承租人国内安排加油 未付油款 供油商提起仲裁--London Arbitration 5/24案


     在London Arbitration 5/24案中,涉及期租承租人安排加油,但未支付油款,供油商提起仲裁的问题。


    仲裁于 2023 年 7 月开始,索赔顾问代表燃油供应商任命了 LMAA 正式成员。承租人指示伦敦律师并任命了一名有声望的IMAA 正式会员。两名当事人指定的仲裁员发现自己意见一致,没有指定第三名仲裁员。

     关于实质性主张,在提交的索赔文件中,供油商指出了一个人的身份,他们称他们曾与承租人就燃油订购进行过接触。他们说他们通过 WhatsApp 与他联系。他们没有在提交的材料中披露相关的交换信息,而是在承租人提交辩护材料之前披露了相关信息。






     作为船东,尤其是市场波动剧烈的时候,避免这种情况,最好是在加油前就让期租租家及供油商提供相关的Bunker Non-Lien Notice,如下,以避免期租租家安排加油不支付油款而被供油商扣船。

To: The head Owners and Master of MV [ Vessel’s name]

Fm: Bunker Sellers or Supplier [insert name of Sellers or supplier, their address and contact details, name of barge etc]

Date: [insert date]

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Please to take note that the bunker [insert specification of bunker and quantity to be supplied ] will be supplied for the vessel [insert name of vessel] by the barge [ insert name of barge, barge IMO. No.] at [ insert name of port, berth or anchorage] today [insert date], were ordered by Messer [ insert name of charterers, address and contact details ].

We, [insert name of bunkers sellers or supplier, or master of bunker barge ], hereby confirm and acknowledge that the bunker and bunkering services which to be for Messer [ insert name of charterers, address and contact details ] their solely account, and neither the vessel [insert name of vessel ], the Owners [insert name of Owners ] nor the Master [insert name of Master] is a party to the bunker supply contact, and no lien, encumbrance or any rights shall arise on the vessel.

Yours faithfully,

The Seller or Supplier                                     The Master of

[insert name of Sellers or Supplier]              [insert Vessel’s name ]

……………………………………….         …………………………………..

[insert name and title of signatory]            [insert name of the Master]



To: Bunker Sellers/Trader and or Supplier [insert name of Sellers/Trader and or supplier, their address and contact details]

Fm: Buyer [insert name of charterers, their address and contact details]

Date: [insert date]

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Please to take note that we,[ insert name of charterers, their address and contact details ] as the time charterers of the vessel [insert name of vessel ] are ordering bunker [insert specification of bunker and quantity to be supplied ] on [ insert date ], which will be supplied for the vessel [ insert name of vessel ] at [ insert name of port, berth or anchorage for bunkering] o/a [insert the date ] are on our account and our credit to the vessel [ insert name of vessel ] on charter to us, and the bunkers to be supplied for the vessel and bunkering service are solely for our account as the time charterers.

Neither the vessel [insert name of vessel], the Owners [insert name of Owners] nor the Master [insert name of Master] is a party to the bunker supply contact, and no lien, encumbrance or any rights shall arise on the vessel.

Yours faithfully,

The Seller/Trader or Supplier                        The charterers of

[insert name of Sellers/Trader or Supplier] M/V [insert name of vessel]

[insert name of charterers]

……………………………………..                  …………………………………..

[insert name and title of signatory]     [insert name and title of signatory]

海运圈聚焦专栏作者Alex (微信公众号 航运佬)