

  CHAPTER 3 第3章

  Commencement of laytime 装卸时间的起算

  Custom 习惯/惯例

  3.361 The effect of custom in modern charters is likely to be minimal, since for a custom to have any effect, it must be shown to be not inconsistent with any express terms of the charter and, of course, most charters provide expressly when laytime is to commence.


  3.362 In Postlethwaite v. Freeland, Lord Blackburn said:

  The jurors were told, and I think quite correctly, that ‘‘custom’’ in the charterparty did not mean custom in the sense in which the word is sometimes used by lawyers, but meant a settled and established practice of the port...

  3.362在 Postlethwaite v. Freeland案中,Blackburn勋爵曾经说过:


  3.363 To prove any custom is difficult, because it involves establishing that it is not only reasonable and certain, but invariably accepted by ships and merchants using the port concerned.


  3.364 The effect of a custom may be either to advance or delay when laytime commences for the vessel concerned. In Norrkopings Rederiaktiebolag v. Wulfsberg & Co, a vessel was chartered to carry a cargo of pitprops to Hull under a fixed laytime port charter and the question arose as to when laytime commenced. Having said that a custom of the port might be reduced to writing for the convenience of shipowners and merchants, Greer J continued:

  Looking at the statement of the custom and practice of the port there are the words: ‘‘When a wood laden ship is chartered for the port of Hull simply and without prescribing any particular dock for discharge the receiver has the right to order her on or before arrival to any available dock, which she can forthwith enter and deliver her cargo.’’ In my judgment that means that the vessel is not an arrived vessel until she enters the dock to which she has been ordered for the purpose of discharge by the receiver of the cargo. I think that extends her carrying voyage up to the time she gets into the dock to which she is ordered for the purpose of discharge.

  3.364习惯的作用要么是使某船舶的装卸时间的起算提前,要么是使其延后。Norrkopings Rederiaktiebolag v. Wulfsberg & Co案中,该轮是以固定装卸时间的港口租船合同出租前往赫尔港运载矿井支柱。所产生的争议是装卸时间应从何时起算。Greer法官说:为了船东和货主的方便起见,可以把港口习惯写下来时,他接着又说:


  3.365 Norden Steamship Co v. Dempsey is another illustration to similar effect. Here a charter provided for the cargo to be discharged at a certain dock. The shipowners claimed that the vessel was entitled to give notice of readiness and commence laytime on arrival in dock. However, a custom at that port to the effect that in such circumstances time did not start until the vessel was in berth was held to prevail.

  3.365在Norden Steamship Co v. Dempsey案,是又一个展示这种效果的案件。在该案中,租船合同要求在某一码头卸货,船东主张该轮有权在抵达码头时递交准备就绪通知书并起算装卸时间。不过,按该港的习惯,在这种情况下,船舶只有靠泊后才能起算装卸时间,最后判定应优先适用该港的习惯规定。

  3.366 In addition to local custom taking effect as an implied term, as in the above examples, a charter may expressly refer to custom. Thus, in one case where by charter a ship was to ‘‘deliver according to the custom of the port’’, this was held to refer not only to the manner of delivery, but included a custom whereby laytime did not start until the ship was berthed under the superintendence of the harbour master.



  海运圈聚焦专栏作者 魏长庚船长(微信号CaptWei)