bring the loss of time within the accident exception because one of the two effective causes of the lost time was not an accident.

  而对于5.10条(ix) 款"Any cause of whatsoever kind or nature, beyond the control of Seller, preventing cargo preparation,loading or berthing of vessel"的解释问题,Teare法官认为由于前面所述的理由,承租人无法证明2008年1月的损失时间超出了卖方的控制范围。“卖方”是Vale SA,泊位由其子公司CPBS运营。没有证据表明如果CPBS希望这样做,CPBS将无法在2007年修复泊位。

  For the reasons given above in paras 44 to 56 thecharterers are unable to show that the time lost in January 2008 was beyond thecontrol of the seller. The "Seller" was Vale SA and the berth was operated by its subsidiary CPBS. There is no evidence that CPBS could not have repaired the berth in 2007 had it wished to do so.


  然而,合约的解释,基本原则之一就是不能孤立地看待单独某个条款,应该将合同当作一个整体来看待。对于“1 or 2 safe berths, 1 safe port Itaguai, Brazil, always afloat”的描述,当事人对于该条所规定的泊位,港口安全保证没有异议。


  The charterers therefore warranted on 3 or 4 December 2007 that the CPBS berth was prospectively safe for Vine's expected visit. The owners said that it was not safe and that as a result of that unsafety the Nordstar incident was caused which in turn led to delay in berthing Vine. This somewhat unusual use of the safe berth warranty, which applied the warranty to events concerning a vessel other than that in respect of which the warranty was given, was not challenged as a matter of law.

  关于泊位的设置问题,Teare法官认为即是指港口或泊位中用于确保船舶可以到达,使用并安全返回的系统,是安全的一个重要方面。可参见Kodros Shipping Corporation v EmpresaCubana de Fletes(TheEvia)(No 2)[1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep.334案。在本案中,据说该设置在若干方面存在缺陷。





  The"set-up" in the berth, namely the system in the port or berth forensuring that vessels may reach, use it and return from it in safety, is anessential aspect of safety; see Kodros Shipping Corporation v Empresa Cubana deFletes (The Evia) (No 2) [1982] 1 Lloyd's Rep 334 at page 338 quoted in TheCarnival.


  Teare法官认为没有证据表明任何制度使船长了解这些事项。通知船长的显而易见的人将是引航员,但来自Nordstar轮的船长和引航员的证据并未表明引航员在停泊前将此类信息传递给船长。因此,船长和引航员都没有参考在靠泊之前由引航员传达的这种信息。当然,船长在靠泊期间可能会观察到D3被损坏(正如Cape Stork轮的船长所做的那样),但为时已晚,无论如何他都不会意识到应急计划和D2的较小能力,除非通知他们的引航员。Teare法官因此认为在靠泊之前没有系统可以告知好望角型船舶的船长这些情况。

  There is no evidence of any system whereby masters were made aware of these matters. The obvious person to inform the master would be the pilot but the evidence fromthe master and pilot of Nordstar does not suggest that such information was passed on by the pilot to the master prior to berthing. Thus neither the master nor the pilot made reference to such information being communicated by thepilot prior to the berthing. Of course a master may observe during berthingthat D3 is damaged (as the master of Cape Stork did) but that istoo late and in any event he would remain unaware of the contingency plan andthe lesser capacity of D2 unless informed of those matters by the pilot. I find that there was no system where by masters of Capesize vessels were informed of these matters prior to berthing.


  I therefore conclude that the "set-up" at the CPBS berth at the time when the berth was nominated, shortly before the Nordstar incident, was unsafe in tworespects. First, there was no system for advising the master of Vine that D3 was a potential hazard, that D2 was not adequate to receive the first contact from a Capesize bulk carrier and that the mooring plan was to contact D1 first.Second, the pilots were not aware of the danger to D2 in contacting it first. These defects in the set-up of the berth made the safe execution of a stern-on berthing less likely than it would otherwise have been.


  I conclude that the CPBS berth was unsafe. The need to berth stern on to D1 required more than ordinary navigation and seamanship to avoid the danger of any contact with D3and first contact with D2. The absence of a system for informing masters and pilots of all that they required to know of the berth made it less likely that the required stern-on berthing would be safely executed. The risk of damage to D2was increased by the circumstance that it had previously been subject to excessive force.


  The owners' claim must therefore succeed on the grounds that the delay in berthing was caused by the unsafety of the berth and that the demurrage rate is the agreed rate of damages for delay. Credit must be given for the charterers' despatch claim at the discharge port which I understand is not in dispute. The parties will, I assume, be able to agree the sum in respect of which judgment will be given.



