

  Laytime Clauses 装卸时间条款

  2.105 In The Vorras, having reviewed the previous cases, Sir John Donaldson MR continued:

  I have to construe the words used in their natural meaning. The words are ‘‘72 hours weather permitting’’. The essence of the owners’ argument is that this phrase means ‘‘72 hours unless the weather prevents the vessel from loading’’. There would be something to be said for this if the antonym for ‘‘permitting’’ was ‘‘preventing’’. But it is not. It is ‘‘prohibiting’’. If the phrase is to be inverted, it reads ‘‘72 hours unless the weather prohibits loading’’. In my judgment the weather prohibited any vessel of this general type from loading and it is nothing to the point that owing to the presence of another vessel in the berth, the prohibition was not the operative cause which prevented the vessel from loading. I would construe ‘‘72 hours weather permitting’’ as meaning ‘‘72 hours when the weather was of such a nature as to permit loading’’.

  2.105在The Vorras 案,上诉法院院长John Donaldson爵士在回顾了以往的案例之后,说到:


  2.106 It is suggested that in referring to the weather prohibiting ‘‘any vessel of this general type from loading’’ in this passage, the Master of the Rolls was simply saying that not only would weather have prevented the specific ship from loading but any similar type of ship as well. In the Gebr Broere case, it was clearly the specific ship that the judge had in mind. It is submitted that that was correct and the reference to vessels of a general type, e.g. tanker or dry cargo, should not be taken as detracting from the principle that it is the particular ship with its type of cargo that should be considered.

  2.106鉴于这段所谓的天气情况禁止‘任何这种类型的船舶进行装货作业‘的建议,上诉法院院长仅仅简单地说:天气情况不单是禁止这艘具体的船舶进行装货作业,也禁止同样类型的船舶进行装货作业。显然,在Gebr Broere—案中,法官考虑的就是那艘船。可以认为,这一做法是正确的,但对于一般类型的船舶,比如油轮或干货船,不应作为参考,因为这是对‘应考虑载运这种类型货物的具体船舶’这一原则的贬损。

  2.107 In the Gebr Broere case, the judge also went on to consider the effect of weather on laytime when the vessel could not get into berth or had to leave the berth. Having pointed out that it is well established that laytime will not in the absence of exceptions be interrupted if the safety of the vessel and her cargo justifies her removal from the berth, he then went on to hold that if weather first stopped loading and then forced the vessel to leave, it must follow that in each case laytime would be interrupted. Whilst the vessel was alongside it prevented loading and it did not cease to do so when it had the added effect of rendering it necessary for the vessel to leave her berth. He continued:

  If this be right, it must follow that if the vessel for her own safety, refrains from going into berth, laytime will be interrupted if the weather is such that it would both have prevented loading and required the vessel to leave her berth had she been in berth. It will not be interrupted, albeit she could not for safety reasons reach her berth if loading would not have been interrupted by weather had she been in berth.

  2.107在审理Gebr Broere—案过程中,法官还考虑到天气情况对不能靠泊或不得不离泊的船舶的装卸时间有何影响。他指出这已是早已确立的原则,若没有除外条款的规定,装卸时间不应中断,如果船舶安全和货物安全证实船舶从泊位离开是正当合理的话,于是,他接着又判决道:如果天气情况首先是使装货作业停止,接着又使船舶不得不离泊,那么,必须得出结论,任何一种情况装卸时间都应中断。当船舶靠泊的情况下,它(坏天气)不仅阻止了装货作业,且没有停止影响并产生额外的效果致使船舶必须离开泊位。他又接着说:


  2.108 It is submitted that these wider considerations fit in harmoniously with the arguments put forward by Sir John Donaldson MR in The Vorras and are therefore correct, notwithstanding any criticism that may be made of the earlier part of the judgment in the Gebr Broere case.

  2.108尽管可以对Gebr Broere案判词的前面部分做某种批判,但是人们还是认为那些比较广泛的考虑因素与上诉法院院长John Donaldson爵士在Vorras案中所提出的问题是相符和协调一致的,因而是正确的。

  2.109 At the end of his judgment in The Vorras, Sir John Donaldson MR added:

  Prima facie, any clause defining laytime is descriptive and any clause providing that time shall not count against laytime so defined... is exceptive. If it matters, I would classify the expression ‘‘72 running hours weather permitting’’ as descriptive.

  The other two members of the Court of Appeal involved in this case gave shorter but concurring judgments.

  2.109 在对The Vorras—案的判词的结尾,MR John Donaldson爵士补充道:



  2.110 In a descriptive laytime clause of this type when calculating interruptions, the emphasis must always be on what the weather permits. The intentions of the parties are therefore irrelevant and there is therefore no need to examine whether the weather interruption occurred at an hour at which it was either intended or even possible to work cargo—the one qualification to this, however, must be that if ‘‘weather permitting’’ is added to ‘‘working day’’ then of course it must not be on a Sunday or holiday. In setting out the laytime statement, all that is necessary is to deduct the actual time of the interruption.


  2.111 It occasionally happens that ‘‘weather permitting’’ is added to ‘‘weather working day’’ with the laytime allowed being described as say, ‘‘five weather working days weather permitting’’. It is submitted, however, that in these circumstances the words ‘‘weather permitting’’ add nothing and the phrase should be construed as if it simply read ‘‘five weather working days’’.



  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)