主题: 新型冠状病毒预防
1. 0新型冠状病毒的介绍
2.0 到访中国港口船舶
2.1 WHO世卫组织关于在2019新型冠状病毒存在国家和地区的贸易和旅行留待首要的信息资源和建议,他们声明,如果采取了必要的措施,不应该有“不必要的国际禁运”。然而,船旗国建议旗属船舶采取防范措施,寻求最新的信息和当地的要求,制定疫区港口(到访计划)。
2.2 按照WHO减少疫情传递和曝露的标准建议:
• 勤洗手--酒精或肥皂和水
• 遮口鼻---咳嗽喷嚏时用肘臂或手帕纸巾遮住,并马上丢弃和洗手
• 远离嫌疑人员---避免近距离接触发烧和感冒人员
• 饮食安全---根据良好食物安全守则,避免食用未熟或未经处理的动物制品和避免未经处理食物的交叉污染
2.4 根据相关要求,彻底清洁和消毒船舶,特别是访客区域。
2.5 船舶到访2019新型冠状病毒影响区域,应考虑船舶保安计划是否正确地执行?船员时时警惕---防偷渡行为,强烈建议24小时在港保安值班和离港检查。特别指示值班人员仅允许船舶营运人员登轮,访船人员未经初步的检查和许可不得进入生活区。
2.6 到中国之前,应确保船舶足够的淡水、食物和药品,以防可能的限制和储备延期造成的艰难。
3.0 船舶检查和其他登轮
• 主管机关暂停中国港口所有船舶的检查和登轮
• 主管机关停止检查到访过中国的海外船舶直到经过14天(潜伏期),从离开最后的中国港口起算。
4.0 附加的信息和资源

以上仅供参考,准确解释以下英文为准!To: Owners/Operators,Masters, Nautical Inspectors, Recognized Organizations
Date: 31 January 2020
1.0 (2019-nCoV)
The Administrator is providing the following information and advice on the 2019-nCoV for flagged vessels and seafarers calling in China. This outbreak has been declared a worldwide emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). Global
surveillance is in the early stages and cases have been discovered across the globe.
These cases are directly connected to individuals who have visited the affected region in China.
2.0 Vessel Calls in Chinese Ports
2.1 WHO remains the primary source of information for advice on trading and traveling to regions and countries where 2019-nCoV risks exist. They have stated that, if certain measures are taken, there should be no “unnecessary restrictions of ‘international traffic.”
Nevertheless, flagged vessels are advised to adopt precautionary measures and seek updated information and requirements from local sources prior to making port calls in such areas.
2.2 Follow WHO’s standard recommendations to reduce exposure to, and transmission of, the disease, including:
• Cleaning hands frequently by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water;
• When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue, then immediately throw the tissue away and wash hands;
• Avoiding close contact with anyone who has fever and cough; and
• Avoiding the consumption of raw or undercooked animal products and the cross-contamination of uncooked foods as per good food safety practices.
2.3 Limit or restrict access to vessels when calling at affected areas. Under the Convention of Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), steps may be taken to ensure vessel and crew safety.
These could include but are not limited to:
• Refusing entry to anyone appearing ill; and
• Mandating washing or alcohol hand sanitizing regimes for stevedores and others at the base of the gangway.
2.4 Scrupulously clean and disinfect the ship according to its cleaning regime, but particularly spaces used by visitors.
2.5 Vessels calling at ports in 2019-nCoV affected areas should consider whether the ships security plan is correctly implemented, and the crew should be extra vigilant for any stowaways trying to board the ship. It is strongly recommended that a 24-hour security watch be maintained while in port and that additional searches are carried out before departing the port. Specific instructions should be given to watch standers to only allow people to board as required for the ships business. Visitors should not be allowed to access the crew accommodation area without permission and at a minimum aninitial screening.
This MSA expires one (1) year after its issuance, unless otherwise noted, extended, superseded, or revoked.
2.6 Make certain that there are adequate food, medicines and fresh water supplies aboard the vessel prior to calling on China. This is to preclude any hardships that may arise due to limited or delayed victualling.
3.0 Vessel Inspections and Other Boardings.
As of this writing, but subject to daily review:
• The Administrator istemporarily suspending all vessel inspections and other boardings within Chinese ports.
• The Administrator will not inspect vessels arriving at an overseas port from China until 14 days (the incubation period) has elapsed from leaving the last Chinese port.
4.0 Additional Informationand Resources
More information including situational reports and technical guidance can be found at the following web addresses: