

  Laytime Clauses 装卸时间条款

  Colliery working days


  2.37 The term ‘‘colliery working day’’ and its associated phrase, the colliery guarantee, arose in coal charters in this country in the days prior to the nationalisation of the coalmines. Most of the reported cases arose in the last ten years of the nineteenth century, many from a general strike in the South Wales coalfield in 1898.

  2.37 ‘煤矿工作日’这一术语以及与之相关联的短语,煤矿场保证,是在英国煤矿国有化之前出现在该国涉及煤炭运输的租船合同中的。所报道的大多数的案例都是在19世纪的最后十年间发生的,而其中的很多案例是由于1898年在南威尔士煤矿的总罢工而引起的。

  2.38 The usual practice was for a charterer to contract with a specific colliery on terms set out in a colliery guarantee for the colliery to supply coal to a named vessel. In Monsen v. Macfarlane, McCrindell & Co, Smith LJ said of the colliery guarantee:

  It is a document which the charterer who takes coal from a colliery wherewith to load a ship is anxious to have incorporated into the charterparty so that as regards the time to be occupied in loading the ship he may be under no more obligation to the shipowner than the colliery is under obligation to him...

  2.38 对于承租人来说,通常的做法是按照煤矿保证书中所列明的条款与某一具体的煤矿场签订合同,要求矿场向指定的船舶提供煤炭。在Monsen v. Macfarlane,McCrindell & Co—案中,Smith大法官曾就这种矿场保证书这样说:


  2.39 The charterparty may, as in that case, be made earlier than the colliery guarantee but provide for its later incorporation. Most guarantees were given on fairly standard terms.


  2.40 The colliery guarantee, and hence the charterparty, would provide for loading in a specified number of colliery working days. A colliery working day is a day which is an ordinary working day for the colliery in normal times and in normal circumstances. Sundays and holidays, including local ones such as Mabon’s day in South Wales, are excluded. Days on which the colliery would normally work, but does not because of a strike, are included.

  2.40这种煤矿场的担保书,以及此后并入了这种保证的租船合同,对装货作业规定了限定的矿场工作日的天数。煤矿场工作日就是在正常的时间内和正常的情况下对于有关矿场来说,是属于正常的工作日的那种日子。星期日和节假日,包括诸如在南威尔士的第一星期(英国矿工的假日Mabon’s day)这样的当地节假日,均被排除在外。对于该矿场,那些本应该正常工作但是由于罢工而没有开工的日子,也应包括在内。

  Weather working days


  2.41 A weather working day is a type of working day. It is a working day on which the weather allows the particular ship in question to load or discharge cargo of the type intended to be loaded or discharged, if she is then at a place or position where the parties intend her to so load or discharge. If she is not in such a position but is still awaiting her turn to berth, then it will count as a weather working day if the weather would allow that type of cargo to be worked at the berth where the parties intend the vessel to go. It is immaterial whether work is intended on the particular day.


  2.42 If there is or would have been a partial prevention of work due to weather then it is still a weather working day but part of the day must be excluded for the purpose of laytime calculations.


  2.43 It is possible for two ships to be at adjacent berths and for time to count as a weather working day in one case and not the other, depending on the type of cargo being worked.


  2.44 The Charterparty Laytime Definitions 1980 provide:

  ‘‘WEATHER WORKING DAY’’ means a working day or part of a working day during which it is or, if the vessel is still waiting for her turn, it would be possible to load/discharge the cargo without interference due to the weather. If such interference occurs (or would have occurred if work had been in progress), there shall be excluded from the laytime a period calculated by reference to the ratio which the duration of the interference bears to the time which would have or could have been worked but for the interference.

  2.44 《1980年租船合同装卸时间定义》中规定:


  2.45 In English law, unlike American law on this point, there need be no causal connection between the weather and the failure to load or discharge the particular vessel. The reference to weather is therefore descriptive, rather than exceptive.



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