  从以上所介绍的可以看出,在航运日常实务中,存在非常多的争议,而这一切往往取决于本身的合同条款,合同条款的好坏直接影响最终结果。承租人如果想依赖这种例外来免除责任的话,那么这些条款的措辞应该异常清晰明确。如上议院的Dunedin勋爵在Brightman & Co v Bungey Born Ltda Sociedad (1925) 22 Ll L Rep 395 (HL)中,在第396页判决书中所说:在这一点上,我完全同意Scrutton勋爵的判决;我只是重复他所说的那么明确的解释,即绝对权威的一般规则是,如果你想做一个例外适用于提供与装载本身不同的货物,你必须用清晰明确的言辞这样做,以免含糊不清。

  On this point Iam entirely in agreement with the judgment of Scrutton, L.J.; and I am only repeating what he has so clearly explained when I say that the general rule inabsolutely authoritative to the effect that if you wish to make an exception apply to the providing of cargo as distinguished from the loading proper, you must do so in words so clear as to admit of no ambiguity.


  The established rule, that in charter-parties the charterer's obligation to provide cargo and have it ready for loading at the place of loading is prima facie an absoluteone and is not affected by clauses of exception as to lay days unless by express language or necessary implication, is not artificial or arbitrary. It is correlative to the shipowner's obligation to provide a seaworthy ship before an exception of marine perils in a bill of lading can apply to relieve him. It arises out of the nature of the contract and is necessary to the practicaldistribution of the risks involved in its performance.

  期租合同下的情况也一样,在Royal Greek Government v. Minister of Transport(1948) 82 Ll.L. Rep. 196案中,Bucknill勋爵在第199页判决书中说到,最基本的原则,在解释租约条款的时候,除非能租家能把他引入到停租条款,要不就需为使用船舶支付租金。此外条款中模糊的字眼将作出对船东有利,因为租家想剥夺船东获取租金的权利。

  The cardinal rule in interpreting such a charter-party as this, is that the charterers will pay hire for the use of the ship unless he can bring himself within the exceptions. I think he must bring himself clearly within theexceptions. If there is a doubt as what the words means, then I think those words must be read in favour of the Owners because the charterers is attempting to cut down the Owners’ right to hire.


  As many authorities state, hire is payable continuously unless the Charterers can bring themselves within an exception, the onus being on the Charterers to do so. Doubt as to the meaning of exceptions is to be resolved in favour of the Owners.

  英国作为判例法国家,历经数百年所积淀下来的无数先例,不断地被后来的法官修正完善。普通法的合约解释是连续性的而不是变化,英国法律作为商业事宜选择法律制度的一个吸引力在于其稳定性和连续性,特别是在合约解释方面。诚如Hodge勋爵在2017年的最高法院案例Wood v. Capita案中所说:

  The recent history of the common law of contractual interpretation is one of continuity rather than change. One of the attractions of English law as a legal system of choice in commercial matters is its stability and continuity, particularly in contractual interpretation.

  Neuberger勋爵在本案中所归纳的6个观点对于合同的解释,尤其是商业合同方面是非常重要的参考依据。与Rainy sky案不同的是,本案的具体条款的解释并没有异议,因此法官遵循英国法一贯以来的解释原则,文本释义,而非商业合理性。在合约解释的过程中,只有当合同的措辞存在多种解释的时候,才需要考虑商业合理性和背景环境。如果该条款的措辞足够清晰明确,那不管结果荒谬与否,当事人将不得不接受。如Sumption勋爵在Krys and othersvKBC Partners LP and others案中,第15段判决所说:

  Even if the Board regarded these consequences as absurd, such arguments have limited forcein the face of the clear language of the articles.



  In Krys v KBCPartners [2015] UKPC 46, a majority of the Privy Council declined to departfrom the natural meaning of the language simply because the result might be regarded as one-sided or unfair, and suggested that in the face of sufficiently clear language even an absurd result might have to be accepted.


  又如在Wood v Capita Insurance Services Limited案中,Hodge勋爵在第13段判决书中说到,文本主义和语境主义并不是在专属占领合同解释领域的斗争中的矛盾模式。相反,律师和法官在解释任何合同时,都可以用它们作为工具来确定当事人选择用来表达其选择的措辞的客观含义。

  Textualism and contextualism are conflicting paradigms in a battle for exclusive occupation of the field of contractual interpretation. Rather, the lawyer and the judge, when interpreting any contract, can use them as tools to ascertain the objective meaning of the language which the parties have chosen to express their agreement.

  同时在第14段判决中说到,Rainy sky 和本案,在合同解释的方法上说了同样的事。


  The court’s task is to ascertain the objective meaning of the language which the parties have chosen to express their agreement. It has long been accepted that this is not a literalist exercise focused solely on a parsing of the wording of the particular clause but that the court must consider the contract as a whole and, depending on the nature,formality and quality of drafting of the contract, give more or less weight to elements of the wider context in reaching its view as to that objective meaning.



  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)